You've been in Iraq too long when...

you should see these hoses gold Iraqi air force housing we have like 20 men living in it and bullet holes all over from when the war was going on.
No sir i am not in the service. BUT I DO SUPPORT THEM 100% Hence why i am over here working side by side with them. I am a DOD Contract Worker.
very nice thank you for making our jobs easier... sorry if you work for snipper hill after all the bashing we did on them!
If he works for sniper hill im going to find him in the middle of the night and kick his a$$. :laugh:
No sir i do not work for sniper hill LOL. I work with the 317th TMDE every once in a while though. I am actually a mechanic but they move me around to different jobs so ehh. Its a job and it pays well. Can't complain
I work night shift so i just got off work... ok I wont lie I dont do much at all when I am there anyways... the joys of working at MND-N division headquarters!!! (I hate it!!!)
LOL... Div HQ Fun... yah i have no job right now either.. Just got a new LT a couple weeks ago and Ive been training him to take care of all my stuff... so now I just surf the NIPR and handle crisis action stuff. Pretty boring... I make my money when i go on mission though.. but since this June 30 thing we dont have much mission either. 1SG goes on R&R soon so Ill be busy then.. but until... im just looking for sniper hill guys to beat up.

and you know what they say.. more rank = more soldiers beneath you = more responsibility = less work j/k eheheheh

hold on - the President is on the phone asking where the WMD's are... ill be right back; gotta fill him in.
Yeah now im really gald i don't work for sniper hill. LOL it must be really bad. And i guess i was told that south victory got hit with incoming last night but i don't think anyone got hit. They had like a 30 min Bunker call. ???
EHehe... yes be glad you dont work for sniper hill!!

Yah i donno about them getting hit.. i didnt hear anything but the phalanx systems test firing about 1800ish...

get ready for more weather tho!! supposed to come in tomorrow night from what i see...
EHehe... yes be glad you dont work for sniper hill!!

Yah i donno about them getting hit.. i didnt hear anything but the phalanx systems test firing about 1800ish...

get ready for more weather tho!! supposed to come in tomorrow night from what i see...

Well i heard the Phalinx system go off about 1830 and they always seem to test around that time. And yeah i guess they got hit around 2200. And more weather as in what? We had a few people clear the compound early today due to a sand storm coming in if thats the weather you were talking about. I wanna see some friggin rain. We haven't seen any rain for i dunno somewhere around 2 months if not more :( My lungs are dying with all this dust:moon:
yes.. more dust.. and good luck on that rain.. dont hold your breath. it wont rain until NOV probably...