Ice - How long should this bulb las me (In hours)? Gonna order up a HID in the near future, and really like the Yellow High beam, however I tend to run my High-beam durring daytime hours almost all the time...so if its gonna just last me a few hundred hours, I would just stay with stock. Thanks for any input on this matter.
Those are some good bulbs I bought from you ICE... Still have 4 of em!!
Zuk no problem, hit me up when you get back. PM me your mailing address.

Ref how long do they last. I put 17,000 miles on my busa last ride season and it's still going strong. It's been in mine now for two going on three ride seasons. It's def not a cheapo bulb. I guess I would ask how long does the stock one last. Ive never heard of anyone replacing that one either?

ICEMANN I have not been able to email you, My ISP is having problems with the email feature. Once it's resolved will send you email. I definitely what 1 thinking about 2. Will let you know.
Is there any place that sells cheap HID for low beams? And/or could you get that and send them both together?
If anybody doesn't know, they are DA BOMB. Icemann is a stand-up guy and what he says about electronic components and shiite like that is gospel. I purchased one in the first order, and I simply love it. You just can't imagine how many Oooohs and Ahhhhs I get when I turn the brights on. Not to mention all the love I get with the 6000K HID from Xenon King.
Glad you got some pics, Ice, because i was having camera difficulties last night anyway. These bulbs are definitely worth the money.

milesbm - XenonKing was running a group buy a time back, but not sure if it is still in effect. Check with Rhythm or PM XenonKing and see what they can do.
so far got everyones. Have boxes already lined up and ready to go. Just added labels as they come in. Now it's the waiting game.

Sent ya paypal. Thanks again . forgot to add my screen neame to paypal info....Im the guy in MN J.S.