Zero Gravity Sport Touring Windshield Installed


I took some pictures while installing the Zero Gravity Sport Touring Windshield on my Hayabusa.

This is the stock windshield for comparison

I've only gone on one thirty mile ride since installing the new windshield.
First impressions: To be honest, there is not a dramatic difference compared to stock I do notice that it doesn't feel like the wind wants to pull my helmet off anymore. Also, there is an area of calm air behind and about six inches above the larger windshield which was not there before.
I don't mean to offend anyone, and I realize to each his or her own, but I HATE that fuggin' Sport Touring windscreen.
Just doesn't fit the flow of the bike in my opinion. Now, I know people buy them for touring purposes, but I just can't help it. It's just butt fuggin' ugly.

Looks good man, I had not idea the touring screen looked that good, almost wish i would of gone with that other than the db, i may make a change.
They ripped you for the rubber gloves, they ripped you for the touring windshield. They'll never leave you alone. I just want to know why that '04 SE is PINK!
The rubber gloves were used avoid to avoid fingerprints.
I would call the 04 ltd "arrest-me" red or "fire-engine" red or "lipstick' red or "the fastest color" red.