Seems to me that some hd rideers wave and some give you a dirty look, lately more dirty looks than waves. Sportbike riders are sick of waving and gettin dirty looks so they forget to wave all the time.
Whoah... you actually teach people to not hold on with both hands? *tisk* *tisk*So every class I teach I always mention "The Wave"
I remember the first time I waved at a harley rider and he didn't acknowledge me back. I was livid, then I turned to confused, then I felt sorry for him. I felt sorry because he was so closed minded to a specific type of bike rider, that he couldn't see past the HD Windscreen on his bike to give me a HI. So every class I teach I always mention "The Wave", the simple little thing, no matter what type bike your riding, that lets another rider know that you are part of that fraternity, brotherhood, sisterhood, and/or family. In South Florida when I ride, I would say that out of 10 riders I pass, 6 will wave. The others never even acknowledge me. When I ask my classes why they don't wave at bikers on other brands of motorcycles I always get the same response "They never wave back" These are harley guys saying sport bike guys never wave back.. I'm confused, is this true. My fellow sport bike/sport touring riders don't wave. Yes it is true, Most of my turn down waves are from sport bike riders. Maybe we are going to fast to see the other rider, I don't know. But as long as im riding I will be waving. No matter what kind of bike your riding, you can count on me to acknowledge your love for the ride.
Here are some compiled reasons why most harley riders dont wave![]()
Top 10 Reasons Why Harley Riders Don't Wave at Other Motorcyclists.
10) They're way too cool to acknowledge any non-Harley riders.
9) They're too busy daydreaming about owning a real motorcycle.
8) Their engine is too weak to handle the added wind resistance of a waving hand.
7) The Rottie (in back of the pickup truck with the tied down Harley) is easily upset by rapid hand movements.
6) Are you kidding? Risk their lives trying to control a Harley with just one hand!
5) They're too busy humming "Born to be Wild" while fantasizing about being Peter Fonda or Dennis Hopper.
4) They're too busy figuring out how to pay for the next order of genuine Harley accessories (including the "official" HD calculator needed to add up the cost).
3) If we really have to tell you, you won't understand anyway.
2) They can't see you because their half-shell helmet keeps falling down over their eyes.
1) They think we are actually trying to draw their attention to the parts falling off their bikes, and they are sick and tired of it.
Hey nothing is forced on them, they choose whether to wave or Nod...I just inform our future riders of proper road etiquette.Whoah... you actually teach people to not hold on with both hands? *tisk* *tisk*So every class I teach I always mention "The Wave"![]()