Turtle out ran a police Helicopter!!!!!

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Ya gotta love it! Turtle is the man. High five guy! Cops should have called in the Air Force for back up!

Turtle now needs a new nickname? any ideas??

[This message has been edited by JohnnyB (edited 26 September 1999).]
I head/read about this one a long time ago, it's the old "Turtle vs the Hare" story. The story is the same only the names have been changed to protect the "Inocent". :)

Turtle vs. H.A.R.E.(Helicopters Are Really Extinct), once again the Falcon has ridden to the top of the food chain.

:)Hayabusa +10 (this really is a ten pointer)

:(ChopperCop -10 (his Falcon cop buddies must be really pissed, TV coverage and all that)
JED, how about going over and posting "Turtle" as a nominee for the Speedo Adjustment Module, then we could check calibrations the of true airspeed of Helicopters as well. Maybe we could convince Roman to include a LED dashlight to alert the rider as to when you have exceeded Helicopter Tracking Speed.

Bundle this with a Valentine1 and old FalconCop161 will never mess with a Busa again.
Our local "snitch (FC)" hasnt post on this thread yet. If, in fact, it really was one of use he was chasing?

WOW ! I wish we could get an mpeg of the news clip to post on the website. I guess they didnt get the license plate of that low fly'n jet !!! heheheeheheheh

BUT It says that the pilot was one crazy F#$#KER :) He be the 'MAN' in my book.

Who was that masked man :)
I have to say I'm impressed that a Bus can outrun a helo BUT

I wouldn't be surprised if FC161 has somebody serving a subpoena on BigDOG to get our hero's IP address and hence his identity.
Or he has told the local cops how to catch him. Remember, the guy is a known prick. Committing a felony isn't particularly cool and bragging about it on the net is less so.

Sorry about the bucket of cold water guys but I'm thinking about our people's welfare here.
Kenny Roberts(jr and senior), Fogarty, Bostrom-those are the people I admire for riding road bikes fast and safe(read ON THE TRACK).
Have you seen those obits-A motorcyclist was killed when he LOST CONTROL and hit a (pole,guardrail, tree, car, etc..) at a high rate of speed. Sure maybe you have great riding skills but the streets are not a predictable place so when you ran from the cops you got lucky because nothing unavoidable happened. It's Russion roulette-you pulled the trigger and THIS time there were no bullets. Go race on the track. You can go as fast as you dare, there are no cops, and if you go really fast YOU WIN. Sounds good to me!
This is why there will never be a perfect crime. I always talk to my friends before we go riding...

If something was to happen to one of use, well we both dont have to go down for it.
Standard replay for.. Who was your buddy?
any biker............ Buddy? I dont know.
He just rode up.

Done.. end of questioning..
I see nothing...
I hear nothing...
I tell nothing...
Come on now,This site is getting to be ,(who can tell the biggest,baddest story).I don't believe it for one minute he out ran a helicopter.Be realistic, he's up approx. 500 ft.able to see for miles in any direction,then poof he's gone.Next thing he'll be saying is that he's outrunning f-14's at the local naval base..

[This message has been edited by KEVTEC (edited 27 September 1999).]
...it never fails to amaze me that so much effort and expence is wasted on catching us bikers when so much else is wrong with the world...how often is someone killed or injured by a bike they are not on? Why do they keep trying to protect us from ourselves, when there are already way too many of us...I don't support drunken driveing, but feel that helment laws (and anti drug laws for that matter) are counter productive to the welfare of society...this is just evoloution in action. I would wear a helment in the car too, if there was room to and the cops wouldn't look at me like I had two heads...every time I've seem even a minor crash it seems every one bumps their head in a car... got the worst concussion of my life when a dui torpedoed my car after he ran a light. My seat belt did almost nothing...my head hit the a piller and my hip hit the arm rest hard enough to rupture two discs in my back...the fuker got off cean too...he knew the top cop in town...I had to collect damages from my own insurance. But Turtle is a felon!? I'm quite sure the pursuing police offered a greater threat to pulic safty than the whole rat pack did before the cops showed up...maybe they can charge him with that too...anyway , without positive ID at the scean, Turtle should be safe, as all this crap is what they call "hearsay". Oh , I allmost forgot about the time a drunken State Police captain T boned my next car as I sat at a stop sighn...within two miniutes, eight patole cars were at the scean and I got a ticket for violating right of way and falure to stop! They tossed it in court, but its the thought that counts!(actualy, the cop tried to sue me and the lack of a conviction saved my ass) At least FalconCOP 161 tells it like it is...
Think, doubting Thomases. Turtle did not necessarily have to outrun the 'copter, although that is entirely possible depending on the 'copter model (very few can do 180.)

The search light is not FIXED on a copperchopper. It is swivelled to follow the target by the passenger/copilot or even by the pilot himself if he happens to have three arms.

All that had to happen for Turtle to escape was for the searchlight operator to lose track of him...and that's real easy to do when dealing with such a relatively tiny, darting, obscure target as a motorcycle at night.
Two points

It is entirely possible to outrun a helo at night. Once in a former life on a medevac mission I asked the pilot to haul ass. He did. A Huey's max speed is about 120 mph. Most police helo's are a version of the old jet powered UH-1B. With a 60 mph advantage, to get out from under the searchlight, beating a helo can be done. The fact that it can be done still doesn't make it smart. The odds of death or jail time grow exponentially.

I was wrong about FC161. He doesn't have a clue. But be careful what you post guys. There are smarter cops out there lurking.

Damn I'm impressed.

[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 28 September 1999).]
Back in the late 1989,1990 time frame,I read a story and it was also on the news that a Hi performace motorcycle out ran the CHP airplane over at interstate 5 "HWY-5" the chase was outside of LA and heading towards the Grape Vine,Bakersfield,San Francisco.The Pilot radio a ground unit that it was losing sight of the motorcycle and that they needed to setup a car at the offramp near Bakersfield since the fog that's in the valley would cause the pilot some concern.The motorcycle got away in the end.They later said the suspected motorcycle was a
Kawa ZX-10 since one was seen in the area gasing up on one of those gas stop on HWY-5,the rider was never caught.My own opinion,I think it was one of those Motorcylist Mag testers who rode off into the sunset or was it Jay Leno.
For a question in the beginning, the first busa that broke the double ton 200.2MPH, on the odometer was showing 217MPH..

So Turtle was doing about 198-199MPH ??

Way to go!!
i recall watching a few episodes of fox's "worlds scariest police chases" (a.k.a Falconcops show to jackoff to) that has more then a few helicoptor chases featured. One was in pursuit of a brown early model chevy caprice (this was during the day). When the caprice ducked off the highway and into the city the helo lost site of the car. It regained site of the car moments later and they were caught. Another episode featured a chase (at night) of a white blazer running through the city where the helo was having a hard time keeping up with the vehical. Now if a couple of lowly crates can ditch (or come close to) a helo by darting in different directions or just hitting speeds of 100mph, it doesn't seem to be to hard to believe the 190+mph hayabusa could pull this off as well.

not that i recommend anyone trying it (again) though.. :)

First of all, I am not in any trouble. I have talked to a few cop friends of mine and nobody seems to be pursuing this. As for the 2 doubting Thomas's on the board, who not suprisingly one is a cop. The State patrol here uses Robinson 22's which the top speed is around 100 knots or so.I also posted on an earlie thread that I have made a headlight mod, in which I can kill the headlight.( I don't want to hear any replies to how dangerous that is," NO S**T".) I didn't design that system to outrun cops. I designed that system for my strobe light system I have in the busa. I would also recommend if you were ever to be pursued by a helicopter, head towards a big cities skyline, you would be amazed what those big buildings can do for you! I am also not the one who wrote this thread, I would prefer it was never written. Oh yeah for those people 2 or one person who doesn't think this is possible, I pity you either don't own a Busa or apparently have not used your Busa to its fullest capabilities. Why even have one?