Turtle out ran a police Helicopter!!!!!

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Not that I doubt you. No one I tell this story to believes me. Can someone send me a newspaper clipping or something to show folks.

Thanx in advance.
email me
I think one of the guys I ride with saved a clipping, I will ask him for it. I have been working out of town, so I haven't had a chance to look see at it either. I will ask him for it. It was a clip from The Star Tribune I Believe. I will get back to you.
Surly one of the papers that printed the story has a web site and you can get it there. Let me know if anyone finds this to be true. Thanks
Still playing the helicopter game.Are you sure that maybe you might have rode your Busa to the local arcade,got $10.00 in quarters,and was playing APACHE HELICOPTER.When you suddenly thought hey this would be a good thing to post on the board how I can beat a helicopter.As far as your responce to owning a Busa, yes iI have one along with a R1 Yamaha, GSXR 1100, 7 Harleys from 1958-1998, 3 Indians from 29 scout, 38 four cylinder with a side hack, 46 chief,all restored by me.Along with 25 yrs riding experience.I've heard some tall tales over the years, but I have to admit this one is by far the most far fetched in a long time.By the way i'm 41 yrs old, so I don't have to post bulls**t just to have something to say.If in fact you can produce a clipping,scan it, send it ,I stand corrected & will retract my statement of disbelief.Until then, you win this years 00========> ~~~~~ head award....
I find it amazing that some find this story so hard to believe. DO THE MATH DOUBTING KNUCKLEHEADS!!!!!!!

Helicopter doing 120 MPH, Busa doing 180+ MPH = 60 MPH difference. 60MPH = 1 MILE/MINUTE. If the helicopter pursued for 5 minutes, the Busa would put 5 MILES of distance between it, 10 minutes would equal 10 MILES of distance.

[This message has been edited by Turbo (edited 02 October 1999).]
It isn't about math knucklehead it is about bad press for the industry. Go tell a professional racer how cool you are.
Well turbo, thanks for your elementary version of basic math.I won't get into the Trig aspect of the situation,but I will try to tone it to a level that even you might comprehend.If the chopper is up 500 ft. he has approx.. 5-8 miles viewing in all directions.Even if he was running at 180,(which I doubt) who was looking at the road as he was looking to see the copter?Also,in case you might have over looked the chopper usually has a group of ground units in the pursuit along with himself.You can't outrun a radio quiz kid.Maybe we can get you some quarters for the arcade so you can play apache helicopter.Then you can say you out run him too.P.S. You can only have quarters if you quit your lieing,or no games for you QUOTE(KNUCKLE HEAD)
KEVTEC - Well, once again you prove that you don't want to be confused with facts. I'll keep the math basic again, because you still don't get it. You say the chopper could have had 5-8 miles of viewing area. Well, do the "basic" math. After 5-8 minutes, the Busa would be out of sight. Let's not even complicate things by assuming that there might have been hills, valleys, and turns somewhere in those 5-8 miles, considerably cutting down visibilty or that it was at nightime (remember, chopper had spotlight on).

I think we need a "DAH" in here somewhere.
Seems that we have a totally different aspect on what happened.The only way to verify that it actually happened would be to scan a newspaper clipping to prove it.If something like that actually happened i'm sure it would be in press.If no clipping is available,you could free to assume that it was a bullshit story with no substance to it....So i'm calling his hand of cards, (bluffing or full house)?
Hey Kevtec,I am with you. There is no way Turtle outran a hellicoptor. Note that a newspaper clipping has yet to be produced for us to read. I bet he's gone 9.20's at the track to!(lol)
I'm done with this thread, if you want a newspaper clipping talk to J.T. or Jed. It's his post his problem. If you don't think it is possible to outrun a PISTON powered Robinson (not a Turbine) without running lights in the dark. In the early Morning hours. You evidently don't know much about helicopters or the Minnesota highway system.
They also have only one pilot to operate it. They don't have another guy to operate a spotlight etc.. we are not talking about a Jet ranger here. more like a crop duster. This is a stupid Thread that I didn't start and I don't care about. Jed started it and he can finish. If you were to ride in the minneapolis area I only have about 30 witnesses. Jed it's all yours you Jack ass...
What am I doing to TED? Tell me, he raised the issue of honesty and credibility. His post was wrote with the intent to Bash a Dealership that has helped me resolve my cut-out problem and he implies that it was the dealer who was backstabbing. The guy is pissed, so he lashes out at the dealer here in this forum. I refuse to let him go unquestioned on this. If he went there to have the service bulletin work done they were prepared to do it. If he went there with the oem clutch in the bike he may of been able to blindside Suzuki Corp with his warranty claim.

He raised the question about my friends honor, and got tossed down the stairs with it. He should pick himself up and march on down to DMV and raise a stink there.

Do you stand up and defend a friends honor when it is challenged?
Uh sorry to point this out Kawabuser but you posted this on Oct 1. Ted posted his side a day later so maybe you should admit that you started it. As for the reason you posted it you explain that yourself in the first line "well here is one for your amusement". You did not do this to impart knowledge you did it to humiliate a fellow rider and "amuse" yourself. You also include the F word here among your other insults half of you talk about others coming here and posting "venom"? Give me a break!

Senior Member posted 01 October 1999 11:30 AM
Well, here is one for your amusement. It seem s that a board member who will remain nameless decided to take this clutch mod into his own hands. The bikes clutch was welded and put back together then rode for a few miles, when the bike made strange sounds he brought it back to the dealer for warranty repair of the *bad clutch*. It just so happened that day the regional Suzuki rep was in the shop, the bike when opened up revealed all sorts of metal pieces floating about in the engine case.

"ElCheapo" who didn't want to pay the price of a profesionally modified part, now owns a $11,000 1999 new Hayabusa that Suzuki does NOT have any responsibity to repair. A new motor which has to be torn down and cleaned of debris from the backyard clutch-mod.

There is more to fireing up the welder and drinking a beer when you mod your bike, the companies that offer parts stand behind them as well, so if the cost is too much just finish off your six pack while you rebuild your new bikes motor from your backyard mods.


"ELCheapo" = motor tear down and rebuild, loss of warranty. And faced with the reality of going to a profesional to rebuild a brand new motor.

Suzuki = Loss of a stupid customer, who will bash Suzuki for not standing behind their product. Maybe "ElCheapo" will buy a ZX12r now.

Schnitz/Davidson = Nothing lost, Schnitz is the cheapest place to buy parts anyway and Davidson will continue to offer a well made product. ("ElCheapo" now has to pay for a core charge, since his OEM parts are JUNK)

The story is true the name has been with held to protect the "cheap". And you had the nerve to bitch to the service manager about $75.00 to teardown and examine YOUR F___ UP, go buy a ZX12r!
I say Again A Bike Out run a copter LOL ))) did he maintain this 180 speed on a public hi-way..you dopes,,whatta bunch of gullible idiots.

Wait..wait..my side still hurts from Laughing )))) a bike out run a Chopper LOL ))))) and the Idiots who believe it!! DAMN this is Classic stuff !! 180 MPH and keeping it there till he got away LOL )))))

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I agree it is really funny unfortunately the level of stupidity it is typical. Most of the people who show intellegence and questioned this were flamed by members of the sheep committie. My favorite post was penned by Retodd.

"Hayabusa - Proof that you don't need wings to fly" You certainly proved that. Chalk one up for the GOOD guys!"

"Chalk one up for the GOOD guys" hahahaha didn't the Lone Ranger used to say that? Hahahaha
Guess you missed the numerous posts on police corruption and police criminal activity??? As usual you open you mouth wide enough to get both feet in instead of checking the facts before. Turtle IS a GOOD guy. Many cops are CRIMINALS. You are so uninformed it is PATHETIC. I could point you to various sources where you could learn but that would be a further waste of typing.
You are truely a lost cause and a bigtime loser. What a waste.