More climate change

I've been doing quite a bit of watching historical data (via documentaries) regarding how the climate has been changing for millennia..

There have been countless ancient cities discovered which were once on a shore line but are now in a desert...there has been evidence found that these were lush, beautiful cities but the water source dried up and over the decades the cities were slowly deserted...

We skip forward to today and we see rises in sea water yet droughts in other areas....humans are working hard at adapting the planet to our needs but in the end, the planet will win...

There were many advanced civilizations (for their time) which disappeared some of them fairly abruptly......

Makes me wonder which country of today won't exist in a few years....we saw Yugoslavia disappear as a country and I'm sure there will be many more by the time the dust settles...

We could see the end of Russia as a country, we are witnessing it's end as a superpower...

China is in a decline as well...their economy is struggling and their population is aging with Gen Z being the smallest generation by population yet...
Interesting, oil revenue used to install clean energy. I looked at Solar for my home, as Duke energy gives a 1:1 rebate for what goes back into the grid. Financially the payback did not make it, even if the draw of an EV was thrown in.

Nice effort to reduce CO2, but I can’t help to wander what the UAE will survive on, if the rest of the world follows and no one buys their oil any longer.

Interesting, oil revenue used to install clean energy. I looked at Solar for my home, as Duke energy gives a 1:1 rebate for what goes back into the grid. Financially the payback did not make it, even if the draw of an EV was thrown in.

Nice effort to reduce CO2, but I can’t help to wander what the UAE will survive on, if the rest of the world follows and no one buys their oil any longer.

Industry will always need petroleum, as it's a key ingredient in most things including plastic which all the wires for green tech are coated in.

From what I've seen and read, many scientists frown on large solar fields as they stop the sun's rays from reaching the earth....if these solar fields were placed on large structures like malls or such, they would be less intrusive IMO.

Last winter we had the darkest, cloudiest winter on record, people who had residential solar installations saw very little gain from them. I've noticed it has been cloudy and grey quite a bit this fall already....
Hi. We have solar and 2 big wind generator. We get payed back about $1,200.00 a year. I am for renewable energy so there will fuel for our bikes.
The data isn’t going well for solar panels or wind mills. There’s a 47 year supply of proven oil. Anyway this is a political mess, not a true crisis. Don’t study this just live with it. Read an article that stated oil doesn’t come from dinosaur remains, which made sense to me given the depth of oil reserves, but anyway glad ur making money.
There’s a 47 year supply of proven oil. Anyway this is a political mess, not a true crisis.
47 years is not a crisis? I don't see your logic. Might not effect anybody posting in this thread but that's a great reason to encourage continued developement and implementation of new renewable energy sources.

We have solar and 2 big wind generator. We get payed back about $1,200.00 a year. I am for renewable energy so there will fuel for our bikes.

That's great and logical thinking
An interesting discussion....

I'm one of those guys who respect qualifications and experience of people who specialize in their fields. I'm not an environmentalist, so this is not my field of expertise, but I do know a tiny bit. I'm not the kind of guy who will tell a heart surgeon how he should perform open heart surgery, I respect his qualifications and his skills. I frown upon folks who are arrogant enough to try and pretend they know more than the specialist.

This is what I do know.

In gas laws, when it comes to CO2 and other gasses, we never talk about percentages. The values are so small, we talk in parts per million.
There are some gasses, not CO2, where more than 2 parts per million will be lethal. There are some substances, which if we add them to dust particles above 2 parts per million, will give you lung cancer after a few years of exposure.

We know CO2 is now around 450ppm, 50% higher than the start of the industrial revolution.

I can tell you roughly how much CO2 my forest consumes and how much I generate, simply because I appreciate what mother earth has given me in this life.

Our planet is an absolute miracle, in the tiny part of the infinite universe we can see and it is beyond the understanding of most of us how everything surrounding us in such a fine balance could happen. Some of us really appreciate that, others simply don't appreciate anything and they know everything.

There are folks who make a career out of this, they study it in depth, they spend a lot of time in this field and they measure as well as analyze streams and streams of data. They are severely concerned about this.

Who am I to deny their knowledge? I simply don't have the arrogance to do what the guy in your video does.

I know the wavelengths at which CO2 accepts energy in nanometers and what that means. I can't help but wonder if your hero in video knows that?

If he is your kind of guy, let's just accept that we are two very different kinds of people.
I'm one of those guys who respect qualifications and experience of people who specialize in their fields. I'm not an environmentalist, so this is not my field of expertise, but I do know a tiny bit. I'm not the kind of guy who will tell a heart surgeon how he should perform open heart surgery, I respect his qualifications and his skills. I frown upon folks who are arrogant enough to try and pretend they know more than the specialist.

This is what I do know.

In gas laws, when it comes to CO2 and other gasses, we never talk about percentages. The values are so small, we talk in parts per million.
There are some gasses, not CO2, where more than 2 parts per million will be lethal. There are some substances, which if we add them to dust particles above 2 parts per million, will give you lung cancer after a few years of exposure.

We know CO2 is now around 450ppm, 50% higher than the start of the industrial revolution.

I can tell you roughly how much CO2 my forest consumes and how much I generate, simply because I appreciate what mother earth has given me in this life.

Our planet is an absolute miracle, in the tiny part of the infinite universe we can see and it is beyond the understanding of most of us how everything surrounding us in such a fine balance could happen. Some of us really appreciate that, others simply don't appreciate anything and they know everything.

There are folks who make a career out of this, they study it in depth, they spend a lot of time in this field and they measure as well as analyze streams and streams of data. They are severely concerned about this.

Who am I to deny their knowledge? I simply don't have the arrogance to do what the guy in your video does.

I know the wavelengths at which CO2 accepts energy in nanometers and what that means. I can't help but wonder if your hero in video knows that?

If he is your kind of guy, let's just accept that we are two very different kinds of people.
I don't have a guy perse but I do realize there are people out there who are professionals in their fields who make these videos and have the wherewithal to post them...there are lots of videos to the contrary.

The very fact it is called a "Climate Crisis" by governments and activists is what gives me pause as I know what kind of response a word such as "crisis" promotes....lots of funding to the scientific community.....without this, they would be looking for work.