Florida motorcycle Laws

So motorcycles do not have to carry insurance at all is what that says, correct?

Yes, but, you have to have at least 10K in medical insurance if your not wearing a helmet.

I'm wondering how the No Fault is NOT applied to M/C's in an M/C versus cage accident where the cager is at fault. No fault applies to cages, so is it a matter of a cage is always 50% at fault, even if they caused the accident with the M/C?

Does it work both ways?
you are correct. insurance is not required in florida and motorcycle endorsement is not enforced.

You are somewhat right, but wrong if you think riding without at least liability insurance is a good idea. You can still lose your license or be required to buy sr22 insurance for 3 years to keep your license, if you are involved in an accident and you don't have insurance. You will be violating the Financial responsibility law in Florida.

What do you mean motorcycle endorsement is not enforced? If you get pulled and don't have that endorcement, you are getting fined. I see that you say you were pulled and weren't cited for the non-endorsement. Either he didn't notice or was feeling generous, next time you won't be so lucky, get a license!

don't believe me, maybe you'll believe an attorney.

It really all comes down to attitudes -- yours and the LEO. If they're pushed to write [as TPD and HCSO are periodicly] or having a bad day, you will too. Be respectful [but not cloying] and show a good attitude and your chances improve greatly. A lot of cops ride too.
Like the Statman said, lots of cops ride too. It's all about the attitude, and maybe previous number of warnings about getting it taken care of. The endorsement is required and mostly enforced. Officers have discretion so just because they(we) don't write/or arrest for it doesn't mean that they (we) can't. It is actually not just an infraction but a criminal offense which should require a court date.
Fl. St. Statute 322.03(4)