You propose on a saturday, then the next day....??

(redkat05 @ Jan. 16 2007,13:22) lol who said anything bout a cab lol, its just my job to get ya a beer not to find ya a way home lol. I'll leave that up to badf4i, he's the responsible one
HA! Me? Responsible? You surely must have me confused with someone else.  

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Psst: Don't let it get around that I'm responsible. It'll ruin my street-cred.</span>
wow, just re-reading again and i REALLY need to get to the bash in spring and make good on those beers I promised. What you been up to wag?
Hate to be rude here bud, but I gotta be honest, I think that she is screwing around. You gotta face facts about this. Don't take it the wrong way, but if my lady were behaving like that I would want someone to tell me. If she isn't cheating I would be surprised.
Oops, jumped in and read the first page and sent a comment, hope i wasn't out of line. Humblest apologies. :beerchug:
Jaysus, I feel retarded redkat, sorry about that. :laugh: Sometimes I post without thinking or reading apparently. Glad to hear you doing great. If you need a beer, I owe ya one! :thumbsup:
I would say one of two things.

1) it is your imagination and for some reason you are expecting things to change so you are looking into things.


2) it is NOT your imagination, you proposed, for some reason it through her for a loop, being engaged is not what she wants and she didnt know how to say no,

Honestly, to me she sounds like someone who is acting like they are feeling smothered. If getting engaged is making her feel smoethered then she isnt ready at all for marriage.

I would set her down and talk to her and ask her to be honest, let her know that you love her and if she isnt ready to be engaged it is ok you can call off the engagament and just continue dating until she is ready..

But she sounds to me like she is feeling like a trapped animal. If it were me and I am reading everything correctly, my nature would be to confront her, tell her I didnt think she was ready, ask for her input on it and if she hesitated at all or did not convice me 100% that she was ready, I would ask for the ring back and put the engagement on hold

Good luck..

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I'm no professional...(and i'm gonna play devil's advocate)...but maybe she is trying to p!ss you off because instead of saying no to the engagement...she wants a breakup?...just sayin'.
Hey, man, how's it going?

Talk about resurrecting an OLD thread! :laugh:

I didn't read back through it all. Give us an update!


I briefly read a few of your posts... There sounds like a lot of volatility in your relationship. IMO, neither of you are ready for a legal contract with each other like marriage. Doesn't sounds like a healthy relationship at all. And I read something referring to her getting "blitzed" - alchohol or drugs never bring out the best in a person, quite the contrary.

I am female, and I can tell you one thing, if she is trying to get away from you the day after your proposal, she has issues that she can't be honest with herself about, much less being honest with you about it.

Just saw this is an old thread. Jeezus.
I just read a 1 1/2 year old thread and did not check the date till the next to last page.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

I will never get that time back, very engaging thread, no pun intended.:rofl:

Hope it all turned out Red.
Ok, I posted couple weeks ago when I proposed to my gf and the response here was overwhelming. I love all my busa bretherin. BUT, it seems ever since I put the ring on her finger things have been shi**y between us. Like she'll be real short with me n always make lil cutting comments about me in front of my friends, stuff like that. So I naturally quip back with somethin to defend myself and then she escalates it like 10 fold and yells so I get pissed.........
The very first thing that threw me for a loop was this: I propose on a saturday night, the next night at bout 9:30pm or so she says she wants to go to the casino. No big deal cause we've gone before. She says "is it ok if i go?" and i'm thinkin "wtf why wouldn't you want me to go?" So bein the trusting bf I am I say sure whatever. She doesn't get home until like 8:30am, which I am just FUMING over. I texted her after she left for the casino bout why she didn't ask me to go wit her and she said "well last time we went you looked really bored cause you didn't spend any money and you just looked miserable." Which i had told her previously that I just like to watch her play cause I don't like to gamble.
Anyways, I guess my basic question is what do y'all think of the situation and how would you handle things?
You guys sound young. If both of you aren't over 30 skip the marriage'll just lead to heartbreak and misery for the next few years till the divorce/kids happen. Most folks under 30 (and a lot over :eek: ) aren't mature enough, or ready, to settle down for marriage.
Don't rush it :;):

MOTO, Give us the 2 line resolution of that failed relationship so WE can have CLOSURE!!!!
lol wow didn't expect there to be this many late posts lol

UPDATE: To all those curious, she and I occasionally talk and what not and even flirts with me quite often when we do text each other n such so hopefully for the new guy's sake she changes. She got engaged 7months after we broke up n been with him since and they also just bought a house together so good luck to him. Been on a search since then to find someone who'll prove not all women are ignorant like she was:rofl: