Harley going overseas


Well, sorta. My understanding of the ‘facts’ is this.

The All American motorcycle company commissions parts to be manufactured outside the US that are then sent here where they are used in the assembly of their motorcycles.

These parts are attached to bikes that are sold here (and) on those sold and shipped outside the US.

Due to the recently imposed (raised) import and export tariffs on these items/parts, the Company wants to have those bikes that are to be exported, fully assembled outside the US. This is supposed to save money even though they will have to ship the American made parts to whatever country so their workers can assemble them.

How soon before they realize that manufacturing (every) part outside the country is cheaper? Maybe even on those bikes meant for sale here.
Seen an article last night about it....

It appears the UK is fighting back against Trump and imposing a tariff on American goods. 1 in particular is Harley Davidson. I guess the tariff used to be 6% and now they raised it to like 35% or something like that!!!! So it’s gonna cost Harley $2,200 to export a motorcycle to the U.K. to sell. So they are gonna open up plants overseas to circumvent the tariffs and still get bikes to people in the U.K. for a decent price.
Looks like companies in the UK are coming here and doing a similar thing. Seems like it'll work out well for all involved. Especially those able to get jobs here in the US. Don't know about any worker losses from the Harley movement though.


British industrialist Sanjeev Gupta’s GFG Industrials on Monday reopened a shuttered South Carolina steel plant in a move that will allow his U.K.-based firm to circumvent the Trump administration’s 25% tariffs on steel imports.
I think its the EU not just the UK on it own on this...and my understanding that the EU is targeting where there are is Trump supported states to apply pressure to the 'heartland'.

Either way the trickle down will be vast.
Regardless of what tariff, tax, whatever
F' Hardley Ableson, and there idiot management.
They have hung themselves.
Does anyone remember Buell...and how well they did in Superbike...and that they fired him?!
That they didn't want their company going in that direction. That they chose to keep making the same junk since, well, forever.
They got fuel injection, and more displacement, and.....?
I work with a guy who bought a new 17 ultra low bagger fat classic, whatever...with gps.
And...the bike's gps can Not find any of the harley dealerships! lmao! He has to use his phone's gps, the bike will get him within 1-2 miles. Pathetic.
Wait! Lets make "new" bikes with smaller engines! Yeah! Well, that didn't work either.
Lets not forget that HD has had alot of parts made in Japan for years. Don't get me wrong either, because I don't think the Italians or Germans, or anyone else makes better bikes than the Japanese. But, how American HD is that?
Now, they're trying to make electric bikes.
I can respect that, especially as we look to the future. But, which seems more HD to you? A v-twin superbike to compete on a world stage...or an electric bike to appeal to the yuppie tree huggers in clogged cities?
You can't keep remaking the same outdated thing, year after year, especially when the used market is flooded with every HD model there is, low miles, and way cheaper than new.
And, last one(for now), buy that new HD Goldwing wannabee. Put your American flag on it and fly it proudly(which I totally respect), and then take it in to the dealer for as little as an oil change and see what happens. Your hitch mount flag holder, yeah, that just voided your warranty...puts too much strain on the transmission. lmao!
If you like HD, no problem, just be aware of what coporate idiots and brand image have done.
HD will soon be another GE.
GE, in 05, was the largest company in the world. Today, gone from the stock market, and almost worthless.

Who here would buy a Good and competitive HD superbike?
If it was as good as the competition, I think alot of people would.
I think Buell's styling needed work, and was really getting there towards the end, but, oh well.
Damn Six your going in on The MoCo!!! :crazy:

A lot of what you say has some truth but honestly HD’s tech is difficult to navigate and understand. They make poop a lot harder than it needs to be. With that being said your friend probably didn’t do the most recent update on his Nav system so maybe that’s why he couldn’t find the dealerships. I actually collect the poker chips from dealerships and my navigation has led me to every one with no trouble.

Far as the performance and style of bikes H-D makes that’s a reflection of the consumer. Go on a HD forum and read what’s said!!! It’s ran, controlled, and mostly posted by Grumpy Old Men..... They want leaky old slow loud Shiny bikes that resemble bikes made from 40 years ago. Some of them old bastards still claim Carbs are the way to go and the government can dictate or monitor them through ECU’s and fuel injection!! I’m not making this poop up! Everytime HD has tried to innovate or revitalize the brand there was severe pushback from the H-D masses. Just look @ the new Fatbob they came out with. Probably the coolest looking corner carver Sport Cruiser they’ve ever produced!!! And pretty much every H-D owner over 40 HATES it....

You can’t be mad @ the Gourmet Restaurant if it’s patrons fall in love with their Cheeseburgers.... If the people want it you have to supply until they ask for something else
Harley plant in KCMO is closing. It's poor management in the long run. This admin is gunning for good deals. Gotta break eggs to make an omelet.
Damn Six your going in on The MoCo!!! :crazy:

A lot of what you say has some truth but honestly HD’s tech is difficult to navigate and understand. They make poop a lot harder than it needs to be. With that being said your friend probably didn’t do the most recent update on his Nav system so maybe that’s why he couldn’t find the dealerships. I actually collect the poker chips from dealerships and my navigation has led me to every one with no trouble.

Far as the performance and style of bikes H-D makes that’s a reflection of the consumer. Go on a HD forum and read what’s said!!! It’s ran, controlled, and mostly posted by Grumpy Old Men..... They want leaky old slow loud Shiny bikes that resemble bikes made from 40 years ago. Some of them old bastards still claim Carbs are the way to go and the government can dictate or monitor them through ECU’s and fuel injection!! I’m not making this poop up! Everytime HD has tried to innovate or revitalize the brand there was severe pushback from the H-D masses. Just look @ the new Fatbob they came out with. Probably the coolest looking corner carver Sport Cruiser they’ve ever produced!!! And pretty much every H-D owner over 40 HATES it....

You can’t be mad @ the Gourmet Restaurant if it’s patrons fall in love with their Cheeseburgers.... If the people want it you have to supply until they ask for something else

I agree with you(and told him to try another update).
The problem is still HD management.
They could still make their classic bikes, but they Must also move forward.
Very, very few businesses can survive unless they adapt to the changing times.
I've never been a big HD fan, just not my style, but, I didn't really hate them until they ditched Buell.
They shot themself in the foot, and have been bleeding out ever since...oh well, dummies.
How long can their customer base buy the same bike? Apparently not much longer.
The FatBob you talked about, I think you posted here when it came out, and it Is a cool bike.
Ultimately, it's their image. HD shirt, socks, jeans, underwear, bandana, etc. Ride to the bar/restaurant, hang out, talk all things HD, ride to next stop, repeat. Or, just a hardcore biker and/or gang member(gang, not club), and those guys are die hard...and most aren't buying new bikes.
Make the same old same old(in shrinking numbers, hence the flooded used market), And, go in a new direction.
Ask anyone here to pick their favorite sportbike(Busa or other), now, pretend you don't know what it is.
Now put a HD sticker on it. Would You buy it? Would I? Probably so.
I love Japanese sportbikes, always have, but, I could get on board with an American designed and built HD sportbike. Buell fans did. And as said above, I think styling hurt Buell sales. However, He did alot of inovative things, including be sucessful in Superbike. It could be done again.
As of now, HD is going to fade into history, and build and sell bikes in places most of us have never heard of. Why? Because it's that...or fold.
Why buy the latest HD new, when you can get it used for wayyyy less? Because the majority of buyers bought the hype, it quickly wore off, and they walked away, and are selling their problem.
I have no sympathy for them.
A pick up truck version of their ridiculous 'Tri-Glide', all jacked up on a set of 36's could save the company. Harley riders love pick ups...
They already have manufacturing locations in Brazil and India with another coming to Thailand. Why is everyone so mad about it?
Years ago my local HD dealer called me to help them fix an old GS Suzuki for one of their customers.

I got an 01 Sportster with lots of engine work and will do 130 but it's one heck of a dance at that speed.
Every time I stop by HD dealer they keep asking when I going to upgrade and I keep telling them as soon one of their bikes can beat me.
HD isn’t doing anything the car companies haven’t done.

Except American car makers (I believe) aren’t sending parts made here to other countries to assemble ‘American’ cars for sale there. That’s what Harley wants to do apparently to save tariff money.
I dont know that much about tariffs trade etc. I can barely balance a check book. But ( and Im not trying to be political) Im just gonna put my trust in the President on this. He of all people should know the right path. Besides the U.S. already is billions in the red in trade with foreign trade so Im betting we win in the end. Besides he knocked it out the park with the economy so Ill wait to see like everyone else.
I dont know that much about tariffs trade etc. I can barely balance a check book. But ( and Im not trying to be political) Im just gonna put my trust in the President on this. He of all people should know the right path. Besides the U.S. already is billions in the red in trade with foreign trade so Im betting we win in the end. Besides he knocked it out the park with the economy so Ill wait to see like everyone else.

I just had to laugh........out loud........