Symptom of our Problems: Wal-Mart Litigation

Yeah, I saw this lady dump some kind of oil on the floor, pretend to slip, and try to sue the company...(they caught her on CCTV though), I believe she was charged with fraud.:thumbsup:

People are WAYYY too sue-happy anymore, and the demons...oops! I mean LAWYERS :sulk: are LOVING it! :angry:

Is that a picture of Jesus holding an M-16?
Well Wal-Mart Screws it's employees, it's communities, and it's suppliers all in an effort to provide crap at "Roll Back Prices"???? Eventually it'll catch up to you.

Wal-Marx is exactly what's wrong with America, Corporate Greed. In a perfect world, the wealth is shared among the employees. Look at Microsoft, excellent benefits for all their employees, good health care, dental, child care, etc... An example of a company that's doing it right.

Please point me to the rules, regulations or formulas that require you to screw the investors or shareholders of the company so that the employees that volunteer to work there can recieve a bigger share. Please also explain to me how you can compare even the lowest programmer or even the guy that writes the instruction documents at Microsoft with the average Walmart worker.

Wal-Mart is part of why the democrats are so hungry to step in and impose more regulation... Corporate greed, plain and simple. Apparently some billionaires really are scumbags and a prime example is the Walton family... Hell at least Paris Hilton provides us with entertainment, Waltons??? Nothing.

Again, please point me to the formula, rule or regulation that requires them to share. They are already paying a regressive tax.

I really don't want to leave in a system where the lowest common denominator rules.
Excellent points.

Exploitation will always lead to revolt. In this case it is individuals exercising their RIGHT to be heard in court. Some are legit some are not but all should be heard and delt with accordingly.

Some light reading about good old Wal-Mart: - Wal-Mart's Tax On Us bad we're all not as smart as you.....well shaaazzzamm. ???
Then the world would be a socialist utopia :thumbsup:

It's got little to do with revolt or expoitation and more to do with
lazy arsed people seeing a free ride. 5000 lawsuits a year how many
do your REALLY HONESTLY think are legit?
Bogus BS lawsuits cost ALL OF US money.

Corprorate greed is not the only evil's personal greed as well.
And in truth that is why our economy is where it is. Everyone wants
and wants and wants...they want a new SUV (2 in fact) a bigger house,
a goes on and on, till we buy more than we can afford.

I work for a large company that has quite a few factories around the country.
I've been there for 20 years and although, I'll never get rich working there it
provided me with a decent living...and like I can ALWAYS quit.

We had a guy walking not watching where he was going and ran his head into
a parked fork lift fork...he sued and got money.

We preach constantly about not jumping between platforms, guy jumps, slips
a little, bends his arm, sues....he gets $600 every week of his life till the day
he dies. My Plant manager drove by his house and saw him working in his yard
harder than he ever worked at the plant...

We had another guy doing personal sidework ...hurts his back, came to work, jumped
down from a platform (against company rules) claimed he hurt his back then
sued....guess what, he got paid off.

That is just a few of many and just at my plant.

People suck, they're stupid, lazy, greedy, and they see dollar signs.
The problem isn't walmart, they could be the greatest company ever and
they'd still be getting there azzes sued off...cause people suck. bad we're all not as smart as you.....well shaaazzzamm. ???
Then the world would be a socialist utopia :thumbsup:

It's got little to do with revolt or expoitation and more to do with
lazy arsed people seeing a free ride. 5000 lawsuits a year how many
do your REALLY HONESTLY think are legit?
Bogus BS lawsuits cost ALL OF US money.

Corprorate greed is not the only evil's personal greed as well.
And in truth that is why our economy is where it is. Everyone wants
and wants and wants...they want a new SUV (2 in fact) a bigger house,
a goes on and on, till we buy more than we can afford.

I work for a large company that has quite a few factories around the country.
I've been there for 20 years and although, I'll never get rich working there it
provided me with a decent living...and like I can ALWAYS quit.

We had a guy walking not watching where he was going and ran his head into
a parked fork lift fork...he sued and got money.

We preach constantly about not jumping between platforms, guy jumps, slips
a little, bends his arm, sues....he gets $600 every week of his life till the day
he dies. My Plant manager drove by his house and saw him working in his yard
harder than he ever worked at the plant...

We had another guy doing personal sidework ...hurts his back, came to work, jumped
down from a platform (against company rules) claimed he hurt his back then
sued....guess what, he got paid off.

That is just a few of many and just at my plant.

People suck, they're stupid, lazy, greedy, and they see dollar signs.
The problem isn't walmart, they could be the greatest company ever and
they'd still be getting there azzes sued off...cause people suck.


My stepfather was lead engineer at Case located in Racine, WI. After retirement he was a witness for Case Tractors for litigation against them. After all, he designed and implemented most products manufactured at Case.

He told me a story that was just absurd. A guy bought an old pull behind combine. The combine had a 2 1/2 inch receiver. This azzhat connected the old combine to a 1 7/8 ball on his truck. When he pulled the combine across railroad tracks the combine came loose and struck an on coming car seriously injuring the occupants.

Case Tractor had to pay millions for this guys ignorance. You could barely read the lettering as they use to paint it on but they still lost.

It was Case Tractors fault! :dunno:

Litigation costs are eventually paid by us, the consumer.

You can always join me Justyntym. :laugh:

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the future COSTCO: :D

They recently put a walmart 1/2 mile from me. I will never go there again. Yeah, DVDs and groceries are $1 cheaper and they are open all night, but screw it... I'll make the 4 mile drive to Target. Just can't support walmart's destruction

people couldn't sue without the LAWYERS! It begins and ends with them. THEY are the problem. Not the idiot people. Sorry any lawyers here, but it is true
My wife is a manager at Walmart....been there 13 years and she doesn't make crap for pay. I have always told her to find a different job, but she likes it there. I don't care for the store myself, it's always too busy. I go to Kmart. bad we're all not as smart as you.....well shaaazzzamm. ???
Then the world would be a socialist utopia :thumbsup:

It's got little to do with revolt or expoitation and more to do with
lazy arsed people seeing a free ride. 5000 lawsuits a year how many
do your REALLY HONESTLY think are legit?
Bogus BS lawsuits cost ALL OF US money.

Corprorate greed is not the only evil's personal greed as well.
And in truth that is why our economy is where it is. Everyone wants
and wants and wants...they want a new SUV (2 in fact) a bigger house,
a goes on and on, till we buy more than we can afford.

I work for a large company that has quite a few factories around the country.
I've been there for 20 years and although, I'll never get rich working there it
provided me with a decent living...and like I can ALWAYS quit.

We had a guy walking not watching where he was going and ran his head into
a parked fork lift fork...he sued and got money.

We preach constantly about not jumping between platforms, guy jumps, slips
a little, bends his arm, sues....he gets $600 every week of his life till the day
he dies. My Plant manager drove by his house and saw him working in his yard
harder than he ever worked at the plant...

We had another guy doing personal sidework ...hurts his back, came to work, jumped
down from a platform (against company rules) claimed he hurt his back then
sued....guess what, he got paid off.

That is just a few of many and just at my plant.

People suck, they're stupid, lazy, greedy, and they see dollar signs.
The problem isn't walmart, they could be the greatest company ever and
they'd still be getting there azzes sued off...cause people suck.

I agree there are a lot of crap lawsuits and they should be delt with accordingly. But there are some legit ones too that are not about greed they are about peoples lives bring disrupted.

You are also right there is plenty of greed to go around and if you feel a coproration has more responsibility to the share holders than it dose to its employees then this is what you get.
the future COSTCO: :D

They recently put a walmart 1/2 mile from me. I will never go there again. Yeah, DVDs and groceries are $1 cheaper and they are open all night, but screw it... I'll make the 4 mile drive to Target. Just can't support walmart's destruction

people couldn't sue without the LAWYERS! It begins and ends with them. THEY are the problem. Not the idiot people. Sorry any lawyers here, but it is true

blaming lawyers for lying greedy filth trying to abuse our judicial system is like blaming guns for columbine???
blaming lawyers for lying greedy filth trying to abuse our judicial system is like blaming guns for columbine???

you're kidding right? Lawyers GO OUT HUNTING for things to sue over. Don't forget the idiot masses are too stupid to come up with these suits on their own. They have to be SPOON FED the ideas

guns are nothing like people. do the guns convince the user they have a strong case to win if used?

NONE OF THESE STUPID suits would exist without the lawyers.
you're kidding right? Lawyers GO OUT HUNTING for things to sue over. Don't forget the idiot masses are too stupid to come up with these suits on their own. They have to be SPOON FED the ideas

guns are nothing like people. do the guns convince the user they have a strong case to win if used?

NONE OF THESE STUPID suits would exist without the lawyers.

huge flaw in your thought process on this one. fat people wouldn't exist without with the frito lay company...

the lawyers wouldn't exist if the suits weren't there. I agree that people are perpetuated by the ease that comes filing a suit...but blaming the lawyers is the most bizzare case of reverse logic I've heard in a long while.

Sorry man, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Not trying to break into a huge debate...kinda half into this right now. :beerchug: I'll pick another piont to go toe to toe with you when I have a bit more time:laugh:
huge flaw in your thought process on this one. fat people wouldn't exist without with the frito lay company...

the lawyers wouldn't exist if the suits weren't there. I agree that people are perpetuated by the ease that comes filing a suit...but blaming the lawyers is the most bizzare case of reverse logic I've heard in a long while.

Sorry man, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Not trying to break into a huge debate...kinda half into this right now. :beerchug: I'll pick another piont to go toe to toe with you when I have a bit more time:laugh:

I have to disagree.
His logic is more along the lines that "fat people would not exist without food" which is more true than not.
Lay people for the most part do not have the ability to sue, and I would hazard a guess that more than 99% of all law suits involve lawyers, so.... if they didn't start them, who would?
I have to disagree.
His logic is more along the lines that "fat people would not exist without food" which is more true than not.
Lay people for the most part do not have the ability to sue, and I would hazard a guess that more than 99% of all law suits involve lawyers, so.... if they didn't start them, who would? is nothing like people. do the convince the user they have a strong case to win if eaten?:moon:

We live in a capitalistic nation...lawyers are going to make their money the way they know how. They don't knock on anyones door asking if they feel like sueing anyone.

What does happen, is a great number of PATHETIC, LAZY AND IGNORANT trash hear of someone getting a large settlement and start seeing dollar signs. This TRASH goes out and finds the lawyers.

I may have to check the response to this tomorrow...kinda sleepy.:beerchug:

They would hurt themselves, stand up, dust off, think "That's life", and move on.

Give me a reason why lawyers have to exist at all? Because we don't get along? Would you rather try to work something out rather than pay someone $300 an hour for 20 hours to be an intermediary for you? I know I would. I'm man enough to deal with things - I guess others are not? But I think that option is now longer legally allowed. Probably due to a lawyer :laugh:

For the record, I was never burned by a lawyer or screwed over or sued at all. I just have very open eyes. Pretty easy to see their scam really. Think about it. Do you really need 6 pages of tiny text scrolled across the bottom of a TV ad for a CAR? It's a car! They should just show how cool it is and tell us where to get one. Not HAVE TO tell us not to speed, that is on a closed course, a professional stunt driver, and a bunch more about the money terms - wouldn't I find that out at the dealer? Too many idiots in the world need spoon feeding I guess

They would hurt themselves, stand up, dust off, think "That's life", and move on.

Give me a reason why lawyers have to exist at all? Because we don't get along? Would you rather try to work something out rather than pay someone $300 an hour for 20 hours to be an intermediary for you? I know I would. I'm man enough to deal with things - I guess others are not? But I think that option is now longer legally allowed. Probably due to a lawyer :laugh:

For the record, I was never burned by a lawyer or screwed over or sued at all. I just have very open eyes. Pretty easy to see their scam really. Think about it. Do you really need 6 pages of tiny text scrolled across the bottom of a TV ad for a CAR? It's a car! They should just show how cool it is and tell us where to get one. Not HAVE TO tell us not to speed, that is on a closed course, a professional stunt driver, and a bunch more about the money terms - wouldn't I find that out at the dealer? Too many idiots in the world need spoon feeding I guess

lawyers exist to interpret law, or argue for their interpretation of law because as you can common folk don't always agree on things:laugh:

I agree that lawyers are dirty, and I don't like small print either. But I still think the lazy scumsuckers are the problem, not the lawyers. After all, there's a whole other set of lawyers that try to stop these crooks.

You know, one day we're gonna meet...I hope you don't punch me:rofl:
lawyers exist to interpret law, or argue for their interpretation of law because as you can common folk don't always agree on things:laugh:

I agree that lawyers are dirty, and I don't like small print either. But I still think the lazy scumsuckers are the problem, not the lawyers. After all, there's a whole other set of lawyers that try to stop these crooks.

You know, one day we're gonna meet...I hope you don't punch me:rofl:

I think we are over-lawed too realistically. Give everyone guns again and we won't NEED so many deep, pointless laws and lawyers.... things would just sort or... work themselves out. :laugh: If we need someone to INTERPRET law, we've written the law too long and complicated.

Punch you? ? ? Dude, we're just practicing arguing online is all. You're probably a really great person! I have no idea. Seems like everyone on this sight is fairly well educated, intelligent and mature. That's what makes all this so fun! :laugh:

wait what was the topic again?:rofl:
I think we are over-lawed too realistically. Give everyone guns again and we won't NEED so many deep, pointless laws and lawyers.... things would just sort or... work themselves out. :laugh: If we need someone to INTERPRET law, we've written the law too long and complicated.

Punch you? ? ? Dude, we're just practicing arguing online is all. You're probably a really great person! I have no idea. Seems like everyone on this sight is fairly well educated, intelligent and mature. That's what makes all this so fun! :laugh:

wait what was the topic again?:rofl: