
Mikey D

OK, I must have the black cloud of bad luck following me around, sprinkeling on those that I love.  If anyone has a cure for this, please advise.

2 weeks ago I got tangled up with Ron on the Busas. (we're both OK, no drop, just dinged up a bit)

Last week my son falls off the balcony & is in the trauma unit at Desert Sam for a day (he is OK).

The next day, driving back from the hospital my wife is rear ended on the freeway. (She is OK) She was stopped and some idiot plowed into her doing 50 mph (cop estimated).

Today I'm taking my electronics class on a field trip to Intel (went very well).  I get back and the security guard asks me how my daughter is.  (?)  I told him fine how's yours.  Seems that today on the way to school, someone makes a left turn in front of her & he hits them.  They told me she is OK.  I just have to wait until I get out of here in 20 minutes to see.  

I thought I was done with the bad luck for the year after the third incident.  I guess I'm into 2005 now.

Like I said...

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>WTF?!?</span>
Look at it this way, man. The good thing is that even with all the drama goin' on in yer life, everyone has come out "ok". Yer luck could be a LOT worse.
Hope it turns around for the better anyway, bro. If you need anything just hit me up.
You have had very good luck, as strange as it may seem. Thank God everyone has come out of this. Your guarding Angel has been busy.
Hey Bro, Yeah I recommend just taking a week off from the bike, try to get you and the misses a 3 day weekend.
Relax, maybe designate Saturday an at home with the family day, unplug the phone, bust out some board games, order food in. Just hole up for the day and relax with the family... Watch some movies etc... Just STAY HOME, AND DO NOT MOW THE LAWN OR RUN A CHAINSAW!!!!!

I am with Ninja Eater though, sounds like you need to give thanks that throughout all of this everyone is still healthy. Sounds like you and yours have been dancing right through possible disaster... so far it's just been material items.
Like NE and Rev said, just try to chill out for a few days. Not to get religeous, but maybe go to church and pray.
Thanks for the offers BT and Pacific.

I realize we have been lucky in a twisted, bizzare kinda way.

When folks hear the stories I always say, it's just a couple of cars and thank God they're (Son, Wife and Daughter) OK!

We do the church thing, religously, but now that you mention it we have missed the last 2 Sundays.

To top it all off, my wife Tammy (you guys know her as Momma) has been sick in bed since last Thursday. Viscous flue / stomach thing.

My on-going philosophy is when things are going well, stop and appreciate it. Literally I'll stop what I'm doing and think about all the cool stuff going on.

Simillarly, when things seem to be going not so well, I just stop and tell myself that life is a series of cycles, and I'm (we're) just at a low point right now. Things WILL be looking up soon!

I guess we'll all just keep praying. I know it will all work out.

Thanks for letting me rant a bit.
i think you should play the LOTTERY. Hey, its worth a try, just send me 10% when you win....

PS. I fell ya man....... when it rains, it pours...
Sorry to hear about all the misfortune lately Mikey D.

I truely hope that everything starts getting better for you. Hang in there, and let us know if you need anything.
Mickey D, it's all good. U know God's gonna take care of you and your family. Keep it real w/him and don't look back. Ride all you want, just keep #1 priority 1. I know EXACTLY how ya feel bro. Had a spell like that about 2 months ago. I just personally needed to slow down and keep things in focus. Take it easy-Bill
Ouch about a string of bad luck...yeah, I'm with staying away from all things dangerous for a few cars, no bikes, no kids! Put yourself in a padded room with a laptop and don't go near the electrical outlets!

I hope your bad luck runs out real soon...but, don't go thinking you can share it with us!
Ouch about a string of bad luck...yeah, I'm with staying away from all things dangerous for a few cars, no bikes, no kids!  Put yourself in a padded room with a laptop and don't go near the electrical outlets!  

I hope your bad luck runs out real soon...but, don't go thinking you can share it with us!  
No cars, no bikes???
I teach auto shop for heavens sake!

Wish I had about 3 weeks worth of videos to play!

Usually I'm pretty good about sharing, but I think I'll try to keep this to myself!
Sorry to hear about all the misfortune lately Mikey D.

I truely hope that everything starts getting better for you.  Hang in there, and let us know if you need anything.
Thanks Sticker!

It's only material stuff.

We'll get through.

I'm going to borrow my bud's trailer and pick up 130 sheets of 4 x 12 drywall after school today. If anyone out there feels like praying, pray I don't dump 5 tons of sheetrock all over the street tonight!


Thanks for all of your thoughts folks!