Still playing the helicopter game.Are you sure that maybe you might have rode your Busa to the local arcade,got $10.00 in quarters,and was playing APACHE HELICOPTER.When you suddenly thought hey this would be a good thing to post on the board how I can beat a helicopter.As far as your responce to owning a Busa, yes iI have one along with a R1 Yamaha, GSXR 1100, 7 Harleys from 1958-1998, 3 Indians from 29 scout, 38 four cylinder with a side hack, 46 chief,all restored by me.Along with 25 yrs riding experience.I've heard some tall tales over the years, but I have to admit this one is by far the most far fetched in a long time.By the way i'm 41 yrs old, so I don't have to post bulls**t just to have something to say.If in fact you can produce a clipping,scan it, send it ,I stand corrected & will retract my statement of disbelief.Until then, you win this years 00========> ~~~~~ head award....