Bro,Yea, you're right. Just before I decided on my Busa I was almost set on a Springer Soft Tail. I should of went with it. I've had the worst problems with my Busa. Trans@1,100 mi. main bearing seals@ 2,300 mi. Now it starting to knock when it gets warmed up, and I think it's burning oil. All this and I almost forgot to mention that my front wheel almost fell off when I picked the bike up with 4mi on the clock.Man....sounds like these suzukis have their fair share of all should have bought a Harley....I haven't had any problems with mine.
I think I'm ready for a Hardly-Davidson.
yep, that's as clear as it gets!LOL @ Big Dawg !! Yep, makes the decision pretty clear huh !!![]()
Well spoken, but maybe you can shine some light on one thing! Why do harley riders act so friggin arrogant and like they don't see you throwing up the wave. It used to really tick me off, but now well let's just say I'm a Christian. That's alot of where the heat comes from sportbike riders. Never asked a Harley rider before so maybe you can inform me.This could be taken the wrong way, but the person who made the original post needs to think about what they said.
However, there are a few people who posted after that also need to follow the same advice.
As a Busa' & Harley RK owner, I have had my share of riding experience on all types of bikes. I can say this with firm conviction: real riders are real riders. Comparing a Harley Davidson motorcycle (any and all models) with a Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa (all years) is like comparing apples and oranges. Scratch that; its like comparing apples and pizzas- the only thing they have in common is the fact that they both have two wheels.
Anyone who has ever riden a HD can attest to the following statement; When you ride a HD, you ride history. I have owened four diferent makes of motorcycles over the past 17 years (Honda, Kawaski, HD & Susuki- in order, 1st to last). Only the HD's (I have owned three) put me into a totaly diferent state of mind the first time I rode them. Granted, they are not fast, they do not handle very well and they cost an arm and a leg and a promissary note on a future artifical limb that you may purchase to replace the ones you gave up to buy the motorcycle, but in my opinion, worth every penny. HD's are made for one thing- cruising and looking nice. Don't let anyone tell you they "just got my engine bored out to 103ci and boy will it haul!". The bike weighs 800lbs.!! It takes that type of power just to get that monster up to highway speeds.
On the other hand, the Busa is a sport bike. "Sport" being the operative word. It is for a different type of riding all together. Never before have I owned or even ridden a motorcycle with so much raw power. I have ridden GSXR750's, & 1000's, Ninja's, ect. But When I first rode a friend's 1999 Hayabusa, I was like a kid again. I looked like I slept with a coathanger in my mouth!! I couldn't get the smile off of my face, and quite frankly, I didn't want too. It didn't take long- about three months- till I found one I wanted. It's been over two years and I still smile every time I hit the throttle. It's a great bike.
All that being said, let's turn to the topic on hand- problems with the bikes.
Anyone who has ridden with any regularity can tell you there is no perfect motorcycle maker. If a company ever produced a motorcycle that was guarenteed to never brakedown, people would pay any amount to own one. However, we live in a world where the only guarentee's we get are the one's we have to pay for. Murphy's Law- if something can go wrong, it will. Although there are thousands upon thousands of stories about bike's lasting 30k miles with the owner doing nothing more than "changing the oil, putting tires on it & keeping gas in the tank", there are almost just as many stories about the bike with 50 miles on it that "just quit running". I have been on both ends and no one make is error proof.
New Harley's do not "leak oil like an open wound". Old ones do. New Japanese bikes are not "put together so you can't work on them yourself". Actualy the only reason the old ones were is because of the lack of available parts and knowledgable technicians.
People who ride Harley's are going to disagree with people who ride sport bikes. People who ride sport bikes are going to disagree with people who ride Harley's- although they will have to wait for the HD riders to catch up to them at the next fuel stop!! It's just the way the world works. Is it right? Who can say. I believe anyone who rides is worthy of respect and therefore has mine. I don't care if you ride a 1981 Yamaha... at least you are riding.
I'll get down off my soap box now.
Stay on the road and keep the shiny side up.
Big Dawg I would be glad to answer your question. However the question is somewhat of an enigma.Well spoken, but maybe you can shine some light on one thing! Why do harley riders act so friggin arrogant and like they don't see you throwing up the wave. It used to really tick me off, but now well let's just say I'm a Christian. That's alot of where the heat comes from sportbike riders. Never asked a Harley rider before so maybe you can inform me.This could be taken the wrong way, but the person who made the original post needs to think about what they said.
However, there are a few people who posted after that also need to follow the same advice.
As a Busa' & Harley RK owner, I have had my share of riding experience on all types of bikes. I can say this with firm conviction: real riders are real riders. Comparing a Harley Davidson motorcycle (any and all models) with a Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa (all years) is like comparing apples and oranges. Scratch that; its like comparing apples and pizzas- the only thing they have in common is the fact that they both have two wheels.
Anyone who has ever riden a HD can attest to the following statement; When you ride a HD, you ride history. I have owened four diferent makes of motorcycles over the past 17 years (Honda, Kawaski, HD & Susuki- in order, 1st to last). Only the HD's (I have owned three) put me into a totaly diferent state of mind the first time I rode them. Granted, they are not fast, they do not handle very well and they cost an arm and a leg and a promissary note on a future artifical limb that you may purchase to replace the ones you gave up to buy the motorcycle, but in my opinion, worth every penny. HD's are made for one thing- cruising and looking nice. Don't let anyone tell you they "just got my engine bored out to 103ci and boy will it haul!". The bike weighs 800lbs.!! It takes that type of power just to get that monster up to highway speeds.
On the other hand, the Busa is a sport bike. "Sport" being the operative word. It is for a different type of riding all together. Never before have I owned or even ridden a motorcycle with so much raw power. I have ridden GSXR750's, & 1000's, Ninja's, ect. But When I first rode a friend's 1999 Hayabusa, I was like a kid again. I looked like I slept with a coathanger in my mouth!! I couldn't get the smile off of my face, and quite frankly, I didn't want too. It didn't take long- about three months- till I found one I wanted. It's been over two years and I still smile every time I hit the throttle. It's a great bike.
All that being said, let's turn to the topic on hand- problems with the bikes.
Anyone who has ridden with any regularity can tell you there is no perfect motorcycle maker. If a company ever produced a motorcycle that was guarenteed to never brakedown, people would pay any amount to own one. However, we live in a world where the only guarentee's we get are the one's we have to pay for. Murphy's Law- if something can go wrong, it will. Although there are thousands upon thousands of stories about bike's lasting 30k miles with the owner doing nothing more than "changing the oil, putting tires on it & keeping gas in the tank", there are almost just as many stories about the bike with 50 miles on it that "just quit running". I have been on both ends and no one make is error proof.
New Harley's do not "leak oil like an open wound". Old ones do. New Japanese bikes are not "put together so you can't work on them yourself". Actualy the only reason the old ones were is because of the lack of available parts and knowledgable technicians.
People who ride Harley's are going to disagree with people who ride sport bikes. People who ride sport bikes are going to disagree with people who ride Harley's- although they will have to wait for the HD riders to catch up to them at the next fuel stop!! It's just the way the world works. Is it right? Who can say. I believe anyone who rides is worthy of respect and therefore has mine. I don't care if you ride a 1981 Yamaha... at least you are riding.
I'll get down off my soap box now.
Stay on the road and keep the shiny side up.
True enough TEX...This could be taken the wrong way, but the person who made the original post needs to think about what they said.
However, there are a few people who posted after that also need to follow the same advice.
As a Busa' & Harley RK owner, I have had my share of riding experience on all types of bikes. I can say this with firm conviction: real riders are real riders. Comparing a Harley Davidson motorcycle (any and all models) with a Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa (all years) is like comparing apples and oranges. Scratch that; its like comparing apples and pizzas- the only thing they have in common is the fact that they both have two wheels.
Anyone who has ever riden a HD can attest to the following statement; When you ride a HD, you ride history. I have owened four diferent makes of motorcycles over the past 17 years (Honda, Kawaski, HD & Susuki- in order, 1st to last). Only the HD's (I have owned three) put me into a totaly diferent state of mind the first time I rode them. Granted, they are not fast, they do not handle very well and they cost an arm and a leg and a promissary note on a future artifical limb that you may purchase to replace the ones you gave up to buy the motorcycle, but in my opinion, worth every penny. HD's are made for one thing- cruising and looking nice. Don't let anyone tell you they "just got my engine bored out to 103ci and boy will it haul!". The bike weighs 800lbs.!! It takes that type of power just to get that monster up to highway speeds.
On the other hand, the Busa is a sport bike. "Sport" being the operative word. It is for a different type of riding all together. Never before have I owned or even ridden a motorcycle with so much raw power. I have ridden GSXR750's, & 1000's, Ninja's, ect. But When I first rode a friend's 1999 Hayabusa, I was like a kid again. I looked like I slept with a coathanger in my mouth!! I couldn't get the smile off of my face, and quite frankly, I didn't want too. It didn't take long- about three months- till I found one I wanted. It's been over two years and I still smile every time I hit the throttle. It's a great bike.
All that being said, let's turn to the topic on hand- problems with the bikes.
Anyone who has ridden with any regularity can tell you there is no perfect motorcycle maker. If a company ever produced a motorcycle that was guarenteed to never brakedown, people would pay any amount to own one. However, we live in a world where the only guarentee's we get are the one's we have to pay for. Murphy's Law- if something can go wrong, it will. Although there are thousands upon thousands of stories about bike's lasting 30k miles with the owner doing nothing more than "changing the oil, putting tires on it & keeping gas in the tank", there are almost just as many stories about the bike with 50 miles on it that "just quit running". I have been on both ends and no one make is error proof.
New Harley's do not "leak oil like an open wound". Old ones do. New Japanese bikes are not "put together so you can't work on them yourself". Actualy the only reason the old ones were is because of the lack of available parts and knowledgable technicians.
People who ride Harley's are going to disagree with people who ride sport bikes. People who ride sport bikes are going to disagree with people who ride Harley's- although they will have to wait for the HD riders to catch up to them at the next fuel stop!! It's just the way the world works. Is it right? Who can say. I believe anyone who rides is worthy of respect and therefore has mine. I don't care if you ride a 1981 Yamaha... at least you are riding.
I'll get down off my soap box now.
Stay on the road and keep the shiny side up.
Ummmm not being rude or anything, but why are you here???Man....sounds like these suzukis have their fair share of all should have bought a Harley....I haven't had any problems with mine.
Please do not insult my garden tractor like that.I think a Harley engine would be better suited on a small garden tractor or somekind of a pump