boy this is going to draw some fire but here is what I see every day..
Worker will walk down a hallway, step over a piece of paper and leave it for someone else to pickup...
Many if not most of the staff I deal with on a daily basis REFUSE to do anything outside their defined little job description citing "I am not paid to pick up trash", or "I am not paid to {insert duty here}"
I work exactly opposite of that, I find things that need done.. I grew up in a family that was self employed (my parents never had jobs they went to, they had business's that they worked).. A CEO MUST find value and keep a company moving forward or the company will die..
The worker mentality is one of "how easy can I get it", not "what can I do to make this better" sad part is most will blame this attitude on "pay scale" not even taking into consideration that they might just in fact command more money by being a "pro active" person..
Different folks, different strokes.???
Me, I work on the "need principle", it means that in my profession I make sure that the organization I work for REALLY needs me, by the value I add. If I ever even get close to the point where I personally feel I do not add enough value and I am not really needed, I am gone, bye bye, find somewhere else where I can be more useful. Never been unemployed, never had to even consider a pay cut in my life.
Think about work as your profession. What is the goal of a professional motorcyclist? The goal is to be the best and get across the line first, get into the best team, have the fasted lap times. Try and be a professional with exactly the same motives in your job, after all this is 2/3rds of your life, so why not capitalize and make it as competitive and as much fun as possible.
If I had to be unemployed tomorrow, and the only thing available was flipping hamburgers at Mc Donalds, I would gladly accept the challenge. Once in, I'll figure out how to get the best lap time, so I can get Manager status. Once there, figure out how to get hold of a franchise.
Sorry for being a BAD ASSED capitalist, but capitalism creates jobs. Look at your glass as being half full, not half empty, as the USA still offers a very high standard of living for anyone who is willing work hard and put the ego aside, especially those who want to cross the line first. We have something no one else has, a mass of hard working Americans, unified and a politically stable country, compared to all our neighbors.
Life is about the choices we make, the current economic mess has nothing to do with exploiting foreign competitive manufacturing, it has to do with financial miss management in the lending institutions, so credit has dried up. I believe 2009 will be tough, 2010 much the same and in 2011 we will again see growth.
Those who are unhappy about jobs lost to sourcing better prices overseas, if your Busa was made 100% in the US, the price tag would probably have been twice what it is today. I believe in 2011, foreign labor will not be as affordable as it is today and some of those jobs will come back here.
Never take a pay cut if you have a choice, rather figure out how you can help your company to be more sucsessful by influencing your peers, management and workers, so you can create more jobs.