Bad Word...?

:laugh: Not scared but envied. :laugh:

We should have a las vegas meetup sometime. Seems like there are a lot of locals on the .org.

Me?! Envied?!!!??? There was a meeting a while ago, with scar, but I
was not feeling so hot then, but now ready for anything.:thumbsup::beerchug:
Yeah! Vegas meet and greet grip & grin!! :cheerleader: Gotta go by way of I40 if comming from So Cal. and up through Bullhead City and Laughlin. Good hole in the wall eats in Mohave Valley, AZ.:thumbsup: Viva Hoon Vegas!
So what are some good hotels in Vegas? Between 2 and 4 stars of course. Have to watch the budget! :cheerleader:

When I mooved here from LA in '77, stayed at a Travelodge, never a
Hotel, there are so many, I don't have a clue. Nick Sully or Scar might