You all bought the wrong bike!!

Hey Toolbag, what do you ride?. I bet it's a AR125 right.

Keep spitting the venom snake, it's real funny. We need clowns like you on our site to keep us amused.

Now go have a wet dream about your ZX12 and how you'll be riding it in the spring of 2000.

Why do you care what I ride. You guys think you invented didn't. You just got your junkbikes in the spring of 99 but back in 1991 Mr. turbo made a turbokit for the zx-11 that produced 180 horsepower reliably with under 12psi if you turned it up it could produce more but was not as reliable. DO THE MATH YOU ARE ALL JOHNNY COME LATELYS.
In England they ran stock CBRXX, ZX11 and a Bus down to the south of France.

The Bus arrived two hours before the CBRXX and the ZX11 blew up. Now that's what I call engineering.

My wife has a new ZX9R and it clatters like a bag of spanners, has false neutrals all over the place and the positive neutral finder doesn't work plus the finish is typical Kawasaki, in other words, poop which may be ok for all you guys in California . I expect the 12 to be no different.

I also wouldn't want a 12 to overheat, it has Aluminium barrels which are plated, so make sure ya turn it off in traffic 'cos if it overheats, yer in deep deep smeg.

Still the 12 is out of reach for you for a couple of years eh Toolbox or at least yer momma says so.

Now why don't you go back to the rock you came from and crawl right back under it.

How do we know if any of you actually own a Hayabusa? From the idiotic posts some of you geniuses make I would be surprized if half of you own anything. No, toobad, these guys didnt buy the wrong bike, would you want some of these guys owning Kawasakis? They will talk there hopeful trash right up to the last minute until a 12 dusts them off then they will just disapear like the GSXR owners did for years and years of mired stagnation that that turd bike made them endure.
Toobad...grow the good time up.
Brand bashing is so tired.

Nuff' said...

Bert Branson
The L.A. Hayabusas

PS: "My Sega is better than your Playstation!"

Just wanted to drop down to their level...(HA)
Hey Toobad

You talk as though you have a ZX12. All the flames aside, how does it run? What have you done the 1/4 in? Are there any first year issues we ought to know about? What top speed have you done?

We all like hi performance bikes here and we're curious about the 12. And you talk like you know all about it. How about a meaningful exchange of information?
Zarniwoop, that is a one bad-ass looking scoot. It looks better to me than either of the 1999 U.S. colors. I'll have to see one of the red 2000's when they arrive here, but they are supposed to be red & gray, which doesn't look as good in photos to me as red & black. Nice machine!
I currently own the copper/silver Hayabusa. Prior to buying this bike I owned a ZX-11. In the three years that I had that piece of crap, I twisted the #3 Rod 3 times and spun a bearing once (twisted the rod/bearing under normal riding. Bike only had 4000 miles on it when I sold it.) The last time the piece of crap slung the rod completely out the casing. How's that for engineering. I've own both Kawasaki and Suzuki and I can honestly say I'll never buy another Kawasaki as long as I live. That bike don't even come close to comparison to the suzuki and the new 12 will be the exact same way.
I do not know about the new ones but----The last zx-11 that I had a bought brand new. It seems that during the manufacturing process, someone left a small bolt in the valve/cam area. This bolt somehow made its way to a valve spring and the whole damn motor blew up. When the bolt locked up the valve, the piston broke the valve and then everything else went. Kaw put a new motor in which never run right. Later they foung the baffles in the exaust can were not welded and were plugging up the exhaust. Do we call this "quality control" Maybe the new ones are better.