Your new years resolutins before the day gets here Let's list em here...

Raise more productive honeybees, I want a minimum yield of 1 super per hive this year.
Raise my own queens

Well that is certainly something you don't see every day...
Try to put on 10 to 15 lbs of mussel :laugh: I weigh 155 lbs now :laugh:
Get my back better
Travel more
Enjoy life as much as I can
I already quit smoking after 27 years and that was much easier then I thought.
If I quit everyone else can. i was 100% nicotine addict. I can`t stand smell anymore. My son will never see me smoke.
i desperately need to start exercising daily and lose a lot of weight.
My doctor said that people can eat the same amount of calories and gain weight because after you quit you need 300 less calories a day die to your heart not working as hard as it was while you were a smoker.
I saw this one by someone at work: 1. I'm already the smartest person around. 2. I'm the best looking guy I know too. 3. I would like to be more humble I suppose. :laugh:
Only have one that is realistic.
Be happier and enjoy life more.

May try again to quit smoking. I am not so sure that I want to quit though.

My brother had no will power nor desire to give up smoking either until he was diagnosed with lung cancer and was dead six months later at age 46. He did tell me, once he knew death was imminent "Lord son, I wish I'd never picked that first one up". Give that sh*t up, it will shorten your life and that's no joke!
New Years eve is upon us and I've been giving much thought to a new year's resolution with no success thus far. I can't imagine asking for a better life than has been gifted to me. If I die before days end, I can honestly say it's been a great ride.

1. I'd really enjoy a track day with Lanky (No one on this forum is going to lap me)Yankee with hopes of adjusting his attitude. Although I may not change his attitude I may very well make him cautious of challenging old men with gray hair in the future :laugh:

2. If there is any aspect of my life I'd improve it would be physical conditioning. I'd like to be in better shape by spring when the track opens again. I could probably loose 3-5 pounds after the holidays but not mandatory. Although I spent yesterday taking five trees (80 to 100 ft tall) down from a back yard that was only 60 feet in width without running out of gas, I could still improve strength and stamina. Trees had to come down in sections starting at the top. I'm not out of shape I'm just not in great shape. I am very pleased that I've been able to maintain good health throughout life into my mid-sixties.

We are fortunately living in a country that is filled with opportunity. My daddy taught me from early on that life was all about choices. If you make good choices, you will be rewarded with a prosperous life. My brother made poor choices throughout his life (Smoked his first cigarette at age 10) and paid for those poor choices dearly. I could have chosen to smoke, be lazy with poor eating habits ending up eighty pounds overweight with poor health and died young and broke. It was by choice that I avoided these pitfalls.

Happy New Year! May the new year bring prosperity and good health to all! :cheerleader:
1. Open the busa manuel and read how to set the clock.
2. Set the clock

That's about it. I could say lose another few lbs. or be a better person, but I like to set realistic goals.
BJ, whenever you are down here, we will do whatever Maint and such that you want... At least as long as I am here.

thank you sir! I look forward to being a good student and having a new hobby besides my geekyness.. Go ahead everyone laugh :lala:

Maybe we can start with my very own bike