i'm tired of the whole game. I'd rather just concentrate on riding.
+1,000,000 !!!!!!
i'm tired of the whole game. I'd rather just concentrate on riding.
I wave to everyone regardless of what they ride. I have even caught myself waving at riders while driving the truck. (yeah I get wierd looks sometimes)
i used to wave at riders but got burned too many times. if a rider waves i return the favor, otherwise it's another vehicle passing by.![]()
man i wave at all bikers, if they don't wave back oh well. a lot of harley guys don't wave back around here, but i still wave. at least they know all us sport bike guys aren't ass holes![]()
I think anyone riding a BUSA should ONLY wave at other people riding a BUSA...
I think thats what I gonna do from now on...start the revolution...what the hell we've been nice enough for years and years and years...to people with substandard motorcycles it's time to reclaim our position atop the food chain...who's with me
After all you don't see lions waving hi at gazelles before they eat 'em do you?![]()
I think you need to start the speach with "I have a dream." rofl
I even wave at scooter dudes![]()
When I started street riding 30 years ago in a smaller town everybody waved at everybody on 2 wheels, it was pretty cool. But times have changed, people have changed, and the wave is now an anochrism of another era for the most part. I only return waves anymoreI typically wave at anyone and 99% wave back. Rarely snubbed by Harley riders and when it does happen I dwell on it for all of 1 second. I have never been flipped off (that wouldn't go over too well).
I'm sure I'll get flamed for this but after 25 years of waving I'm personally sick of it and wish it would go away. I draw the line while in traffic or large divided highways. Sorry but you're not getting a return wave from me when you're 200'+ feet away or surrounded by cars and semis.
On top of that I own a Corvette which also involves an idiotic wave. Those discussions revolve around which generation thinks they're too good to wave at others. C2 guys think they own the only real Corvettes, C5 guys think anything less isn't worthy of a wave, C6 guys just don't know yet because they're noobs, C3 guys feel their cars are the epitome of the HP wars....
Of course those things are never said by an owner of a specific generation. It's just the butt hurt guys making up reasons why another generation didn't wave back at them.
How about some people just want to enjoy their ride and their own business?
After all you don't see lions waving hi at gazelles before they eat 'em do you?![]()