Workplace Christmas Party Ride...

Looks like a good time...
Next time gimme a ring,you can use this (me other sheet box) bike,it will more than keep up with those!!
Dam dude...that's a sweet sporty! Very nicely done!

Jinkster, thanx for the pics! Looks like a great time!
FUZ1ON/Bill, you know you want a HD.

Stop the games and get one.

OH, be very careful on the bar stops.
Its cool that all the people you work with ride . But watch the drinking we want you to stay on the board! Merry Christmas, and Everyone stay safe out there!
Jinks, I was at Shea's about the time your posted this thread. I noticed the collection of Harley's parked out front but they didn't notice my busa.
Jinkster, noticed that DRAGON on the side of your bike, got one on mine to about the same location. Any time someone sees it they start talking about wanting to go or how great riding it was. hope to meet you at the bash in the spring. great pics. have a great Christmas.
Thanks for the pics. Several of the guys I work with ride. I't cool to be able to do something together outside of work that we all enjoy.