Would you or wouldn't you?

listen, if you have been waiting for 7 YEARS....what the hell is the problem with waiting a few more months? and when the 07's come out and you decide you dont like them, then what the hell is the problem with waiting a few more months for the 08's  
 and hell, if you decide you dont like the 08's.......
That was funny..
I guess it really depends on how bad u want to ride.. I bought a red busa and red is not for me but I just wanted that busa so bad, I wouldn't care if it was yellow with green dots. hehe..

if i were you, i would wait the 4 months til sept. and i'd also save up a little more dough because if everyone is right and suzuki does come out with a 6 then my guess is that its going to cost a little more than now

If you don't like it, I'm sure the older models will be cheaper with a new model out.
If its the same as always, what's the difference in waiting 6-7 more months?
I would not wait. Anything could happen between now and then. We are not promised tomorow. I'm not trying to be negative,but there is a guy selling an 05 Busa on Ebay that has 199 miles, He bought it, but he had a car accident and now can't ride (Item # 4626696849). Heck he lives in Florida like us, and only rode 199 miles and now can't ride at all. It's sad to think about stuff like this, but just another response to your question.
Just what changes (that you can use) do you think they are going to make? You planning on racing it in stock form, full bore for money
? If not, the changes will mean NOTHING to you if you buy one now. Doesn't bother me that some on this site have 250 and above HP with Turbo Charging. I would NEVER use that power anyway. So, what do you think you are going to lose out on ? Except a new body style !
Not looking for more HP, it's fine as it is for me.  Hell, they could use the same engine as far as I'm concerned.  I would simply be looking for new style, colors, wheels, etc.

The 06' colors they have now are played out and I'm not crazy about the LE.  I do like the blue/silver when modded w/ coordinating colors.

Just don't want to buy an 06' and then go awe shoot I love that all blue 07' model a few months later.
If that's the way you feel, I WOULD WAIT for the 07  
Go get one. Who knows, you could get hit by a bus in July and never have a chance to ride again. Then you'd feel pretty stupid for wasting your chance. If they come out with something radically different in '07, just trade the old model in and get one then or wait and get an '08. Either way, life is too short and unpredictable to keep putting the good stuff off.
I heard it from a guy who yes has to have to most horsepower bike. Bragging rights I guess.. To me I love the busa just the way it is. I am not a horsepower expert but it can't be too many more horses from 1300 to 1400 or 1500 that a little more mods can't help with. The busa has a sweet look to it that is probably why suzuki hasn't changed it in 7 years other than change colors..But yes each year they have new colors so I see what u are saying. Don't the 07 come out towards the end of the year, so really u just have a few more months to wait...
If you wait, you'll miss another excellent riding season, and have to listen to all of us tell you how great it was.

If you're a true BUSA fan, you'll buy now, and enjoy it for what it is. If you want to get even MORE philosophical, as morbid as it sounds, you could be DEAD by '07 (the rest of us as well for that matter, just a fact of life). If the '07 is that cutting edge, you can always trade your existing one in..

Seize the day.. Buy one now. Oh, and if you just got married, even MORE reason to buy the bike NOW. The wife will find plenty of home upgrades to do with that 10K, and then you'll REALLY be kickin' yourself!!

Dude! Just go buy it. If you've saved the money, go for it. Treat yourself and stop dilly-dallying!
I too say wait. What have you got to lose. As you say, you should be able to find a new 06 somewhere if you don't like the 07.