it's crazy to me how so many people can concentrate on motrocyclist. The military is going the same route. We get 6 DUI's in 3 months and a new rule for motorcycles comes out. Go figure.
that doesn't matter what percentage does what...that's like saying a guy who commits murder with a handgun should get more punishment than someone who commits murder with a rifle because a handgun is used more....the person is still dead.(Charlesbusa @ Sep. 26 2007,00:00)Because the percentage of bikes running from cops compared to cars running from cops at over 150mph is HUGE!!!(bitabur @ Sep. 25 2007,20:28) WHY is it legal to confiscate a bike whose rider is accused of being reckless or going 30+ over the limit, but not a car? There are fast cars out there too, and they have a lot more capability to dammage people + property when doing something reckless.
This is what we get for running....
Me, too. I've never run - but if I'm losing my bike anyway then why not?(kennym4 @ Sep. 26 2007,03:41) I would never run from a cop, BUT..if I know I'm losing my bike...I'm the Ginger Bread Man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(mvanlone @ Sep. 26 2007,12:48) My wife and I were thinking in the future to relocate to Florida. After reading this, I think it just changed my mind. I don't see anything positive to come out of this bill at all. All I see is people running from the police and probably some people getting killed running from the police. I am just plain disturbed about how these states are getting profitable on the backs of working people. So it appears that I will not live in Virgina and now possibly Florida as well. It is BS>>>>>![]()
+1(TallTom @ Sep. 26 2007,12:28) What happens if the cop pulls you over and says "I got you for doing 86 in a 55, and you KNOW you weren't doing it? Too bad. All the cop has to do is write that ticket out and you can be charged under the new staute as he sees fit. Forget trying to dsiprove the speed as being correct, its already too late to save your bike. The cop don't care if you go to court and prove your speed, he just got your bike stolen from you legally.
+1 on that! and New York this state can/will and has charged a rider with manslaughter for a LEO getting killed using crapy tires! Crashed Chasing a Busa @150 MPH. 15 yrs in Stark.(kaosccw @ Sep. 26 2007,12:24) I don't currently run, but after 10/1/2008, it will depend on my speed at the time.