Looks like a war is looming in Israel

I guess those who engage in Iran's masterly crafted propaganda machine and do not understand a strategic chess game will hate the article below:

Do you really believe that a population of some 2 million do not have the strength to stand up against a Hamas count of 30,000? You really believe that???????
Over half of that 2 million are women and children. What percentage of the remaining males are young and able, and have access to heavy arms military might?

Why do you and Red show sympathy towards people suffering from Iran's master plan towards discrediting Israeli in the eyes of the world, while you totally ignore exponentially more suffering in the Arab world, Africa, Haiti, and South America, where Iran has no involvement whatsoever? In short, why do you participate in Iran's propaganda effort with no care about what is happening in the rest of the world?
Because this discussion, the title of the thread, is Looks Like a War is Looming in Israel. We can discuss every matter in the world, one at a time, sure. Totally ignore? Heated debate can cause assumptions. You have no idea of my involvement with UNICEF, for instance, in the situation with children in Africa. I've had to taper it down since I retired but it's been a commitment for most of my life.
Over half of that 2 million are women and children. What percentage of the remaining males are young and able, and have access to heavy arms military might?
We will never get onto the same page, unfortunately.

You are a procrastinator, complaining about situations without any consideration towards solutions. Kind of complaining about the boat sinking, with your only criticism being "the boat is sinking, it is wrong."

I on the other hand base my criticism on actions which leads to a possible solution, in this instance the only choices being Hamas either being eliminated, or they surrender, with whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

About your women and children, what is there missing in your vocabulary that makes you not understand "ideology programmed over decades." ??

How do you think any Arab nation would respond in comparison to what you see the IDF do below?

You are a procrastinator, complaining about situations without any consideration towards solutions. Kind of complaining about the boat sinking, with your only criticism being "the boat is sinking, it is wrong."

I on the other hand base my criticism on actions which leads to a possible solution,
I figured you would take this to a personal attack thing. Not going to engage.
We will never get onto the same page, unfortunately.
It’s not unfortunate. Imagine the humdrum if we all thought the same way.
I figured you would take this to a personal attack thing. Not going to engage.

It’s not unfortunate. Imagine the humdrum if we all thought the same way.
It's all good, nothing wrong to procrastinate. When it comes to important stuff we sometimes all become procrastinators for a while. Some of us do reach conclusions though, others don't. Nothing wrong with that. No personal attack meant.

The two questions you responded to, as far as the second questions' response, it only answered half the question.

Let me try again, why do you, the 6 cylinder Honda guy and some who use to be prime education entities participate in Iran's propaganda, towards destroying Israel in the eyes of the world, with sympathy for what Iran orchestrated? Why are you playing directly into Iran's hand? Do you support their proposal for Americans criticizing and protesting against what Israel is doing to move to Iran with free scholarships?
Let me try again, why do you, the 6 cylinder Honda guy and some who use to be prime education entities participate in Iran's propaganda, towards destroying Israel in the eyes of the world, with sympathy for what Iran orchestrated? Why are you playing directly into Iran's hand? Do you support their proposal for Americans criticizing and protesting against what Israel is doing to move to Iran with free scholarships?
Ok Jelly I like and respect how you approach things cognitively, math and science, I'm the same to a lesser extent, but we seem to have a disconnect here. How is having empathy for people in the West Bank, that did not plan or execute the Oct 6th attack, that have been driven from their lifelong homes, how is that is any way playing into Iran's hands or advocating Hijab Rules or antisemitism? I simply feel sorry for them. You don't seem to believe that's possible within one mind. I tell you it is. To answer your last question, I do not in any way support anyone moving to Iran. I've known several very kind and smart Iranians (they were smart enough to move to the United States), but why someone would choose to live there under that leadership is beyond me. The people demonstrating, as Bee touched on, some of them simply love to go against the grain, but some of them are devastated to see the conditions the Arab citizens in the Bank have been subjected to. Enough is frankly enough. That's my stance.
I don't have an answer to how to eradicate Hamas without destroying the remainder of the Arab population in Gaza. Bee would be much better versed, if he were so inclined. Me, I can fix your car.
I've always found the Israelis to be a bit narcissistic and egotistical but determined.....I figure the only way they will stop their attack is if Hamas either surrenders or are wiped out.....I don't think either are realistic which places the citizens of Hamas right in the middle as many other citizens have been in each and every battle or war fought since the dawn of time...

I don't quite get how on Oct 7th the border was so easily breached and there were so many vulnerable and not so vulnerable people within reach of Gaza.....Hamas was even able to breach IDF observation positions......even local citizens are normally closely scrutinized when getting near these positions.......how was it that Hamas fighters were able to get into them I wonder.....

I can guarantee that other nations with a complex border with an known enemy state are closely watching their regions....I don't quite understand how this failed in Israel......

Protests which are happening in support of Palestine are doing little to support their cause and lots to create division and anger in countries in which they are occurring....

I'll agree that there needs and needed to be a better humanitarian aid support to the people of Gaza but it's a challenge as they are still under the control of Hamas.
No outrage because of genocide in other regions?

I believe the answer is simple: Iran did not manipulate the genocide in other regions, neither are they driving propaganda for other regions, neither did they facilitate it. Their focus is on Israel and the West as well as Western allies.

So in short, Iran has hordes of fools who have fallen into their trap towards eradicating Israel. Those in sympathy with Hamas plus their supporters as well as those protesting are playing blindly into Iran’s hands and they unfortunately are not smart enough to see the big picture.
Hi. I feel sorry for anyone who has nothing to do with hamas. I do not feel sorry for anyone that wants to die or wants there sons to die for there god.
Ok Jelly I like and respect how you approach things cognitively, math and science, I'm the same to a lesser extent, but we seem to have a disconnect here. How is having empathy for people in the West Bank, that did not plan or execute the Oct 6th attack, that have been driven from their lifelong homes, how is that is any way playing into Iran's hands or advocating Hijab Rules or antisemitism? I simply feel sorry for them. You don't seem to believe that's possible within one mind. I tell you it is. To answer your last question, I do not in any way support anyone moving to Iran. I've known several very kind and smart Iranians (they were smart enough to move to the United States), but why someone would choose to live there under that leadership is beyond me. The people demonstrating, as Bee touched on, some of them simply love to go against the grain, but some of them are devastated to see the conditions the Arab citizens in the Bank have been subjected to. Enough is frankly enough. That's my stance.
I don't have an answer to how to eradicate Hamas without destroying the remainder of the Arab population in Gaza. Bee would be much better versed, if he were so inclined. Me, I can fix your car.
I believe the Western world including me value human lives more than anyone in the Middle East. We all have empathy for innocent lives lost. This war has continued for decades and unfortunately the only way to stop it, is to sacrifice more human lives in order to finish the war. If Hamas is not eliminated, more human lives will be taken for years to come, into infinity.

Being practical in my opinion, these are the options in order of preference. Some will never happen, but logically they are the only options.

1.) Hamas surrenders, sever ties with Iran and over many years the Palestinians earn the trust to be integrated as Israelis, as citizens, similar to 20% of Arabs who are currently Israeli citizens. A one state solution eventually.

2.) Hamas is eliminated, civilian casualties will be consequential, Gaza is rebuilt and will be under control of Israel. Any subsequent resistance met, will be eliminated. The hope will be that surrendering from the war will eventually allow integration into one diverse nation as has happened in many other war torn countries.

3.) All Palestinians are removed from the region by whatever means.

4.) Iran succeeds, turns the entire world against Israel, Israel is defeated by a new global force and all Israelis leave the region by whatever means.

3 and 4 are hypothetical 1 is highly unlikely, so I believe 2 will be the eventual outcome.

In the mean time, for those of us who are patriotic Americans, we have to support our only true democratic ally in the Middle East and leave Israel to do what they have to do.
I believe the Western world including me value human lives more than anyone in the Middle East. We all have empathy for innocent lives lost. This war has continued for decades and unfortunately the only way to stop it, is to sacrifice more human lives in order to finish the war. If Hamas is not eliminated, more human lives will be taken for years to come, into infinity.
Your point is well thought out. I'd like to believe that killing all Hamas operatives would end the hatred and threat of war, but I think the two sides, the masses, not leadership, need to learn to live together to begin to end this. That's most of the reason I lean towards thinking a two state system in Gaza would be best, which is also a long shot.
It's all conjecture.
Your point is well thought out. I'd like to believe that killing all Hamas operatives would end the hatred and threat of war, but I think the two sides, the masses, not leadership, need to learn to live together to begin to end this. That's most of the reason I lean towards thinking a two state system in Gaza would be best, which is also a long shot.
It's all conjecture.
What was the difference between Gaza before October 7th, and the two state solution you are leaning towards now?
The PLO. Like I said, it's a long shot and would take a long time. Revisit the Oslo Accords. Maybe Bill Clinton can step up again. Just because it didn't last the first time doesn't mean it won't this time. Perhaps this recent fiasco will educate people. If at first you don't succeed...pretty decent rule in life.
The PLO. Like I said, it's a long shot and would take a long time. Revisit the Oslo Accords. Maybe Bill Clinton can step up again. Just because it didn't last the first time doesn't mean it won't this time. Perhaps this recent fiasco will educate people. If at first you don't succeed...pretty decent rule in life.
Should Trump be our next President, do you believe Abbas and the PLO have any chance of recognition? Trump basically severed relationships with the PLO, while Abbas rejected the Kushner plan.

The (PLO) accused the United States of trying to sell a "mirage of economic prosperity" that would in reality "only perpetuate the Palestinians' captivity.”
An arrogant assumptive bootlicker questioning the patriotism of people actually BORN and raised here and who have done more for this country than his immigrant ass because they don’t blindly stick their heads up bibis ass and swallow is classic blind faith and THE reason why we are here.
One side will never be seen as humans or deserving no matter what.
Notice number 2 was his only LOGICAL conclusion, ALL of them leave. Exactly what he and the rest of the murdering Zionists want. The video of the tank destroying the Welcome to Rafa entry sign was a cold blooded calculated message to show it will eventually be erased . Like uncountable other villages and towns Israel has destroyed and renamed with settlements it to shall fade.
More patriotic to question why bombs I paid for are still being dropped on unarmed civilians without goal and without end. ‘Eradicating Hamas’ is a fantasy some still believe in. As long as it’s dirty backwards heathens getting killed it’s ok. In fact one here even hopes for more daily air raids killing more children.

So Red, sorry you’re so ignorant. His logic is like Bibi unquestionable.
The Hamas terror movement is an ideology and no bombs or bullets will ever eliminate this ideology..

We've seen this time and time again in other countries where trying to eliminate terror elements is like playing "whack a mole" unfortunately civilians get caught in the middle and in most times are killed or left as migrants.....

Israel is kind of like 'Chauvin' was...in over their heads but to arrogant to stop and rethink their strategy until it's too late.

One big downside to the sort of vengeance invasion Israel is currently undertaking is that if any of those Palestinian people in Gaza weren't enemies of Israel, they certainly now are...

Israel had a very real reason for being outraged and wanting to seek revenge after Oct 7th and the horrible atrocities committed by Hamas......and Hams did no favors to themselves by pissing off Israel.....I think we can all agree on that.

What the main issue is the plight of the average citizen of Gaza....the US is building the pier (under fire from Hamas) in order to provide humanitarian aid and perhaps an escape route for Gaza citizens....there has to be some sort of relief valve.

The next biggest challenge will be rebuilding the destruction of Gaza....who will fund that project and how long will that take....

Israel needs to build a better border wall and put better defences in place.
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An arrogant assumptive bootlicker questioning the patriotism of people actually BORN and raised here and who have done more for this country than his immigrant ass because they don’t blindly stick their heads up bibis ass and swallow is classic blind faith and THE reason why we are here.
One side will never be seen as humans or deserving no matter what.
Notice number 2 was his only LOGICAL conclusion, ALL of them leave. Exactly what he and the rest of the murdering Zionists want. The video of the tank destroying the Welcome to Rafa entry sign was a cold blooded calculated message to show it will eventually be erased . Like uncountable other villages and towns Israel has destroyed and renamed with settlements it to shall fade.
More patriotic to question why bombs I paid for are still being dropped on unarmed civilians without goal and without end. ‘Eradicating Hamas’ is a fantasy some still believe in. As long as it’s dirty backwards heathens getting killed it’s ok. In fact one here even hopes for more daily air raids killing more children.

So Red, sorry you’re so ignorant. His logic is like Bibi unquestionable.
Your preferred option is 4 right?

Or are you one of those just running in circles with no direction in life?

Or can you offer perhaps a different solution?

Sorry I forgot. The man with no answers does not answer questions.
Another patriotic first generation American?

Another patriotic first generation American?

View attachment 1683047
What's the odds of a person such as this donning a uniform to protect their country?

I'd say very low.....

People like this make me sick...if things are so great in another country and so horrible in the country this person is standing in.....why are they still there? I'll answer my own question.....because in their own country they wouldn't be allowed to hold a sign like that against their own country-they'd be put to death.