They are supposed to be a "no line" bi-focal? I think the card said +1.00 and +1.25 with a 1.50 Add (I think that is the reader part)
just amazed how much some stupid piece of clear plastic can cost..
No-lines are definitely the way to go. It will take a little time to get used to them, but what they give you is a way to pick the optimum correction for whatever you are looking at. In essence, the correction varies continuously between the central "distance" part of the lenses and the lower "reading" portion. No need for trifocals.
As for your prescription, your eyes really aren't that bad. You are mildly (very mildly) far-sighted in both eyes. The +1.00 and +1.25 are spherical corrections, which are the easiest to correct.
This is a very weak prescription, sort of the bare minimum to actually get glasses. You really did not need the expensive "high index" lens material for this prescription. Now if your eyes had needed +3.00 or +4.00, THEN it would have been worth the extra money to make the lenses thinner, lighter, and less dorky looking. Regular polycarbonate or even the cheapest lenses would have been fine.
If that is the whole prescription, you do not have an astigmatism (it would be labeled as "cyl" plus an angle in degrees).
The last part is the "add" for your reading glass (near sight). You must have been wearing reading glasses with a prescription of about +2.5 to +2.75. (add the 1.50 to the +1.00 or the +1.25 spherical correction, get it?) If you want cheapo reading glasses, go to the drug store and try ones in the +2.5 or 2.75 range and they should be about right. Actually, I get ones for a buck at the dollar store. There really is no need to pay a lot for these. Don't pay much, because you will leave them somewhere anyway.
Chances are you will continue to get more farsighted as you get older. This is a natural part of the lenses in your eyes hardening up and getting less flexible and less able to focus. It's similar to what the discs in your back did back when you were 30-35 years old.
All in all, you are pretty lucky that your eyes are so good. Must be good genes!