I'll give you a quote from work. "An excellent pilot uses his superior judgement, so that his superior skill need not be displayed."
use your noodle. In a good msf program, situations like these are indeed covered. I've been lucky enough to have taken 4 different riding classes because of the training requirements within the SOF community. When I get home I'm scheduled for a 3 day Adventure Bike course, all so that I can take what I learn and give it back to the junior riders in the formation, and keep them safer when they're outside of work. Find a good riding school, it's worth more than any safety gear you could possibly buy.
use your noodle. In a good msf program, situations like these are indeed covered. I've been lucky enough to have taken 4 different riding classes because of the training requirements within the SOF community. When I get home I'm scheduled for a 3 day Adventure Bike course, all so that I can take what I learn and give it back to the junior riders in the formation, and keep them safer when they're outside of work. Find a good riding school, it's worth more than any safety gear you could possibly buy.