Didnt see it anyplace.... but figured the righty-tightys would have been all over this..
ACORN is shutting its doors...
cant say im surprised, or sad....
uhm... yeah that's all i got...
Shell game, they are going to reorganize and come back with a new name.
Oops Blonde beat me to it....
as long as there are pimps, trying to open ho-houses,with under-age sex slaves... using social security and disability money....there will be a need for groups like ACORN.
It does exist.....now.
I'm so proud of you Goatkart! I know you want to be a lefty, but I think you just may be a closed closet righty.
Actually, i USED to be a republican...but more like a Lincolin republican....
not this tea party touting, religious nut swinging, praise jesus and burn the gay people version that exsists now...
i totaly disowned that group of republicans...
i swung left somewhere around the end of George Sr. and Clinton taking office truth be told...
meh, whatcha gonna do...
Wow, do you feel better now to get that off your chest? If the biggest concern we ever have with a politician is the fact that he loves Jesus and supports the Tea Party movement I think we'd all be better off. Sign me up!
Now as far as that whole "burn the gays" thing.... not really sure where that came from and I'll leave it at that. ???