Layoffs WTF?

I live here in "KODAK" town (Rochester, NY). Over the years, Kodak has gone from the largest employer in the area, to the third largest. Lots of hard working, family types of people have lost their jobs. Call it poor managment, poor marketing, cheap overseas labor, whatever. In the end, these folks have had their total lives turned upside down due to job losses that was not of their doing. A really sad situation!
The problem with Kodak is the digital market has replaced film. I worked for them and the place I worked at close in 2004.
another perfect example of technology reducing the man. now, consider how much EASIER it is to lose an entire LIFE TIME of digital photos compared to how hard it would be to lose an entire lifetime of paper photos in a box... not to mention how many human jobs were lost so I can take 5.1 megapixel shots of my busa

"Come on, buy digital, it's cheaper and easier... everybody wins," laughs Satan.
We have had a ton of layoffs here in Arizona due to the failing economy; especially in the construction industry. Housing starts have been very low. Builders were employing a lot of hard working people, and alot of them have lost everything.
Maybe people would feel more SPENDY if the government didn't take 33% of our work pay to cover their undeserved paychecks...

say... didn't we vacate England 200+ years ago partially due to over taxation? or has that history already been rewritten [cough1984cough] to just be an exploritory trip?
Maybe people would feel more SPENDY if the government didn't take 33% of our work pay to cover their undeserved paychecks...

say... didn't we vacate England 200+ years ago partially due to over taxation?  or has that history already been rewritten [cough1984cough] to just be an exploritory trip?
agreed...and imho is a systemic way of the beast to ensure that..

"Those who live long enough to know and speak the truth?...shall die arguing with those who are too young to know yet to smart to believe a dying old fool."

signed me....i just wrote that.
Does it bother anyone else that the 'richest' country in the world has the biggest debt? How is it possible for a country to be so poorly run that an area rich in so many resource, be completely exploited AND still be in debt? I mean... it's not Africa or some desert that is lacking resources. It's a beautiful country full of so many different resources.

However, last time I checked, the national debt is somewhere around 9 trillion dollars. That's about $30,000 for every person living in America. Now if you want to only include taxpayers it's closer to $80,000.

Strictly from a financial point of view, you are much poorer than a person born in haiti (the poorest country in the western hemisphere). Obviously, you are much better off in America, but looking at this comparision, something is terribly terribly wrong. IMHO.
We're Americans. Debt is bred into us as a way of life. Be in debt to have a nice car, be in debt to have a nice house, be indebt for buying too many nice clothes, be in debt for our toys. Yes, it's STUPID, but it's our common truth. Heck, we are so used to it, that these "CASH NOW" stores and "Financial Counselling" places are popping up all over the place.... and NOW we just think it's normal. I doubt anyone else will remember like I do, but it didn't used to be normal. So... with all of us thinking debt is NORMAL, it's no wonder our politicians and government puts us into debt. Seems that is how we THINK we should live - Live Hard now, pay later... or let the next generation pay.

I think all this debt hurts our economy too. Kinda erases the lines of worth for people AND our money
I dunno maybe being in debt HELPS our economy? I dont know how that works. Sounds wrong to me

Yes, it bothers me. I don't think we should be allowed to buy something until we can afford it. Even on a national level.

But until people stop being GREEDY [which is never] people will always get the axe as companies find automated ways to "cut corners". Those corners are human beings that need/want paying jobs.