Wristy crashed

Meta title: Mr.

Meta description: 20

Bike is overrated actually, it's only that red color that makes it appealing, typically to MaxWristers who frequent coffee shops and hold court telling everyone how great it is. Then ride quickly back home before it has one of those "that's not supposed to happen" issues.
Let's remember that MaxWrist has 1.1M subscribers on YouTube and 650,000 followers on Insta. You and I may not like him or the crazy videos he puts out but you gotta respect these numbers.
I'll bet he earns a pretty good income from just riding around all day and editing at night.
Let's remember that MaxWrist has 1.1M subscribers on YouTube and 650,000 followers on Insta. You and I may not like him or the crazy videos he puts out but you gotta respect these numbers.
I'll bet he earns a pretty good income from just riding around all day and editing at night.
Still won't stop the cops from arresting him....again.....

Gixxerbruh got it before for posting these sorts of videos....
Respect the numbers? Over 10% of the American population believe the Lunar landings were faked, all six of them I guess. It's not hard to get a million idiots to sign up for anything in this day and age.

Despite the extraordinary volume of evidence (including 382kg of moon rock collected across six missions; corroboration from Russia, Japan and China; and images from the Nasa Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter showing the tracks made by the astronauts in the moondust), belief in the moon-hoax conspiracy has blossomed since 1969. Among 9/11 truthers, anti-vaxxers, chemtrailers, flat-Earthers, Holocaust deniers and Sandy Hook conspiracists, the idea that the moon landings were faked isn’t even a source of anger any more – it is just a given fact.
I have X number of followers and Y subscribers. So what? The amount of importance people give poop like that is as dumb as the people that follow that moron. Social media is the bane of humanity and it only continues to spiral downward.
I have X number of followers and Y subscribers. So what? The amount of importance people give poop like that is as dumb as the people that follow that moron. Social media is the bane of humanity and it only continues to spiral downward.
You Tube is his job.....his supporters are buying the bikes he destroys....

I just don't get how one influencer like Gixxerbruh has been pounded into the earth by police only to allow this guy to run unabashed....they know he is in the mountain running those roads so why aren't they there shutting him down before he gets someone killed?
You Tube is his job.....his supporters are buying the bikes he destroys....

I just don't get how one influencer like Gixxerbruh has been pounded into the earth by police only to allow this guy to run unabashed....they know he is in the mountain running those roads so why aren't they there shutting him down before he gets someone killed?

Views, advertising, and money, behind the scenes, who's profitable and worth keeping around, and who is expendable.
Maxx's video game like editing won him a big audience too.
And, lets all face it...the world still needs heros...
I assume MaxWrist doesn't have a day job. He's been a YouTuber since 2015 so I figure with the number of subs/followers he has amassed he gets a decent income from his vids, and from his "celebrity status" he's created for himself.
Don't we all wish we could spend each day riding around and posting vids instead of grinding away working for the man?

Instead of begging for a place at someone else's table, create your own table - which is what this guy has done.
I could click that I’m a follower and never visit his page again. His numbers (his actual numbers) may vary greatly.
Very true, it’s notoriously difficult to to calculate income from social media sources as a result. But YouTube has a lot of metrics they look at regarding average viewers watching, how long they watch , etc.

But just today he had a personal get together with BT Moto regarding a tune for his new Ducati.
This shows the attention he gets from vendors. They know their product will be showcased for free to his large audience.
How many of us could score a personal visit like this?

I have X number of followers and Y subscribers. So what? The amount of importance people give poop like that is as dumb as the people that follow that moron. Social media is the bane of humanity and it only continues to spiral downward.
It does ol mate, it certainly does. A pantomime that people take seriously, like that crappy International World Wrestling of 50 years ago :laugh:
I was only a kid when I began watched it, then as I grew up I realized it was all BS and I left it far behind. I don't know why people worship these tools on social media, all I can think of, since it's the case with all hero-types, is that they want to be like them? Then you have all the little fish like the women acting as Queen Bees, collecting hundreds of men that follow their every move on Instagram. The whole thing is revolting to me, like a Chinese motorcycle.




And yeah, there are some here will admire that motorcycle too
He's a nut but that Duck really rips.....

Like all bikes I figure that speedometer is wonky.....I would have liked to see a GPS tell the speed....