Trauma time...first pair of glasses....

LOL! Very good.

The eye puffer is a darned sight better (no pun intended) than the old instruments that actually pressed into your eye. You've never had this test before? hmmm....

$503 is a lot for glasses. You can do no-line bifocals way cheaper than that. But you did get the Nikon high index, which is top of the line. You must be rich!

Anyway, welcome to the old farts club. My prescription didn't change from 7th grade until age 45. I've gone through four new prescriptions since then.

BTW, Bogus, post your prescription here and I'll tell you what it means technically.

They are supposed to be a "no line" bi-focal? I think the card said +1.00 and +1.25 with a 1.50 Add (I think that is the reader part)

just amazed how much some stupid piece of clear plastic can cost..
I use New York bifocals: take off the 1.25 for ridin'. Then put on
the prism magnifiers for reading. night vision: I gape and grope.
They are supposed to be a "no line" bi-focal? I think the card said +1.00 and +1.25 with a 1.50 Add (I think that is the reader part)

just amazed how much some stupid piece of clear plastic can cost..
No-lines are definitely the way to go. It will take a little time to get used to them, but what they give you is a way to pick the optimum correction for whatever you are looking at. In essence, the correction varies continuously between the central "distance" part of the lenses and the lower "reading" portion. No need for trifocals.

As for your prescription, your eyes really aren't that bad. You are mildly (very mildly) far-sighted in both eyes. The +1.00 and +1.25 are spherical corrections, which are the easiest to correct.

This is a very weak prescription, sort of the bare minimum to actually get glasses. You really did not need the expensive "high index" lens material for this prescription. Now if your eyes had needed +3.00 or +4.00, THEN it would have been worth the extra money to make the lenses thinner, lighter, and less dorky looking. Regular polycarbonate or even the cheapest lenses would have been fine.

If that is the whole prescription, you do not have an astigmatism (it would be labeled as "cyl" plus an angle in degrees).

The last part is the "add" for your reading glass (near sight). You must have been wearing reading glasses with a prescription of about +2.5 to +2.75. (add the 1.50 to the +1.00 or the +1.25 spherical correction, get it?) If you want cheapo reading glasses, go to the drug store and try ones in the +2.5 or 2.75 range and they should be about right. Actually, I get ones for a buck at the dollar store. There really is no need to pay a lot for these. Don't pay much, because you will leave them somewhere anyway.

Chances are you will continue to get more farsighted as you get older. This is a natural part of the lenses in your eyes hardening up and getting less flexible and less able to focus. It's similar to what the discs in your back did back when you were 30-35 years old.

All in all, you are pretty lucky that your eyes are so good. Must be good genes!
Wait till your teeth start the journey south.
The glasses will come in handy when you get the Dentist bill.
Then you can mortgage your house to pay it.
Yeah the "Golden Years"
Golden for everyone else who is keeping your body together.
P.S. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad about your glasses. The Nikon lenses are excellent and will hold up well for years. They are top of the line.
Quit yer whinin'. I've been wearing glasses since 1984 and I'm not 40 yet. I've tried contacts and can't get any that will settle in the correct position. Just be glad you don't have an astigmatism. With no glasses I can't focus on anything. I just see colorful shapes and multiple lines.
Quit yer whinin'. I've been wearing glasses since 1984 and I'm not 40 yet. I've tried contacts and can't get any that will settle in the correct position. Just be glad you don't have an astigmatism. With no glasses I can't focus on anything. I just see colorful shapes and multiple lines.
Wanna try something fun? Get a piece of aluminum foil, maybe four inches on a side. Poke a straight pin through it to make a small, round hole. Don't worry about making the hole super small - your goal is to make it small, round, and even, not rough or jagged.

Using only one eye, hold the foil about 8 to 10 inches away from your eye and look through the hole at something distant. You should be able to see very clearly - and sharp - through the hole without your glasses. With a little practice, you can move the hole closer and see a little wider field of view, but still sharp without your glasses. Try looking at distant streetlights at night. I see 6 of them in a blur without my glasses, but can see one sharp streetlight looking through a pinhole.

After you get that figured out, try looking at something really close, like a newspaper. Get your eye about four inches away from the page, closer than you could normally focus. Now put the foil about halfway between your eye and the page and look through the hole. You should be able to see like you are looking through a microscope. Play around with the distance of your eye to the page and the position of the pinhole in between and see how much "magnification" you can achieve.

Pretty neat, eh?
Wanna try something fun? Get a piece of aluminum foil, maybe four inches on a side. Poke a straight pin through it to make a small, round hole. Don't worry about making the hole super small - your goal is to make it small, round, and even, not rough or jagged.

Using only one eye, hold the foil about 8 to 10 inches away from your eye and look through the hole at something distant. You should be able to see very clearly - and sharp - through the hole without your glasses. With a little practice, you can move the hole closer and see a little wider field of view, but still sharp without your glasses. Try looking at distant streetlights at night. I see 6 of them in a blur without my glasses, but can see one sharp streetlight looking through a pinhole.

After you get that figured out, try looking at something really close, like a newspaper. Get your eye about four inches away from the page, closer than you could normally focus. Now put the foil about halfway between your eye and the page and look through the hole. You should be able to see like you are looking through a microscope. Play around with the distance of your eye to the page and the position of the pinhole in between and see how much "magnification" you can achieve.

Pretty neat, eh?
funny you should say this... I found that looking through a pin hole did work and I asked the doc about it.. says it is normal as is the "halo" thing I have been seeing at night when headlights come at me.. said it is perfectly normal.. I figured it out when I had to read something one day on the road with no reading classes, I cupped my hand over my eye and make a small crack to read through .. was interesting..

I guess if my eyes are not that bad, I feel bad for those with worse vision.. I have been 20/15 my entire life and this decline has really bugged me... can only imagine what a real sight deficit must be like..

about the teeth.. never had a cavity in my life and see the doc every 8 or 9 years for the cursory.. "I dont see anything wrong at all here, why you here?" :laugh:
This whole thread violates the FOG charter. You never let the youngsters know what they will be in for. Now go to Walgreen's, get the Grecian hair treatment and be happy.
about the teeth.. never had a cavity in my life and see the doc every 8 or 9 years for the cursory.. "I dont see anything wrong at all here, why you here?" :laugh:

Ah grasshopper. All things come to he who waits. :laugh:

This whole thread violates the FOG charter. You never let the youngsters know what they will be in for. Now go to Walgreen's, get the Grecian hair treatment and be happy.

As I get older, I can buy combs with teeth further apart, as there is less hair to move about. :laugh:
I wish I had the hair for the Grecian hair treatment
Damn Bogus, that was a fatal mistake!

Now you can see what those women you've been hanging out with "REALLY" look like!


Those were his BEER GOGGLES...

H ELL, I can't read squat without reading glasses anymore...:banghead:
This whole thread violates the FOG charter. You never let the youngsters know what they will be in for. Now go to Walgreen's, get the Grecian hair treatment and be happy.

I agree Steve! Except for the hair color...WE ARE FOG!!
Wear the badges (Gray Hair) with HONOR!

My two pet peeves of old guys and hair.
1. Bad toupe..
2. Winkled, age spotted old men with JET BLACK HAIR... who are you kidding?
had to get +1 'scrips for the first time also a few mos. ago. wally world $15 glasses collecting dust fo rhe most part.

both my sister are the 5'-2" asian eye drs your talkin about..........:laugh:

and yes i get my exams for free
I woke up about 2 months ago to my vision changing overnight...I attribute it to almost turning 40 :laugh: I had to go see my eye doc, he says "you may need bifocals" and I immediately tossed myself in the floor and threw a fit...

He sent me home in a pair of new contacts to try as plan A...let me tell you, most miserable I've been in a LONG time...I was taking 'em out, whining about my vision, unable to see clearly sitting at my computer all day... :banghead:

I finally caved and called back to try plan B...only then did I hear "oh, those were bifocals you were wearing" and I nearly slapped someone across the room :rofl:

Long store bifocals yet, thank goodness...just an adjustment to my prescription for now, but I have NEVER literally gotten up one day and my vision changed overnight...turning 40 is going to really hurt! :duh:
funny you should say this... I found that looking through a pin hole did work and I asked the doc about it.. says it is normal as is the "halo" thing I have been seeing at night when headlights come at me.. said it is perfectly normal.. I figured it out when I had to read something one day on the road with no reading classes, I cupped my hand over my eye and make a small crack to read through .. was interesting..
The pinhole works by limiting the off axis rays of light entering your eye, so that only the central portion of the lens is used. This is identical to how stepping down the aperture on a camera increases the depth of field. The penalty is that you gather less light, so the object you're looking at needs to be more brightly illuminated. I find this is occasionally a really useful trick when you want to look at something really small, or you forget your glasses and make a little "pinhole" with your fingers to look through.
Ajay's right, I buy my readers at the cheapy store. Had a brand new pair in my pocket while riding the Busa and they couldn't hang on at 100 mph. I finally found them the next day but a car found them first. So glad they didn't cost much. The glasses look good Bogus, Now tape em up to give them a lttle more strength.:laugh:
Do you have x ray vision now?
$500 bucks? ouch I break lose my reading glasses often
Im prob not far behind you needing glasses
Did you say $500 im screwed
