ZX-12R edging busas out yet?


Donating Member
been awhile since we discussed the abilites of our long time second place follower with all the attention on these up and coming killer liter bikes. I was thinking I read a couple articles the past couple years with stats showing the 12r edging the bus with some slightly higher numbers in the torque and HP departments. granted, the busa is the defacto standard to compare everything against and our struggling 2nd place kawasaki sidekick gets ignored mostly... but what is she doing lately? has the stock version of the 12r edged out the stock busa yet? 1/4 mile? hp & torque? handling? any of it? anyone seen any hard numbers lately?

I would think after all this time and the amazing things Kaw has been doing to engines lately, the 12r would have been creeping up too. and it was already SO CLOSE to equalling the busa. someone find some stuff out? Any 05 12r owners here.

lets not start a flame war but stick to fact and experiences
Hey Greg. I ride with an 05 12 almost every Sunday. When mine was stock and he had a slip on, I would consistantly pull him on the highway. Now with my mods, he wont even try.
From my understanding, the 12 has always had more HP. What helps us out is our aerodynamics. I remember seeing on a website (I see if I can find it) that is why the Hayabusa can travel faster with less power. They also said the 12 shouldn't need a speed limiter due to its aerodynamics  

Here's the link.
Look for the chart titled Power vs. Drag, and read the last lines of the paragraph next to it.

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I know this guy who says he has a friend that saw a stock 05 12R beat a stock 05 Busa by 10 lengths in the quarter.
If Kawi got rid of the airbox made into the frame deal and made the battery easier to get to i'd like the ZX12 more.
Hey Greg. I ride with an 05 12 almost every Sunday. When mine was stock and he had a slip on, I would consistantly pull him on the highway. Now with my mods, he wont even try.
cool. is that rider experience based? did you guys ever switch bikes and try it? not that I care because I love the busa more than anything - this post was just curiosity. this is a great place to ask my question. I know if I posted on a 12 board, it would be flame wars and immature responses instead of facts and experience. and most people [myself included] actually compliment and like the 12R
the 12 is a sexy machine. I almost bought that instead of the Busa. But I still think the Busa is on top due to aerodynamics. I think the 10 however will outmuscle a Busa. I'd rather buy the 10 nowadays anyway (if there were no such a thing as a "Busa").
Not sure but that is a nice lookin bike. It looks like a liter bike compared to the Busa.
You have to look at the comfort as well as yes if you have a passenger on back, and for me I rode the Kawaski before I bought the Busa and my wife rode with me and to her there was alot more comfort on the Busa not to mention the smoothness of the ride...so guess what the queen of this tent said....buy the Busa.....and that we did no regrets...
but is it equalling the busa in HP and TQ yet? several [bad] bike mag reviews have shown it besting the busa a little. surely it's equal by now ... even 5 years too late?
I race with 12's at the short track every weekend.

stock to stock, the 12 has a bit more HP, and it is very high in the rpm range. their aerodynamics fall short of the busa, that was proven in a wind tunnel with riders.
What I experience on a regular basis is the tourque of the busa comes in so soon that it is able to get ahead early. At the same time, the 12 would catch up by the big end. very very close at the end, stock motor/ etc.