Turtle out ran a police Helicopter!!!!!

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Hey I was watching one of those cop shows and the chopper pilot was complaining that the mustang was pulling away from him and he was loosing visual.Was that bullshit too?
They just can't bring themselves to contemplate the fact that the cops couldn't catch Turtle on his Busa with their slow copter. And since toofargoneforhelp doesn't think it's true I'm confident it DID happen. He hasn't been right about anything else! :)
Retodd you are a fool. I am not even surprised that you believe this because you are definetely an idiot. Your wife probably has to fill your easterbasket because you also believe in the Easter Bunny. Hahahah

What scares me though is that you are actually impressed with this. The average adult motorcyclist would not think this is cool and there are others here who who would concur. There are however a core group of you (not the majority) ten or so who decide what is good or bad and who is knowledgable and who is not. It is interesting that this is the same type of mentality that happens at another place. That place gentlemen is called first grade recess. Hahaha

Unfortunately that small but vocal minorty is in charge and the set the tone for this site. That is why people on other sites laugh at you. I e-mail friends and they read this site and laugh about this helicopter thread. Just think about what I am saying. Even your comebacks show a lack of intellegence. That core group of you are incredibly amusing though we just tune in and laugh and laugh. Hahahahahahah
Time to make a point. Todd is chastising me for bringing down the level of maturity at this site read what Todd thought about his hero Turtle and the good thing he says he did for motorcycling. BTW this post can be read on the first page.

"What a ride Turtle!! Talk about making the fuzz eat your exhaust! I guess the Busa commercial is true : "Hayabusa - Proof that you don't need wings to fly" You certainly proved that. Chalk one up for the GOOD guys!"

Not only does idiot Todd beleive this happened but he actually reads busa commercials!!! Hahahahaha what an idiot "you don't need wings to fly". That is right Todd so go jump off a cliff. Hahahahaha

Seriously though this is the kind of crap that makes us all look like fools as motorcyclists and most of the retards who are "upset" with me actually support this. Go figure.......
You still obviously have no clue what it is like to ride the mighty Busa do you?! If you did you would know that the Suzuki factory commercial that is running now describes the experience pretty well when they say "Hayabusa - proof that you don't need wings to fly". IF you ever wake up you might also notice that the commercial you know nothing about is rinning on TV and it is a VIDEO. Maybe if you didn't READ videos but instead tried WATCHING and LISTENING to videos you would understand them better? Same principal applies to your trash posting on our boards - maybe if you tried OBSERVING for a while and attempted to LEARN something you wouldn't continue to waste our time and space with worthless trash posting and foolishness. You had better post while you can. The owner of Hayabusa.org is taking steps to deal with you hostile trash posters and your time here is coming to and end. We will have a party to celebrate your removal!
Hahahaha oh my god I am gonna fall out of my chair!!! "You still obviously have no clue what it is like to ride the mighty Busa do you?" How old are you Todd? "The mighty busa" do you really talk like that hahahahah. You say that I post trash you sound like you read comic books hahahah!
Hey toofargoneforhelp -
Sounds like you are jealous that Turtle kicked the cop copter's butt. Pretty steamed up about that aren't you? I think it's pretty cool that the cops couldn't catch him. Can you prove it didn't happen? I didn't think so. About the only thing you seem to know how to do is hurl insults like a woman instead of discussing anything intellegently. Most of us don't even believe you own a bike. What motivates someone like you who is mentally challenged to come to our site even though you don't own a Busa and do nothing but spew insults, garbage and misinformation? Explain that please. Mental deprevation is a curiosity to most of us and you're kind of like our one man freak show now. We're going to poke you with sticks and see if we discover just how mis-wired you are. This should be fun.

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 04 October 1999).]
Save your typing. TooBad will fall silent after I post because he is afraid to answer me.

Are you going to answer my post? Or is your brain all tied up in knot trying to think of
a good reason to buy the 12? You’re usually fairly fast with your cute quips. Please, don’t keep me waiting any longer.
Let me get this straight Retodd. You are going to give me a psychological evaluation? Hahahaha my mis-wired brain hahahah. Do you believe in Santa too or just the Easter Bunny? Hahahahaha Poke me with a stick. Hahahahahah
Ok Shane I am sorry I ignored you. What do you want me to tell you? Which bike to buy? How the hell am I going to tell you which bike you will like.....? I don't even know what your favorite color is. I think you should buy a Vespa scooter if you need to ask me which bike you should buy. You need to ask yourself why you want a bike. Do you want it so you can say you have the fastest and derive your manhood from that fact? Then wait and see if the 12 beats the busa.
I'm convinced beyond all doubt that it is completely FUTILE to attempt any sort of reasonable and rational discussion with toofargone or jamie or whatever they are calling themselves now. I will take the advise of my fellow owners and stop wasting our time trying. It's up to Chase now - just hope it doesn't take as long as the T-shirts! :)
As per my e-mail to you----If there is anything we can do to help you get these hostile posts ended, please advise. Once again, how about a faxed copy of the title and a password issued??

Gee, it sure took a bunch of baiting to get you to bite - but thanks for finally responding.

Apology accepted. You know how I hurt when you ignore me.

What would I like you to tell me? I thought I made that clear in my ZX12Drools thread.
However, I am not against to restating it here. Let me know what you would like. I don’t mind cutting and pasting if you’re too lazy to click and point to open the other thread.

Don’t worry yourself about color; color is a secondary consideration after rwhp, torque,
top speed, ability to pump it up to 200+rwhp on pump gas and still be reliable. If you must know, I like red & black (the color was offered in Europe for the busa, and it looks striking on the 12).

I did not ask you to tell me which bike I will like. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.I was looking for a pro Kawi person to make their best argument for the bike. I was hoping that you were intelligent and that you had quite a bit of information that you could disseminate.

Scooters scare me - especially the big Vespa. Nasty handling in the twisties and at high speeds (they really scream with a big bore kit, nitrous, blower, etc.) I tend to wet myself.

I don’t care about being the fastest - there are many bikes (modified) out there that will out perform the busa or the 12. I would like to have a bike that will pulls hard in 5th and 6th like other bikes pull in 2nd and 3rd. I am not much interested in 1/4 mile racing, but would like to take the bike to Bonneville with taller gearing and see how fast I could go.

Please, no more brain farts like your last post - let’s see some real thought.

[This message has been edited by shane (edited 04 October 1999).]
"Hostile Posts"? What exactly are you referring to Earl? No one is swearing no threats do you consider people who don't agree with you to be hostile?

BTW Todd participates in the "Hostile Posts" as much as myself, Jamie or Falconcop. Look at what Kawabuser is doing to Ted that is not hostile?

Look at the purpose of this thread and what it means to motorcycling in general. Imagine if a Reporter does a story about this and focuses on the Busa and the 12 and asks why people need a bike that does 200mph is that the kind of press motorcycling needs? You call me childish? Maybe so but use your brains some of you actually think this is cool. Go to a racetrack and be proud of winning there. Racing police in helicopters is for television and comic books and should only impress idiots (look on the first page of this post to see who the idiots are most of them are the same fools who argue with my posts). If you don't know where there is a track and open Sessions call the AMA and they will give you locations, times and rates for the track that is closest to you. Please don't ruin it for the rest of us.
sniff... sniff... oooo! what's that smell? Hey who farted. Honey, what have you been feeding the dog - I mean that wreaks!
As I look this morning at this thread, I see that we still are lacking proof of the great helicopter chase.All you would have to do is scan the newspaper clipping, or tell us when it is going to be on cops so we can all watch it.That way we can put the issue to bed.By the way lay off the Easter Bunny..lol
I apologize for ruining easter for a few of you. Sorry Kevtec they are not going to respond to what you are saying because it is outside of the realm of their fantasy world.