Ya'll did NOT tell me...

I'll give you a quote from work. "An excellent pilot uses his superior judgement, so that his superior skill need not be displayed."

use your noodle. In a good msf program, situations like these are indeed covered. I've been lucky enough to have taken 4 different riding classes because of the training requirements within the SOF community. When I get home I'm scheduled for a 3 day Adventure Bike course, all so that I can take what I learn and give it back to the junior riders in the formation, and keep them safer when they're outside of work. Find a good riding school, it's worth more than any safety gear you could possibly buy.
Find a good riding school, it's worth more than any safety gear you could possibly buy.

A good riding School will help, good gear will help a lot.

Things to remember about riding schools is they will instill a level of confidence in you which you will have to be cautious of.
It will give you a platform with which to grow your skills.

Often times riding schools omit fluid spills on the road, gravel/sand or crazy car drivers who have very little respect for anything smaller than them on the road.

I taught the basic and advanced courses for years and they were nowhere robust enough to suit me.
Is love to get to one of those 3 day advanced courses but the are mine close and I just don't have time to go out of town for a week. The guy in Jax has a basic class where they teach you what you need for the riding test but then has "advanced" classes that I want to take. I don't know exactly what they consist of but he's the most recommended around here and he's a retired Fl state patrol instructor so I assume he has plenty of experience to pass on. He's also usually booked a month or more out
All previous people have made good opinions.
The hayabusa can turn much more than we think.
We can do that; they need skills, need faith, and need knowledge from us.
See this. Go to a parking lot and improve your technique. This applies to everyone and to me as well.

I'm sure those areas were well scrubbed before these events...unlike a normal parking lot or roadway...as you are well aware I'm sure...
This is true, but the meaning does not change.
On a clean road you would do what the Japanese did in the agility video? I certainly do not! :crazy:
I hear you, nor would I. Dropping a big heavy full faired bike normally ends badly..

I've watched those and posted them before on this forum, it is a testament to the ability of both bike and rider to be able to do this.
I don't know, I never have tried braking hard in a sharp turn. I avoid braking light in a sharp turn. In an emergency, I guess I'd brake light rather than crash but braking at all in a lean is taking a risk. I think I would tend to stand the bike up straight if I needed to brake hard in a lean to avoid loosing traction. Maybe that;s what you did. Sounds like you got lucky. Might have been a lot worse if you kept the bike leaned over.
to the op.,...…. what u did wrong is ure body position was on top of the bike AND THEN u got into the brakes in a turn..... of course the bike will try to stand up.... what u did WRONG was u didn't turn the bars at all (countersteering)to point the bike in the right dirtection….. pay ure dues.... learn the bike...… or else..... please slow down until u start developing some skills.... don't hurt ureself
You are well on the way brother ,
You have the right attitude just
as @Mr Brown has noted ,
so that is GREAT . . .


#BrakeWhileTurning ~ #EmergencyBraking ~ #PanicBraking ~ #THEoRg *
