World\' Scariest Police Chases


It's Friday night and one of those "worst drivers/police chase" shows was on FOX.

What's your take on the way those shows are presented?

I was at my Mom's house tonight and that show was on. Now let me set this up for you. My Mom thinks that people who run from the cops should be imprisoned forever or shot for doing something that stupid. Now that's exaggerating it a little bit but you get my drift. She's against it.

Myself, I root for the guy to get away, but you know Hell will freeze over before they show us one of those. (I can dream though can't I?)

Now my Mom and I are watching this program and listening to that pecker head John Banal (that's a joke tell me if you got it) narrate in his "cops are gods" tone and my Mom turns to me and says something about what an A.S.S. the narrator is.

My point is, my Mom who dislikes law breakers, is against the cops, pointing out what bobos they are, is saying things like, "Why are they chasing that guy through school zones," and "so all this guy did was have a tail light out and they're gonna risk everyone else's life for it?"

Does anyone look at this show at say, "Wow that guy deserved the beating he got for running"?
Why can't runners just be arrested after a chase, why do they need a beating?
Does anyone else notice how when the cop slides out of control into the guy he's chasing the narrator says he did it on purpose when clearly, he didn't?
Does anyone else notice how any car that can pull away from the cops battle barge is a "supercharged speedster" but in the next breath Johnny says "did he really think his car could outrun the hi performance cruiser."
What do other cops think when they see this crap?
Why, after they have the plate numbers off the car, don't they just go wait at the guy's house for him to come home?
Why when the dispatcher says back off do they drop back a car length and keep chasing?

Do cops realize that shows like these help propagate the bad opinions that people have of police?

America, what do you think? (Dennis Miller)
I watched that show and it's the same as COPS and those other TV shows like on Discovery Cable Channel Life of a ER or Doctor.Most of the chases are people who got scared and just lost it and ran.But I guess if we rode with the cops we would get a different out look on life on the beat.I guess sometimes it would be funny to go to some of these calls with them and sometimes it would be dangerous.My opinion not all cops are bad.I have cop friends that are worst then some of my biker friends.But to answer you question on those cop shows on TV it all boils down to RATING grabing on Friday nights.What would you rather be watching Sitcomms or action pack.Any TV show can project on how they want to set a image of someone or group of people and it depends on how they edit the film or how they build the story line.It all boils down to the cutting room at the TV stations that produce these type of show.If they can make PeeWee Hermin look bad they can make anyone look bad.
In order to get your insurance company to pay up if you have full coverage,you need to get a police report so it would give a time frame from the time of the crime/stolen bike to the average time that most stolen bike/car are found and if not found than you get the pay out from the insurance company via blue book value.Stolen bike/car are low on the police list to find unless it's their own or a family member.My 2cents
I'm sorry I meant I was at your Mom's. LOL
Seriously though the show's on at 8pm the night life kicks up a little later than that.

Thanks man!

I've heard this argument before. Let me just say, I've had my house broken into. I've had my car broken into. When I was a kid I had my BMX bike stolen off the back porch. I called the cops each time and I never had anything returned to me ever. I've only ever met maybe 5 regular guy type cops in my life. The rest were ego tripping asses. I actually met the nicest cop in South Carolina who stopped me for speeding, wrote me a ticket and told me to call the judge when I got home. I called the Judge, like the man told me to. The judge had the cop standing there. After I asked him if my points would travel to Pa to mess up my license, he said they would. I asked him how long it would take because my driving record was about two weeks from being spot free. The judge put his hand over the receiver and I heard him talk to the cop they both agreed to drop the ticket so my insurance wouldn't be screwed! I'll never forget that, I still have the ticket and you know what? I drive the limit through there now because that guy earned my respect. You'll catch more flies with sugar than with vinegar. I think most cops loose sight of the goal it's not us against them. It's us against the criminals, the real ones. I know we need cops. I don't want baby rapers walking the streets or child beaters, wife beaters, crack dealers, thieves, etc. I seems to me that police get in their car and drive around looking to slap cuffs on people or write tickets, and god forbid you have long hair, are any color other than white, drive a sports car, are male, or are a teenager. These old farts drive around in their Caddys with the high beams on, through town. Or these kids with their driving lights or fog lights on and aimed into everyone's eyes. I've been scooting down the highway in my sports car and have been passed by minivan moms with four unseatbelted kids jumping around in the back and had the cop stop me. I don't understand my car was built for speed it has big brakes, sway bars and sits low to the ground and I'm the only one in it. That minivan has five people in it, a high center of gravity and wasnot built for speed. But cops aim for sports car drivers, I don't understand.
Jamie, I think you should get a life!!!! What the hell are you doing at your mom's house on a Friday night?

--Felix :wink:

Get off his back!!!! Sounds as if he has a life, just not the kind you have in mind. It is a good thing, him spending time with his family on Friday night. It is called devotion and sacrifice when you give time up for people you love. Keep up the good family work Jamie!!!
To Jamie: Plate idea sounds ok, in theory. However, I almost got my butt thrown in jail, behind a chase. It involved a 750 interceptor, I had sold 2 years prior. Notice of transfer was sent to DMV. It was not on computer, so I was still listed as owner. Cops were waiting at my shop. They had called me on the phone, but wouldn't tell me why, initially. Unbeknownst to them, the same phone rang at my house, 3 miles away. Fortunately, I had a good alibi, in that I was at a local shooting range, during chase. Also had my DMV records at home, for that sale. The guy they were chasing, still lived at address of record, 2 years later. Bike was never registered.
I agree with you 100%. I will be the first to admit that there is good and bad in every profession and "alot" but definitely not "all" are on ego trips.
Reality is most victims never see their property again because there are so many people who will buy the "hot" items. Just a sign of the degradation of society.
Please don't talk about stereotyping because I had hair halfway down my back. I treat everyone with respect even after they prove to be an ignorant *** .
That last guy that passed me with his HIGH BEAMS on was arrested for DUI in a station wagon.
Maybe someday I/someone will have the opportunity change your views in general.