Tag Mount Laws (Florida)  FYI


Awhile back I posted about the illumination and location of my plate, as I have relocated to a side mounted style hanging off the swing arm. I took the advice of a fellow forum rider and created a small battery box behind the plate activated by a small switch so I wouldnt' have to run wires all over the place. I recently have been looking for homes with a real estate agent who is a retired sheriff in Nassau County, FL and he partnered with a long time motorcycle cop for the legalities of mounting and illumination... I found this interesting and dissapointing since I am still not in compliance. i will post pics of the mod soon.

1 ) Every motorcycle and motor-driven cycle shall have at least one tail lamp which shall be located at a height of not more than 72 nor less than 20 inches.

2) Either a tail lamp or a separate lamp shall be so constructed and placed as to illuminate with a white light the rear registration plate and render it clearly legible from a distance of 50 feet to the rear. Any tail lamp or tail lamps, together with any separate lamp or lamps for illuminating the rear registration plate, shall be so wired as to be lighted whenever the headlamps or auxiliary driving lamps are lighted.
Here are som pics of the new tag mount I created... I bought the actual bracket off Ebay for $40, the LED bolts from local suzuki dealer for $20 and the other parts from Radio Shack... total cost around $80. Works well and best of all I didn't have to run wires all over the place... unfortunatly it is technically not compliant with Florida law, but hopefully it will keep the law off my butt.

I still have to get some pics of it installed on the bike, but it fit nicely around the axel just between the axel block and the swing arm. (aftermarket swingarm)

Looks good and very creative. Gives me an idea on how to do mine when I get my plate holder. Hope the LEO's leave you alone.
Yep you can bet with the way they cracking down on bikes in FL you might get a warning first time,but they will be watching out for you locally to see if you got it fixed,followed by a fine.
I remember not along ago a FL auto driver got a ticket for having an everyday license plate bracket/frame with his license plate, like most people do. BY LAW, it is illegal to have any portion of the bracket obstructing anything on the license plate. I believe the word FLORIDA across the top of the plate was partially obstructed and he got a ticket.

I believe it also has to be on the furthest rear point of the bike. I would bet that sooner or later some LEO will write you up for that. Have had guys I ride with for having their license plate under the tail written up because it was too steep of an angle and not perpendicular enough to the ground.
Yep the less 100% it is to the law the greater the chance of getting hassled/ticketed. 90 out is very noticeable.
if i got another ticket, i would simply remove my bracket, take it to court, measure out 50' from the judge or a randomly selected volunteer, and have the officer write out 5 letters/numbers the same size as a plate... put the mock plate on my stand, turn out the lights and ask if the judge can read it. if he can... than I am not breaking the law according to the written word... right? I love to fight though... so most probably wouldn't go to that trouble.
Re: Tag Mount Laws (Florida)  FYI

That is a really nice mount job. And I have good news for you. There is no need to run a ton of wiring to make it legal. You can very easilly splice into the tail light wiring to power the lights for the tag. you have to keep in mind a LED is polarity sensitive. Wire it wrong and it wont work. So if it doesnt work swap the connections.
Re: Tag Mount Laws (Florida)  FYI

if i got another ticket, i would simply remove my bracket, take it to court, measure out 50' from the judge or a randomly selected volunteer, and have the officer write out 5 letters/numbers the same size as a plate... put the mock plate on my stand, turn out the lights and ask if the judge can read it. if he can... than I am not breaking the law according to the written word... right? I love to fight though... so most probably wouldn't go to that trouble.

I would love to see that hearing....
Re: Tag Mount Laws (Florida)  FYI

I would love to see that hearing....
I figured the judge would get a kick out of the dog and pony show.. :)

I think all he (prosecution) has to do is ask 2 questions..

is the tag mounted horizontally?
is the tag mounted in the space provided by the manufacturer? (one clause states that if there is not a spot provided by the manufacture, the vehicle can not be licensed)

that will be $1000 please... next case..
Re: Tag Mount Laws (Florida)  FYI

316.2085 Riding on motorcycles or mopeds.--

(1) A person operating a motorcycle or moped shall ride only upon the permanent and regular seat attached thereto, and such operator shall not carry any other person, nor shall any other person ride on a motorcycle or moped, unless such motorcycle or moped is designed to carry more than one person, in which event a passenger may ride upon the permanent and regular seat if designed for two persons or upon another seat firmly attached to the motorcycle or moped at the rear or side of the operator.

(2) A person shall ride upon a motorcycle or moped only while sitting astride the seat, with both wheels on the ground at all times, facing forward, and with one leg on each side of the motorcycle or moped. However, it is not a violation of this subsection if the wheels of a motorcycle or moped lose contact with the ground briefly due to the condition of the road surface or other circumstances beyond the control of the operator.

(3) The license tag of a motorcycle or moped must be permanently affixed horizontally to the ground and may not be adjusted or capable of being flipped up.

(4) No person shall operate a motorcycle or moped while carrying any package, bundle, or other article which prevents the person from keeping both hands on the handlebars.

(5) No operator shall carry any person, nor shall any person ride, in a position that will interfere with the operation or control of the motorcycle or moped or the view of the operator.

(6) A person under 16 years of age may not:

(a) Operate a motorcycle that has a motor with more than 150 cubic centimeters displacement.

(b) Rent a motorcycle or a moped.

(7) A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a moving violation as provided in chapter 318.
Re: Tag Mount Laws (Florida)  FYI

These fines were made to kill two birds with one stone generate rev and attack motorcycles I recommend you put the tag back where it goes. And if you on a sport bike i doubt you will get a warning. My friend removed the tag all together now he rides without one, he said it's a cheaper fine.
Re: Tag Mount Laws (Florida)  FYI

These fines were made to kill two birds with one stone generate rev and attack motorcycles I recommend you put the tag back where it goes. And if you on a sport bike i doubt you will get a warning. My friend removed the tag all together now he rides without one, he said it's a cheaper fine.

that's why I took out the frame off my tag and mounted it horizontal to the ground. I already know other rides that have been stop in Orlando and given tickets for having tags vertical and not been illuminated. :whistle:

