The one thing that would solve any issues they have, is a test ride waiver. Make a form out that states that the company is not liable for any injury or death during test ride, and that any damage done during the test ride must be covered by the person test riding. Add in whatever little odds and ends they need to cover their arse, and then they have a legally binding contract toward any damage, and also are clear from lawsuits if something goes south. Potential buyer signs form, then goes for his or her test ride. If the person doesn't come back with the bike, the dealer has the name, DL#, maybe even adress if they decide to include that on the form. Should be fairly easy to recover a bike if you have all the persons info. Then if something happens, and they don't want to pay up, the dealer's got a signed document from the rider saying he'll pay up... I'm pretty sure I can guess how long that court case would be... Then if they do this for a while and have a lot of problems with it, they terminate the program and go back to not allowing test rides. I doubt there would be much issue with it though.