Zero gravity..... is it worth it?

That's a hassle. I was hinting at Bob taking it in for a partial trade. I do want that screen though. The wife is about to kill me, if I order one more thing.
Discreet: What are you doing telling your wife about anything you are ordering for your motorcycle? You're starting to sound like TommyTuTone (aka: Postal). Don't tell us you gave her your checkbook as well!!!! I really don't want the ZG. I agree, as everyone has stated, it is too thin and flimsy but you have some buyers in the classified section here that will buy it. You guys that are interested in a Powerbronze like "Postal's", send your address to me and I will ship them "2-3 Day Priority Mail" (USPS of Course). You can send me check, money order or PayPal at your earliest convenience. I know I have at least two brand new, never mounted still in plastic bag. My eMail is "". Bob
Bob, I posted it for sale. As soon as I sell it, I will order it from you. Unfortunately the wife does hold the check book. We set up a budget to get us out of debt and she needs the book since she handles the buying, i.e. groceries, stuff for the house, etc. I just use my debit card when I need something.

Screw it! Send me one! She will get over it!
Way to go discreet! Show her who wears the pants in the family.
Bob knows I wear the pants in my family... at least when the wife let's me.

Discreet: Proud of you Man!!! That's the attitude!!! Send me your address and I will ship it to you. Tommy says he wears the pants when his wife lets him.......... Ask him who picked out the color of his bike........... Bob
bacharles (Brian):  Send me your address and I will ship you a Powerbronze.  Did you guys see the vote for Windscreens???  I gotta get these Powerbronzes out there so we can make a run at those ZG's.  Tommy:  You can start a vote thread "How many people would buy the same Windscreen after seeing a Powerbronze or Pyramid???
Discreet:  Proud of you Man!!!  That's the attitude!!!  Send me your address and I will ship it to you.  Tommy says he wears the pants when his wife lets him..........  Ask him who picked out the color of his bike........... Bob
My wife choose the Candy Apple Blue Kawi when I bought the 99'. This time I said hey look that's my new bike. Like it? I don't care it's mine now.
Discreet:  Proud of you Man!!!  That's the attitude!!!  Send me your address and I will ship it to you.  Tommy says he wears the pants when his wife lets him..........  Ask him who picked out the color of his bike........... Bob
My wife choose the Candy Apple Blue Kawi when I bought the 99'. This time I said hey look that's my new bike. Like it? I don't care it's mine now.
Actually, by helping me choose the black SE, my wife saved me from buying the blue/black 02.
bacharles (Brian):  Send me your address and I will ship you a Powerbronze.  Did you guys see the vote for Windscreens???  I gotta get these Powerbronzes out there so we can make a run at those ZG's.  Tommy:  You can start a vote thread "How many people would buy the same Windscreen after seeing a Powerbronze or Pyramid???
Just got around to it. You've got mail buddy.

Discreet:  Proud of you Man!!!  That's the attitude!!!  Send me your address and I will ship it to you.  Tommy says he wears the pants when his wife lets him..........  Ask him who picked out the color of his bike........... Bob
My wife choose the Candy Apple Blue Kawi when I bought the 99'. This time I said hey look that's my new bike. Like it? I don't care it's mine now.
Actually, by helping me choose the black SE, my wife saved me from buying the blue/black 02.  
I almost got the silver/grey 02. It was a matter of location to me. The SE was in CT and the Sil/Gry was in W.VA. I am in Mass, so it would be a long drive. I am happy with the SE. $9250 was a good price.

Bob said the PowerBronze would be here Monday, but I think he forgot the holiday. I shipped my ZG DB out today to Cache. He is happy.