Wouldn't You Know It...


Just got back from a little (well, it would've been little if I hadn't taken the long way!) scoot to the local Home Depot and while I acknowledged every bike (and them I, except one bad-ass looking dude on a HD) one guy in particular on a silver ZX-14 did a quick look at me and then proceeded to pretend not to have seen me... and yes, I still gave him an acknowledgement wave.

What gives?
Not to be an a$$, but what's the deal with the waves? I rarely wave. Your hands belong on the bars. I don't not wave to be a jerk, I just think it's kind of foolish... Sorry, I guess it's the Masshol- in me.
When Im cruising, it's usually with one hand on the bars anyways so I wave to pretty much anyone, I just feel like a retard when I wave and the other guy doesn't wave back.. TO tell the truth, I haven't seen a ZX-14 on the road yet (actually havent seen 1 in the 3 years Ive been riding) so I cant really comment on that particular situation
Not to be an a$$, but what's the deal with the waves? I rarely wave. Your hands belong on the bars. I don't not wave to be a jerk, I just think it's kind of foolish... Sorry, I guess it's the Masshol- in me.
Let it be foolish in your mind then. Some people do some people dont. I particularly think that if someone takes the time to acknowledge your existence on the road with them, then so should you.
If your excuse is keeping your hands on the bars b/c your scared then i suppose thats okay too.

His ole lady may have cut him off last nite so he wasn't in the mood for friendship.... Ok Ok I know the drill...
Let it be foolish in your mind then. Some people do some people dont. I particularly think that if someone takes the time to acknowledge your existence on the road with them, then so should you.  
If your excuse is keeping your hands on the bars b/c your scared then i suppose thats okay too.

To a 'T' that pretty much sums up my logic on the situation.
Ah, dont worry about it bro. Wave all you want, I do. I will wave whether they wave back or not. I dont care, I am happy go lucky and dont let the other guys bad attitude ruin yours!
hahaha, I had the same post like a week ago.. it's not the bike, it's the douche bag ego behind the handlebars.
Wow, nothing like the personal attacks... I'm not saying I ignore guys that wave at me. I guess I'm just skeered because I don't wave at the thousands of bikes I pass... please. If you feel like waving, wave
Everyone needs to stop getting so wrapped up around the axel as to if people wave or not.

There are lots of reasons why people might not wave, they could be in the middle of shifting, they could have been distracted by watching the road, the could have personal issues they are thinking about and they don't see anyone or anything.

These are just the reasons I have not waved in the past.

I would say most of the time someone doesn't wave it probably is not malicious, there is probably something going on that you are just not aware of.

And at the small moments when maybe a person is just being a azz wipe, don't let their attitude ruin your day, you do have to live with them or hang out with them, they are the ones going through life miserable, don't let them drag you down with them by getting upset just because they don't wave, smile and just be glad you don't have to deal with them on a daily basis

its all good, even when it might seem it isn't
Ah, dont worry about it bro. Wave all you want, I do. I will wave whether they wave back or not. I dont care, I am happy go lucky and dont let the other guys bad attitude ruin yours!

Back when I was starting to ride my uncle told me that it's proper form/ etiquette to acknowledge a fellow biker as it takes a different (lo! more balls then brains) kind of person to ride a bike (and more so to actually ride it properly, but that's another thread for another time...) so yeah, just seems that unless ones in a corner or something that demands both hands to be on the bars that you should consider the other biker.

Two riders could be as opposite (music, food, lifestyle etc.) as they come but once you get on that bike you become part of a society...
Not to be an a$$, but what's the deal with the waves? I rarely wave. Your hands belong on the bars. I don't not wave to be a jerk, I just think it's kind of foolish... Sorry, I guess it's the Masshol- in me.
I feel ya bro. Sometimes I wave and sometimes I don't. But I don't think it's cuz you are a "Masshol" otherwise I guess that would make me an AZwhole!

Ok that was a really cheap attempt at gratuitous humor...and be
W/ that other dood!
Waving is an historical tradition that's fading fast. If you're old enough to remember when there weren't thousands of motorcycles on the road, you might understand why riders wave. We used to be few and far between and a wave out on a deserted two lane was a sign of friendship. These days when you meet and pass several bikes in a day's ride, waving can sometimes lose its real meaning.
Waving is an historical tradition that's fading fast.  If you're old enough to remember when there weren't thousands of motorcycles on the road, you might understand why riders wave.  We used to be few and far between and a wave out on a deserted two lane was a sign of friendship.  These days when you meet and pass several bikes in a day's ride, waving can sometimes lose its real meaning.
For sure. There are way more riders now then before so I can understand not wanting to wave every block or so...
Waving is an historical tradition that's fading fast. If you're old enough to remember when there weren't thousands of motorcycles on the road, you might understand why riders wave. We used to be few and far between and a wave out on a deserted two lane was a sign of friendship. These days when you meet and pass several bikes in a day's ride, waving can sometimes lose its real meaning.
You know what is funny? You are absolutely correct. When I was kid, I waved just like you're talking about. I just didn't get into all the history/tradition etc and probably could have dropped the Masshol- comment. Your come back to me didn't support your comments here though...

"Nod"...  the new "wave"  

you can still NOD with both hands on the wheel

Guy on the 14 could have been looking PAST you for traffic, not at you.  Many times there are circumstances that make people not wave.  I was just starting to release the clutch once going thru a left turn in a busy intersection and felt bad that I literally didn't have a free hand to wave back during those particular seconds.  I waved my PINKY whilst feathering my clutch and nodded large for him to see.  normally a free hand is not a problem for me, but while turning and clutching on takeoff it was impossible
Its the old HD attitude they dont want to lower them selves to a wave at someone on a so called Jap bike. But ya know something, most of them accept help from one of us when they are on the side of the road because something vibrated off or it quit running. I wave and if ya don't wave back no big deal...