Woo Hoo! A Touring Forum!

Oh yeah!!!! Now I feel like doing more 1K mile rides.:thumbsup:

Thanks, Cap.:beerchug:

Here's my baby in front of Competition Accessories in Rock Hill, SC.:cheerleader:

1000 mile ride 167.jpg

1000 mile ride 349.jpg

1000 mile ride 074.jpg
Touring Busa gets around! I'm glad we have this new part of the .oRg :thumbsup:

'Busa newbie here, and wanting to do just this with my new ride! Wondering where you guys get your racks from? Like the one on the back of the white one above me!
I've seen the Motech(sp?) ones, but I think I'd like the other ones that I've seen on other 'Busas around this site. Most of them have big bags mounted on the passenger seat, and then still have a little rack on the back as well. I've searched for them, but only found examples on Gen1 bikes, and no Gen2.
Anyone know where the one above me on the white one is from?
So awesome!!! And I always love your photos!!! I wish like hell I could go on one of your rides, get my Dad to go, see the west coast...can't you do some east coast tours? :laugh:

Man oh man this is great!!! I was wondering how come this wasn't already here..Thank you for making this forum!
Grateful and glad to have this forum since I am NOT a track/canyon carver kind of guy. I like to meander and admire the scenery :) Did the IBA SaddleSore 1000 last month, looking to do the IBA BunBurner Gold soon (3000 miles in 48 hours, hope to swing thru 5-6 states)
Thanks! I had found them earlier, but never for a Gen2. Now that I know the name, I checked out the website, and found they do make them for the Gen2! Any recommendations for that one over the Motech one? Seems like that one is just a shelf more designed for a tail box than attaching a bag to it....???