how the hellcan the history channel compare Erik Buell to JOHN F-ing BRITTEN!?? John Britten was a GENIOUS, sure he was dyslexic, but he came up with the most revolutionary bike of our time!!!! The Britten V-1000 is my DREAM bike. After they talked about Britten's death, they tried to say Buell was just as revolutionary!!! HELL NO!!! Buell would have some cool bikes if they didn't have moped engines, But as revolutionary as the V-1000? no. The V-1000 made something like 150 hp, out of a V-twin, in the early 90's!! Buell's aren't even close to that TODAY!! The Brittens were TOYING with Ducati's on the track, Buell isn't even on the track. Sorry, I had to blow off some steam, I hold John Britten in MUCH higher regards than Erik Buell.