Supreme Court Nominee

Like I kinda figured....

WASHINGTON (AP) — Elena Kagan, a Supreme Court nominee without judicial
experience, has suggested in writings and speeches over a quarter-century
that when judges make decisions, they must take account of their values and
experience and consider politics and policy, rather than act as robotic umpires.

Not since 1972 has a president picked someone for the high court who hasn't
been a judge. So what the 50-year-old Kagan has said about judging might
be the best indicator of the kind of justice she would be.


politics and policy...Could an Obama pick be any different :banghead:
They need to consider the Constituion, that is all. End of story. In lower courts, they need only consult local law.

Values, experience, politics and policy have absolutely nothing to do with the decisions made in the Supreme Court. This woman will be awful.
yeah, in 1972 Nixon appointed William Rehnquist to he Supreme Court....although he had no previous experience.

he was so horrible....he became "Chief Justice" when nominated by President Reagan in 1986.

there are countless threads daily about how screwed up the country is, how screwed up the legal system is and how the decisions of the Supreme Court are wrong, and un-Constitutional.....

yet, todays Supreme Court is one of the few instances where all of the sitting Justices were all judges in lower courts.

experience as a lower level judge does little to prepare one for the Supreme Court. Lower level judges rarely make decisions, juries do. Lower level judges make rulings about procedure, what evidence can be allowed...etc.

this is done by legal precedent....not by a dcision out o the blue by a local judge...
She probably has a birth certificate

pat 2.jpg


My facts are spot on my friend, I just like listening to all of your non-factual rants. Say what you want because November is coming. Let me put it this way, November 2010 elections is like a festering rash to you all liberals, it's just going to get worse and worse for you all. How about the recent Hawaii elections? Djou will also win in November too....det45 :laugh:

QUOTE=afterhours;2412954]not a liberal.....but why let fact ruin your fantasy.[/QUOTE]
I used to find myself falling into the trap of assuming the mantra "if you're not with us, you're against us" which was revived during the Bush years. The problem with this notion is that there are many people who might agree with your overall ideals, yet disagree with your methods or the manner in which you move towards realizing those ideals. I think you are mistaking afterhours disagreement with his support for the opposition.

For example, one can love the country of Iraq while still abhorring terrorism. The two concepts seem mutually exclusive to most people, but for someone that appreciates Iraq for its history and revered cultural past, it's not difficult to fathom.
If I was home unemployed and collecting welfare maybe, just maybe I would have time to list some of your rants. With that being said, I do acknowledge the fact that you do have the right to speak your mind just as I do however, I will be sure to highlight your future rants and I'll say what my daddy President Reagan said, " Well There You Go Again". :laugh: Lastly I will say that you are passionate on what you believe in as I am too. Nothing wrong with that for sure......det45

anywhere you would like?
Afterhours being unemployed and on welfare doesnt automatically make you a liberal but you were waiting for reasons and I am still waiting for a simple answer to the above .

sorry I missed the original the last election I voted McCain.

who brought up "unemployed and on welfare"?
I'll tell you what, afterhours can continue to posting his posts and I will be sure to point out the liberal bias along with some others. I can assure you that other people on this site would agree with me. With that being said I will continue to post my posts in which I will point out the truth and facts that the liberals call right wing hate talk. That is so sad to think that way. I have nothing personal against anyones opinions if they are factual. As far as the welfare thing my intentions were to illustrate that I don't have the time to research past postings such as someone on welfare "by choice" who has nothing but time on there hands to surf the net and hit their water bong. It was not directed at anyone directly. Now don't think you all got one on me guys because I will be relentless in my rebuttles to what I see as non-truths. If you all are taking this personnally I recommend that you don't because you have the right to speak your mind as I surely will do.......det45 :thumbsup:
I do not agree that afterhours has a liberal bias. Sorry.

I may well be out of line by slapping a label on him, but as I said before, this fits better than any other. In fact, I am closer to Libertarian than I am Republican, so I suppose I need to be lumped in there as well. Libertarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's wrong with honest disagreement?

"Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress"

“The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it.”
George Bernard Shaw

“Honest differences of views and honest debate are not disunity. They are the vital process of policy making among free men.”
Herbert Clark Hoover