All I can say is this. If and when kawi FINALLY rolls the lean mean booger machine out to finally fight the busa is when we'll all know. We can look at the tests and reviews both online and in the mags and make an evaluation there. But thats all you can get is a evaluation. Just because a zx-12 might do a 1/4 quicker then a busa, doesn't mean all those who buy one will be able to do the same. Same thing with the busa. Although some people have, I don't think everyone who owns a busa has done a 9.7 run like the mags state it can do. Let along the 200mph boogie. If the zx-12 does beat the busa then kawi did right. If it's close then they did good. If it doesn't beat the busa then they failed. Period. Either way it all boils down to which bike you like the most. No matter what happens my choice (when my financial situation hopefully comes to par) is still the Busa. Its a proven machine. Its done what its done with no excuses. It's king of the straight line and can carve curves with the likes of lighter bikes. It has set the the standard of ULTIMATE SPORT. Its a known fact that the already awesome engine IS detuned and with little mods (example: airbox,pipe, clutch mods) can become a more vicious weapon. And down the road, when we know more of what this machine is capable of, and with the aftermarket kicking in more, this is a machine that will run with new technology years down the road. All this is something i don't think the ZX-12 might have the ability to do. It was designed to fight the Blackbird and was halted from release when Suzuki gave birth to kawi's worst nightmare.I don't hate the Zx-12. I just think the busa is a better machine. It's awesome in any regions of performance, looks sweet, and has a much cleaner finish the the 12 does. And lord knows what problems the kawi might have. Atleast (hopefully) the busa will have all its bugs worked out. Come this spring, I know where my money is going.
And I know its not going to waste either.