You will never believe this...


You know, I'm a kitty fan, always have cats...they're spoiled too, but I don't own a kitty stroller
and I can't imagine having to share the old throne with a cat

Have fun with that Greg!!!
(VaBusa @ Dec. 11 2006,06:51)

You know, I'm a kitty fan, always have cats...they're spoiled too, but I don't own a kitty stroller
and I can't imagine having to share the old throne with a cat

Have fun with that Greg!!!
You hit the nail on the head, Michelle. The kitty litter in the bowl is tolerable on the LONG shot the cat learns to use the toilet.

The kitty stroller, though. THAT is highly obsessive.

I think she needs to get knocked up so she has a kid to take care of. Step up to the plate, bro!

(Wag @ Dec. 11 2006,09:49)
(VaBusa @ Dec. 11 2006,06:51)

You know, I'm a kitty fan, always have cats...they're spoiled too, but I don't own a kitty stroller
and I can't imagine having to share the old throne with a cat

Have fun with that Greg!!!
You hit the nail on the head, Michelle. The kitty litter in the bowl is tolerable on the LONG shot the cat learns to use the toilet.

The kitty stroller, though. THAT is highly obsessive.

I think she needs to get knocked up so she has a kid to take care of. Step up to the plate, bro!

I agree it is obsessive, but as long as she is happy and I am happy. Right now I can tolerate this situation.


Watch it bro, don't jinx me!!!

There is nooooo way in he11 that kids will enter this picture.

I don't need that commitment. As stated above the cat can go missing.
(heavybusa @ Dec. 11 2006,09:56) There is nooooo way in he11 that kids will enter this picture.
Ahhhhh, let's all sit and ponder these words for a while, let them mull over in our heads, maybe take a sip of brandy...

Can't wait to bring this back up when Greg's posting up the good news...  
(VaBusa @ Dec. 11 2006,07:58) Can't wait to bring this back up when Greg's posting up the good news...
Man, I thought *I* was evil!




(VaBusa @ Dec. 11 2006,09:58)
(heavybusa @ Dec. 11 2006,09:56) There is nooooo way in he11 that kids will enter this picture.
Ahhhhh, let's all sit and ponder these words for a while, let them mull over in our heads, maybe take a sip of brandy...

Can't wait to bring this back up when Greg's posting up the good news...
(heavybusa @ Dec. 11 2006,11:00) That came up at breakfast today..  
  He had his version of the story.  
It was 10 p.m. 'ish and I don't know much beyond that except that I didn't answer the phone...

What's Ben's version? LOL
He said it 9pm and that he used his name not thrashers

Plus he said that the caller ID had his name.
(heavybusa @ Dec. 11 2006,11:35) He said it  9pm and that he used his name not thrashers

Plus he said that the caller ID had his name.
LOL So Ben thinks Mike was drunk?
(heavybusa @ Dec. 11 2006,08:35) He said it  9pm and that he used his name not thrashers

Plus he said that the caller ID had his name.
Ok, ask Ben these two simple questions, because the answer to these questions is very simple and in the end the answer to these two questions is what is important

1) Did Ben call Michelle while he was drunk and talk to her husband?  yes or no?

2) Does Michelle's husband now think it was ME that called Michelle drunk that night? yes or no?

What happened is irelevant, what Mike perceives as the truth is what is relevant  


(heavybusa @ Dec. 11 2006,08:56) There is nooooo way in he11 that kids will enter this picture.

I don't need that commitment. As stated above the cat can go missing.
stick to your guns there, bro!!! that would be MUCH worse than having to split time on the toilet with a cat
You should have named him Jinx, after the movie Meet the Fockers.
Can he flush to?