Word of the day.

"What if Mr. Alex is even worse then the Foosa? I'm tellin' you, that dude just gives me the heebiedabajeebies!"
You're opinion doesnt count...you didnt raise your hand!!

Does anyone else have the heebiedajees? No
You're comment is stricken from the record!!


I love that movie...
Is that a movie about the Sandy Lame o Zoo?
"Whoa! Hold up there a second, fuzzbucket. You mean like, uh, the "live in a mud hut, wipe yourself with a leaf" type wild?"
"Darn you all to heck"

...reference to Charleton Heston in 'Planet of the Apes' from the '70s...
"Don't you love the people? Not a very lively bunch, though."

Okay, I've seen the movie wayyyyy too much...
"Presenting your royal highness, our illustrious King Julian the XIII, self-proclaimed lord of the lemurs, et cetera, et cetera, hooray, everybody"

yeah me to Michelle
Hey, at least they make the "kids" movies entertaining enough for the adults nowadays! And it all began with Shrek...well, I thought "Aladdin" was hysterical, but it seems with Shrek, they realized the market would boom if you entertain the BIG kids too...
Me and my best friend Niki can sit for hours and the only words that come out of our mouths are quotes from kids movies...
Gotta love it!!!