Sorry to tell you this but we are all humans. Humans are smart but also selfish and greedy. I will guarantee that even before the testing starts, someone will find a way to make money they don’t deserve. After the testing starts and children are removed, welfare fraud may start to fall but Foster care fraud will increase. The little known issues with foster care fraud and abuse will become the focal point of future discussions like this one. I can see it now, “look at those lazy bums, they quit their jobs to be full time foster parents and live off the systemâ€.
Also, do you realize we spend more per child for foster care than we do for welfare? So, the more kids you switch from welfare to foster care, the more tax dollars we spend.
I'm sorry, but not doing the right thing (cleaning up welfare) because it would cause more problems in another area is not a decent answer - it's the cowards and the socialists way out. Clean up welfare, then clean up foster care fraud. It's all ILLLEGAL.
Since you want specific plans, I'll tell you exactly what we need to do:
1. Close the border and send illegals home (There's a quick way to start freeing up tax dollars and giving job employment opportunities to help AMERICANS). Unemployment rate drops immediately because legal citizens will now have opportunities for jobs currently being held by illegals. Yes, prices will go up (I'd rather pay for services than give it away), but at least it levels the playing field in business....
2. Start reducing welfare in stages over a 5 year period, 10% a year (WEAN people off the government dole). You should NEVER be able to get more money sitting around the house on your tail than you could working. NO reason a 19 year old in good physical health should be getting benefits..I'd even pay some taxes to MATCH a portion of what they earn as incentive. At least they'd be off the streets working instead of committing crimes. How about the employer pays $5/hour, and the Govt matches the other $5 in selected industries (NON UNION) that the government wants to promote?
3. WIC should only include STAPLES, no junk food or high end meat, BEANS AND TATERS ONLY. WIC is for SURVIVAL, NOT ENJOYMENT
4. Drug tests to qualify for government assistance. Take the kids away from those who can't pass - a child is still in better shape and has a better chance in foster care than with a deadbeat dopehead.
5. Make people so SOMETHING for benefits - pick up trash, dig a ditch, I don't care - the public service unions would cry foul, but our government does not exist for their paycheck.
That's just a start...go ahead, take your shots folks.
The bottom line is, if people want help, they need to find a way to CONTRIBUTE to our society other than breathing, eating and pooping. Right now the government incentivizes people to not work, have multiple kids they can't afford, do drugs and commit crime...