Gee, it sure took a bunch of baiting to get you to bite - but thanks for finally responding.
Apology accepted. You know how I hurt when you ignore me.
What would I like you to tell me? I thought I made that clear in my ZX12Drools thread.
However, I am not against to restating it here. Let me know what you would like. I don’t mind cutting and pasting if you’re too lazy to click and point to open the other thread.
Don’t worry yourself about color; color is a secondary consideration after rwhp, torque,
top speed, ability to pump it up to 200+rwhp on pump gas and still be reliable. If you must know, I like red & black (the color was offered in Europe for the busa, and it looks striking on the 12).
I did not ask you to tell me which bike I will like. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.I was looking for a pro Kawi person to make their best argument for the bike. I was hoping that you were intelligent and that you had quite a bit of information that you could disseminate.
Scooters scare me - especially the big Vespa. Nasty handling in the twisties and at high speeds (they really scream with a big bore kit, nitrous, blower, etc.) I tend to wet myself.
I don’t care about being the fastest - there are many bikes (modified) out there that will out perform the busa or the 12. I would like to have a bike that will pulls hard in 5th and 6th like other bikes pull in 2nd and 3rd. I am not much interested in 1/4 mile racing, but would like to take the bike to Bonneville with taller gearing and see how fast I could go.
Please, no more brain farts like your last post - let’s see some real thought.
[This message has been edited by shane (edited 04 October 1999).]