X-Tre issue


Formerly LiquidtySplit
First off, really wakes the bike up down on low end. Great product for the money. I am not knocking it and will continue to run it.:thumbsup:

Questions for the guys running it.. Due you feel a surging at rpm's below 5k in any gear? I am sure it's in the mapping of the tre..

Not that I'm concerned, but I lost 12 mpg.. Yeah it's a possibility I'm just getting on it more..:whistle:
Mine is just a slight surge. You can feel the bike go up and down in speed, but not enough to register.
Mine is just a slight surge. You can feel the bike go up and down in speed, but not enough to register.

Mine is just a slight surge. You can feel the bike go up and down in speed, but not enough to register.

can't say I've really noticed that, but I will pay attention it...

So, you say in any gear at < 5000 RPM... is that with the throttle steady that you noticed the bike surge a bit faster (and I supposed the RPM's surge as well)?

Change the settings at startup to 5th gear

I know you can set the x-tre to different gears and this may help or you may have it set to the wrong gear

Mine is set for 5th gear and works great
Yes it is with a steady hand, like I said before not enough to register on the gauge but you can feel it. Mine is in 5th, maybe I'll try 6th..
I have logged about 1500 miles with the Xtre and l still get about 45 mpg which is about the same as I got before. I do have a full Tiforce exhaust and a pcIII. I can really feel a differance in the first three gears and for some reason it seems to shift smoother in the lower gears.
I have put over 400 miles on mine with the X-TRE with no surging issues. If you think it's the X-TRE you should use the loop plug that came with it to go back to stock. If the surging stops it's the X-TRE map, otherwise it's not.
I did a run this weekend around the lake, got her up to 150 a couple times mostly ran about 110 for about 10 miles, on one fill I went 98.6 miles on 2.94 gallons = 33.53 mpg, total day was about 290 miles. I'm not worried so much about the MPG as the slight surge, you only feel it when maintaining a slow speed. It's almost like when your driving along in your car and the A/C compressor keeps going on and off every few seconds. I will disconnect it and check again..

Thanks guys..
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400 miles on mine no problem, recently added the bazaaz system all is greeeeeeeeeeeattt!:thumbsup: