...it never fails to amaze me that so much effort and expence is wasted on catching us bikers when so much else is wrong with the world...how often is someone killed or injured by a bike they are not on? Why do they keep trying to protect us from ourselves, when there are already way too many of us...I don't support drunken driveing, but feel that helment laws (and anti drug laws for that matter) are counter productive to the welfare of society...this is just evoloution in action. I would wear a helment in the car too, if there was room to and the cops wouldn't look at me like I had two heads...every time I've seem even a minor crash it seems every one bumps their head in a car... got the worst concussion of my life when a dui torpedoed my car after he ran a light. My seat belt did almost nothing...my head hit the a piller and my hip hit the arm rest hard enough to rupture two discs in my back...the fuker got off cean too...he knew the top cop in town...I had to collect damages from my own insurance. But Turtle is a felon!? I'm quite sure the pursuing police offered a greater threat to pulic safty than the whole rat pack did before the cops showed up...maybe they can charge him with that too...anyway , without positive ID at the scean, Turtle should be safe, as all this crap is what they call "hearsay". Oh , I allmost forgot about the time a drunken State Police captain T boned my next car as I sat at a stop sighn...within two miniutes, eight patole cars were at the scean and I got a ticket for violating right of way and falure to stop! They tossed it in court, but its the thought that counts!(actualy, the cop tried to sue me and the lack of a conviction saved my ass) At least FalconCOP 161 tells it like it is...