Florida Bikers - Lose your bike

You worded that Pretty good Matt. We all need to buy a BIG chunk of land in BFE, Make it our own Busa county, Busas only allowed , everyone else stay the **** out..
You worded that Pretty good Matt. We  all need to buy a BIG chunk of land in BFE, Make it our own Busa county,  Busas only allowed  , everyone else stay the **** out..
I am headed to our state ABATE meeting today and will be talking to our lobbyist about this bill and how we cannot support it. It is not right to take my bike because of 30 over. However if I am stunting in traffic and driving recklessly then I'm an idiot and don't need to be riding. I will be bringing up the point that it takes 3 DUI's to lose you license for 10 years or more. Maybe it should be the same for stunting in public.
Hey Snake , I agreee with you YET I disagree, There a fine line. There is something called a time and place. If someone wants to stunt Let them as long as its on some open road , no traffic, ( IE I-75 3am outa town) .If they wreck cool it eleminates the shallow gene pool. Plus If someone is good enough to stunt , They can probably be safer than a 70 year old lady driving down the road to a bingo function ( while shes on 50 meds a day. I was in tampa a few months back and some dude was in traffic riding with his feet over he handle barsat about 80 mph...He can probably ride better than I ever will. yet he's not supposed to ride like that. But I bet ya he's better than some beginner.. I think it all comes down to each persons personal level of skill.. One thing yoou could address while at the meeting is IF speed limits are all about safety then why can a 50,000 lb rig do 70mph and the bike weighing 500lb has to do the same speed limit.That rig is dangerous weighing that much doing that speed. Go gett'em!!& Thanks
Yes I have , But I'm just say'in It cant stop or maneuver like the bike can.. & if a Rig hits soomething , its sure going to do a lot more damage than the bike ever will
dude i think the busa community should all pitch in and buy chile its perfect for us def can do some good high speed runs

I made T-shirts for my Martial Arts School it tells lifes piorities It says " Bibles, Beans and Bullets ( In that Order) I might have to add Busa's...Anyone see the Trucks burning in Cal. Today ? Crap lets out-law them dang things.. Never saw a Busa cause that kind of damage..
i'm sure glad the moonshiners didn't give up this easy...

it just brought about a whole new level of man and machine...

To beat the system instead of the system beating them...

which ultimately evolved into what we now know today as....




If this HB passes?...i'll either move or?...

my roadside mannors policy will undergo some serious revisions.

L8R, Bill.

i'm sure glad the moonshiners didn't give up this easy...

it just brought about a whole new level of man and machine...

To beat the system instead of the system beating them...

which ultimately evolved into what we now know today as....




If this HB passes?...i'll either move or?...

my roadside mannors policy will undergo some serious revisions.

L8R, Bill.  
There is no need to move. I just got back from the state ABATE meeting and we will fight this. Our lobbyist has spoken to the sponsor and told him this is a direct discrimination against motorcycles. I will post more later today or tomorrow (I'm tired right now). I just wanted to let everyone know that this bill WILL NOT go thru or be supported by ABATE.

There is no need to move. I just got back from the state ABATE meeting and we will fight this. Our lobbyist has spoken to the sponsor and told him this is a direct discrimination against motorcycles. I will post more later today or tomorrow (I'm tired right now). I just wanted to let everyone know that this bill WILL NOT go thru or be supported by ABATE.
I look forward to hearing more details about what happened at the meeting. I just have funny feeling that Doc is gonna throw us (sportbikers) under the bus. I hope I'm wrong.
There is no need to move. I just got back from the state ABATE meeting and we will fight this. Our lobbyist has spoken to the sponsor and told him this is a direct discrimination against motorcycles. I will post more later today or tomorrow (I'm tired right now). I just wanted to let everyone know that this bill WILL NOT go thru or be supported by ABATE.
I look forward to hearing more details about what happened at the meeting.  I just have funny feeling that Doc is gonna throw us (sportbikers) under the bus.  I hope I'm wrong.
You are very wrong. Doc is not going to throw us under the bus. In fact he is planning to go meet with the members of Tampa sportbikes riders. I had a number of conversations with him away from the meeting. PLease read the letter that I have attached. This letter was in response to the letter Mr Lopez-Cantera send to people that contacted him. I stood up at the state meeting and made sure everyone heard that we are bikers too. The response I got was very positive. We have to make sure we don't judge all cruiser riders even if they judge us. Doc said he has heard people say that cruisers and sportbike riders don't have anything in common and responded that we have everything in common. If the Florida riders would like I could probably set something up for a meeting with Doc and ABATE so you can understand that what some jacka$$es feel about sportbikes is not what ABATE of Florida, Inc feels.
Anyone that would like more info please shoot me a PM with either a number or I'll send you mine and we can talk about it.

