...I was a dare devil
surely not the only one here either
Hi. Yes that is so. Sitting in an open door at 3000 ft in a banked turn. Been in 283 hot LZ'S being shot at. An old Lola T 142 big shunt at Mossport Ca. A young girl friend.

From what I can tell, I have the correct sensor but the wrong connector. Anyone got any ideas?

The Schnitz racing relocation kit comes with a connector. But it's rather dear for what I need.
Crazy that after all these years, that 1st gen Katana still looks cutting edge......

I recall in the day that RZ350s didn't even get a second glance....now it's on a pedestal.....I remember guys trying to run me on mine and when they got blown off the road, they'd always say "what the heck is that thing?"
Got this fancy tail bag for my birthday! I can put it on the seat or on the rack.



With it on the rack, I can bungey stuff to the rear pillion. I suppose I could run the saddle bag strap under the cushion, but momma isn't really into long hauls on this bike.

Pretty happy. I think I could do Alaska with this kit.

