Went down today...


Went for a ride with a couple of the orgsters here, and locked up going through a curve (I panicked & locked the wheels up), and slid right into a small copse of trees. Right now, it looks like there's only cosmetic damage (fairings & nose are done)to the bike, and the right rear footpeg/muffler mount has been bent in a little. I took a couple of lumps, but I should be fine in a couple of days...I got off VERY lucky on this one, it could have turned out MUCH worse...

MAJOR THANKS to Jon, Rick, and Jim for helping me limp (literally!) home

Now, here's the pics for all to see:

luckily, it looks like the scrape on my left leg seems to be the worst I suffered physically. Nevertheless, I stand before you all embarrassed & ashamed...this was simply a result of me diving in to riding too fast after an extended absence from riding...I know, I'm an idiot, so flame on...







Thanks. I just hope I can get my bike fixed , or at least get all the parts before I have to go back overseas...
Im sure your local oRgsters will be all over it soon! You just worry about healing so you can get back out there!
I went off road after having my zx10 for only a week.
Was on a group ride and went in a turn too hot, smoking the tire in panic mode.
Couldn't raise my arm for a month :)
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Sorry about your get off! If your knee is the worst wound as a result, you are doing pretty well. Buy yourself a new pair of jeans and be thankful.

By the way, thank you so much for your service overseas! :beerchug:
Sorry for the get off. I don't have much for spare parts for a gen II, wish I did.
Hate to hear about that. I kind of keep up with the rides ya'll do out of Raleigh. Hope you are not too sore tomorrow.