World's Fastest Woman on a Motorcycle?

Shes got good looks AND good taste!!

and I thought she owns a Zuke dealership...
Gotta Love Texas.

...and Santa is alive and well...he drives a brown truck and comes to my house often.
blondie is really a hottie! Jennifer robertson is cool. She grew up about 20 minutes away from me. She's got skills, really nice too. She looks like a midge on that turbo busa though.
2-Fast-Jenn her bike was at Johnny Cheese shop when I was there one day.

High Five Cycles is Al Lamb's dealership for their used bikes. Both very fast women.
I'm drooling now; Wow, she is pretty, oh yeah the bikes OK too................
She needs one of the shirts that said
"Dude, you just been beat by a GIRL"

I thought I was fast, My buddy told me his speedo was at 178 last weekend when I flew past him.
(Mine was pegged)
That would have been 4th gear for her


Hot bike. Not so hot girl. Leslie is a 12 out of ten as for as looks go. She also has a beautiful bike. Thanks for the pics.
Re: World's Fastest Woman on a Motorcycle?

I dont know how old that vid is but,I saw her run @ San Antonio Raceway a few months back. she was on a gsxr 1000 alright but it had a stretch and air shifter ,her time was more like 8's. very quick off the line too. She made me feel fat old and slow.
Actually the fastest Woman is from Canada and rides a Turbo Busa. She ran 239MPH last year. I cannot remember her name though.
I am looking forward to running my bike at Goliad to see what she has got.