I mean really WTF


So Ken and i go for a little ride this am.. He was on my Bonneville I was on my R6..

We are heading down Dorchester Rd toward Summerville.. I am a good 100 yards infront of him. I look in the mirror and he is no where to be found. I turn around and find him in the parking lot of the Exxon with a state trooper behind him. Seems someone stole the "09" sticker off my plate. No big deal I hand the officer my regstration and insurance info. It shows the bike is good.. Then he asks to see my license. Hum odd but ok I hand it to him.. Next thing you know I am getting a ticket for driving a motorcycle with out a license.. Seems the DMV did not put the motorcycle endorsment on my license when I renewed it..

So here is how this panned out..

I am ridding my bike, my buddy gets pulled. I find him, wait on him to clear up with the oficer and I GET A TICKET!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS NOT THE ONE PULLED OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving
Dang, that is some bad luck! Your license number should show the motorcycle endorsement, whether or not the tech at the tag office put it on your license. Can you get this sorted by going back to the DMV?
What a drag. Dude, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Shaking my head in disgust.
So Ken and i go for a little ride this am.. He was on my Bonneville I was on my R6..

We are heading down Dorchester Rd toward Summerville.. I am a good 100 yards infront of him. I look in the mirror and he is no where to be found. I turn around and find him in the parking lot of the Exxon with a state trooper behind him. Seems someone stole the "09" sticker off my plate. No big deal I hand the officer my regstration and insurance info. It shows the bike is good.. Then he asks to see my license. Hum odd but ok I hand it to him.. Next thing you know I am getting a ticket for driving a motorcycle with out a license.. Seems the DMV did not put the motorcycle endorsment on my license when I renewed it..

So here is how this panned out..

I am ridding my bike, my buddy gets pulled. I find him, wait on him to clear up with the oficer and I GET A TICKET!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS NOT THE ONE PULLED OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope that cop chokes on a yam:laugh:
State Troupers are hall monitors (worthless unnecissary tickets)
and garbage collectors (accident detail) and are nothing but a huge
WASTE of taxpayers MONEY.
That sucks......just remember.....karma will come back to bite him someday!
heading down dorchester road to summerville you say?? sounds to me like you're from North Charleston SC...I used to live there:beerchug::thumbsup: MIght be flying down in a few weeks
I can sympathize with you and so can my daughter. Just yesterday she was cited by a CHP for doing 63 in a 55 on a country road no less. EIGHT mph over the limit (and) the CHP wrote 45 on the ticket as a safe speed! Revenuers, that's all they seem to be nowadays!
Bummer to the extreme.

The last 2 times I have renewed my license they didn't give me my " M " endorsement, I kindly pointed that out to the DMV lady and she corrected it on the spot fortunatly.
You should be able to get out of that one in court.
Posted via Mobile Device
Yeah they said thye will drop it in courst.. But I have to spend a Saturday at the DMV fixing the license issue, and take a day off my new job to go to court so it can get dropped...
This is such a sad testimony to the efficency of government these days, it takes 3 different government organizations ( Police, DMV,and Courts) to clear up one mistake.

That is there fault to begin with

Where is the accountability on the part of the government ?:moon:
What a waste of time... Meanwhile our cars and homes are getting broken into but we really need to watch out for those that don't have a motorcycle endorsement or speeding at 8mph over the speed limit, LoL...