Wtb new grips n levers-suggestions?

spiked ends? You're kidding right?

What you got agasint those
 I like mine... And they match the frame sliders, and pitbull collar.

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I have the pazzo long levers - black with red adjusters, and a PMR one piece billet black annodized top clamp to replace the stock two piece. Both are very trick racing looking without being all bling.
I just mounted these Rizoma grips today. They are very well made and they come in red,blue,black and gold. They are not plug and play. You have to route the throttle cables through the throttle side. You also have to drill another hole for the starter switch assembly to get everything to line up properly. An easy job for a true mod freak, a tough job for someone not too wrench happy. But when they are all buttoned up they are very sharp, great grip as well. Very classy looking...



PJ is sendin mine this week. Just waitin for the black barends to come in from Italy. Otherwise I'd have them mounted too. Got the black on black.

BTW how's the vibration? I always wear gloves, but still curious...

PJ is sendin mine this week. Just waitin for the black barends to come in from Italy. Otherwise I'd have them mounted too. Got the black on black.

BTW how's the vibration? I always wear gloves, but still curious...
You do get more vibes, certainly more than the foam grips I had. It's because there is no weight to the bar ends. The bar ends that come with the kit look great but weigh nothing. Looking for something with some weight and that looks great too. I might put some nicely trimmed foam grip puppies over the rubber grips if I do not find weighted bar ends. I am working on a buffering system for some of the vibes, just ordered a bunch of rubber anti-vibration bushings. Going to work on the vibes in a few areas of the bike. I will post up when I think I have a fix or a solid resolution. You will have to do some light fab work to get the grips to work, drill one hole for the right handle bar control plastic anchor that keeps it from spinning. Pretty easy.

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Carbon Fiber Bars will kill all vibration...Anyhow, just another simple solution if your Mod Savy.

Thanks GPW!!

Alright Valium:
I need a link too please.
Also will they work w/ aftermarket clip-ons??
I have a Gilles Variobar, so if they fit
I'll order a set
Ok, here's the deal on the Carbon Fiber bars. LP made the tubes, and from what I've been told they don't stock them anymore...but you might find some floating around out there. Anyhow, I did a write up aboput them and what I had to do to get them to fit the Busa on my little website...but to make a long story short, if you find a pair of the LP CF tubes, you have to do quite a bit of modding to get them to fit the Busa correctly.

I have made a a few sets out of fiberglass, and think I have the process down...so come this fall when I have some free time I will be ordering up a few yards of CF twill material and making about 12 sets. I think I can make them stronger than the LP bars, and better looking. I have about 6 senior members from this site who have inquired about them, and plan on offering those people a set out of the Dozen or so I will be making. Yes, you can make your own, not rocket science, but some people don't want to mess with the process and just want "Plug & Play", and I like to tinker when the snow fly's - so it's a win/ win situation.

If you take off the stock bar-ends and the stock bars, and put on the CF bars and Alum/CF-barends, you knock off a few pounds of weight & get No/ minimal vibration. Yes CF does shatter, but if the bike goes down on your stock bars, they will most likely get tweaked anyhow...so either way they would need replacing...bent alum or shatered CF. Also, you can't run the CF bars at Bonnie...so just a heads-up for those looking to make runs there...won't pass tech inspection...I don't think anything CF or Titanium will pass Tech.

Anyhow, If anyone wants a set, and willing to wait a few months, drop me a pm & I will just put you on my list. I will make them any length you want, have them notched and drilled so they will fit up perfectly....just have to wait a little. As for price, I have to wait to see what the price of CF does over the next month, and go from there. I'm not looking to profit from this, just something to keep me busy, and help out a few members here on the Org.

John -val
May I interest you in one of our 3D Kanji Adjustable Triple Clamp designs available in July...

It's the complete assembly, not just another top peice that bolts on to the OEM clamp. And... It is lighter and more rigid than the OEM design. No deflection or flex when cornering at high speed. CAD Model Shown below...

That clamp is gonna look great. Someday maybe.
Ok, here's the deal on the Carbon Fiber bars. LP made the tubes, and from what I've been told they don't stock them anymore...but you might find some floating around out there. Anyhow, I did a write up aboput them and what I had to do to get them to fit the Busa on my little website...but to make a long story short, if you find a pair of the LP CF tubes, you have to do quite a bit of modding to get them to fit the Busa correctly.

I have made a a few sets out of fiberglass, and think I have the process down...so come this fall when I have some free time I will be ordering up a few yards of CF twill material and making about 12 sets. I think I can make them stronger than the LP bars, and better looking. I have about 6 senior members from this site who have inquired about them, and plan on offering those people a set out of the Dozen or so I will be making. Yes, you can make your own, not rocket science, but some people don't want to mess with the process and just want "Plug & Play", and I like to tinker when the snow fly's - so it's a win/ win situation.

If you take off the stock bar-ends and the stock bars, and put on the CF bars and Alum/CF-barends, you knock off a few pounds of weight & get No/ minimal vibration. Yes CF does shatter, but if the bike goes down on your stock bars, they will most likely get tweaked anyhow...so either way they would need replacing...bent alum or shatered CF. Also, you can't run the CF bars at Bonnie...so just a heads-up for those looking to make runs there...won't pass tech inspection...I don't think anything CF or Titanium will pass Tech.

Anyhow, If anyone wants a set, and willing to wait a few months, drop me a pm & I will just put you on my list. I will make them any length you want, have them notched and drilled so they will fit up perfectly....just have to wait a little. As for price, I have to wait to see what the price of CF does over the next month, and go from there. I'm not looking to profit from this, just something to keep me busy, and help out a few members here on the Org.

John   -val  

Thanks for the write up!
As soon as I get it dialed in.
I'll let u know.
Very interested in the CF.
Just don't know if they'll fit.
1st time w/ these clip-ons.

cf bars are sweet. valium once you get set up with cost put up a post i`m intrested. thanks ranman
where did you get those cf inner panels?
cf bars are sweet. valium once you get set up with cost put up a post i`m intrested. thanks ranman
where did you get those cf inner panels?
Thanks bro...

I got the CF Inners from MidnightBusainSD....he buys like 2 or 3 of everything. After begging him for a few months, after trying to find a set for about 6 months - he sold me one of his new sets. I've seen some of the Ebay sets, and they are ok...but the ones S4L and the original Catalyst sets are like Artwork...amazing craftsmanship.

They might go up for sale in the Near Future if he doesn't want them back, I will list them here - Im trying to place an order with OPP for full CF-body work. So my stock plastics, CF fender, CF inners, CF NWS hugger, CF Nose Inserts, CF sliders, and a few other CF goodies will all go up for sale...again if MidnightBusainSD doesn't take them off my hands first - should know more in the next few weeks. Anyhow, don't mean to thread-jack.
I want dibs on the hugger, nose inserts and inners!!!!

remember! you owe me for that pic you sent me!