More climate change

I agree, like it has in the past to the Mayans, Incas, ancient Egyptians and I'm sure there are more....all huge advanced civilizations which all disappeared...
I learned something interesting about the Mayans when I did an Eco Vacation a few years back. They were a pretty advanced nation by native standards. They built pyramids out of limestone. Realized it didn't stand up to wind and water in however long that took.

Then they manage to learn over the next however long a period that if you fire limestone under extreme heat, it molecularly hardened and was proven could last for as long as history was written. It's now 2500 years later and they still stand. With the original cut marks and engineering markings.

Scientist reverse engineered the amount of heat needed to fire the stones that made up the pyramids, and believe strongly that deforestation that took place to build them, was the main contribution to their demise as a nation. They deforested entire regions, moved on, repeated, until they ran out of forest real estate.

So we've been killing ourselves longer than we've had cars and fossil fuel burning.

Sidenote:. They also had a 364 day calenders and a complete understanding of solar equinoxes. They knew the shortest and longest day of each year, years in advance.

I personally think some higher source of knowledge was teaching these civilizations. Pyramids in Egypt and Mexico at the same time and the same design is hard to think is independent. Let alone how to know how to fire limestone to harden it. I mean it takes hundreds of years for it to fail in an unfired state. And you don't just wake up one day and decide how that gets resolved
It's clear we don't fully understand the history of many civilizations. It has been studied and determined that the pyramid is the most logical way to build a tall structure with stone-age tools and metallurgy. So it could be that the notion of the pyramid was coincidental to many civilizations. The stone thing is a head-scratcher though.

In the 1700s the air quality in colonial cities was worse than it is now due to the burning of wood. And the lumber trade to Europe deforested the Americas just as it had Europe, especially Spain. Once people were burning coal for home heating, things got even worse.
(...)it'll be a bit hotter, massive storms and there will be biblical flooding. (...)

that biblical flooding we had a week ago here in the west of germany
with arround 150 dead (other 150 still missed) and 4-8 billions of euros of costs for damages to houses, streets and railroad tracks, etc.

i tell ya - the pics in tv where definitely terrifying - horror pure!

so i guess the climate change is real.
I hear that is illegal to put a CO2 blanket on your wife....
Dutch Oven :laugh:
It's clear we don't fully understand the history of many civilizations. It has been studied and determined that the pyramid is the most logical way to build a tall structure with stone-age tools and metallurgy. So it could be that the notion of the pyramid was coincidental to many civilizations. The stone thing is a head-scratcher though.

In the 1700s the air quality in colonial cities was worse than it is now due to the burning of wood. And the lumber trade to Europe deforested the Americas just as it had Europe, especially Spain. Once people were burning coal for home heating, things got even worse.
That is very interesting there was also a time early where a long period of cooling happened due to a massive volcano, they figured it out by samples of glaciers were they tested for chemicals and by-products from making coins. They have almost exact times when the cooling start because nation were making less coins due to failed crops and starvation, I can't remember if it was a world wide event or just Europe. The true dark ages!
Todays IPCC assessment shows we will hit 1.5 Deg C warming 20 years sooner than originally predicted.
no doubt this comments will be split by those which agree and those that thing this is another hoax.
Greek islands are burning etc..

for me its real and governments need to do something NOW

US and China are the worst offenders , i could go on and on and on
deforestation of the amazon to grow animal eaten soy to give western world cheap beef burgers

Heatwaves, flooding and droughts will be more frequent and more intense as the world is set to hit the 1.5C global warming limit within the next 20 years, a landmark United Nations review has predicted.

The milestone scientific assessment says the rate of warming in the last 2,000 years has been "unprecedented" and it was "unequivocal" that human influence has made the world hotter.

In fact, it is already responsible for 1.1C of global warming since 1850, the report said.

UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres described the findings as a "code red for humanity" and scientists, campaigners and politicians lined up to call for a shift away from polluting fossil fuels and to end deforestation.
Todays IPCC assessment shows we will hit 1.5 Deg C warming 20 years sooner than originally predicted.
no doubt this comments will be split by those which agree and those that thing this is another hoax.
Greek islands are burning etc..

for me its real and governments need to do something NOW

US and China are the worst offenders , i could go on and on and on
deforestation of the amazon to grow animal eaten soy to give western world cheap beef burgers

Heatwaves, flooding and droughts will be more frequent and more intense as the world is set to hit the 1.5C global warming limit within the next 20 years, a landmark United Nations review has predicted.

The milestone scientific assessment says the rate of warming in the last 2,000 years has been "unprecedented" and it was "unequivocal" that human influence has made the world hotter.

In fact, it is already responsible for 1.1C of global warming since 1850, the report said.

UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres described the findings as a "code red for humanity" and scientists, campaigners and politicians lined up to call for a shift away from polluting fossil fuels and to end deforestation.
Looks like we are doomed as a species....fossil fuels will be still being used a hundred yrs from now..

I just used some this morning and plan to use some more later....

Of course my wife and I planted 5 trees yesterday.
fossil fuels should be metered out carefully for such things as Aviation , i dont see a Jumbo jet being powered by batteries.

most of the carbon is heating / industry / cooling and animal agriculture namely and transportation
CO2 from the 60 billion animals we slaughter each year has a bigger footprint than all transportation.

yep i'm vegan - it wont happen but the planet with only plants can feed 14 billion humans and still convert more land to re-foresting. stick the cows and cattle in zoos and bring back wildlife
only 2% of animals are wildlife - 98% are what we consume

some things can be decarbonised , we do need to plant more trees and somehow prevent the contraction of the polar ice caps to reflect back into space the sunlight.

i won't be around when things get nasty - but hope my kids and their kids can survive.

over population is once cause, i read that if India and china start to consume meat at the rate of US consumption we will need another 2 planet earths to grow the animal feed. may be over egging it , but i get the principle.
i never understood the want for gas guzzling SUV in US with 10-12 mpg etc - cheap fuel no taxes

for decades Europeans pay high prices for petrol/diesel ( 70% of UK fuel is taxation) which in turn made everbody get vehicles that were fuel efficient - 50mpg Imperial measure is what i get from my diesel E series Merc
i never understood the want for gas guzzling SUV in US with 10-12 mpg etc - cheap fuel no taxes

for decades Europeans pay high prices for petrol/diesel ( 70% of UK fuel is taxation) which in turn made everbody get vehicles that were fuel efficient - 50mpg Imperial measure is what i get from my diesel E series Merc
Distance to travel is the biggest draw I reckon....even here where I live it takes at least 2 days to travel across one province....doing it in a cracker box would be less than great.

Many SUVs are getting better fuel than ever before, my full sized Ram truck will get over 25mpg on the hiway if I'm not stomping on the go fast peddle that is...

I've spent time in the UK on courses and exercises and there is a vast difference between there and here in both culture, ideology and distances to travel.
fossil fuels should be metered out carefully for such things as Aviation , i dont see a Jumbo jet being powered by batteries.

most of the carbon is heating / industry / cooling and animal agriculture namely and transportation
CO2 from the 60 billion animals we slaughter each year has a bigger footprint than all transportation.

yep i'm vegan - it wont happen but the planet with only plants can feed 14 billion humans and still convert more land to re-foresting. stick the cows and cattle in zoos and bring back wildlife
only 2% of animals are wildlife - 98% are what we consume

some things can be decarbonised , we do need to plant more trees and somehow prevent the contraction of the polar ice caps to reflect back into space the sunlight.

i won't be around when things get nasty - but hope my kids and their kids can survive.

over population is once cause, i read that if India and china start to consume meat at the rate of US consumption we will need another 2 planet earths to grow the animal feed. may be over egging it , but i get the principle.
Man is the most destructive critter to have ever set foot on the earth...sadly nothing short of our own demise will stop that.

I almost get angry when I pass by a former farm getting torn down and stripped of trees to accept a subdivision....

I grew up on a beef farm so I will always be a carnivore but even in those days, there were smarter ways of farming which balanced farming with nature conservation...

There is a band around Toronto Ontario called the "green belt" and no industrial, commercial or residential subdivisions can be erected within this green zone....there was recent talk of the current government to abolish this green zone to allow expansion.....if that goes through, it will disappear in the blink of an eye...

As it stands now, many off-shore corporations own the old "mom and pop" farms and have turned them into cash crop producers, they have stripped away any copse of trees for more growing property, a large percentage of the gross product leaves Canada to boot....There used to be beautiful old farms where I grew up and now they are all gone...along with the environmental initiatives that were in place to protect habitats...
Here we are and months have passed..

My across the street neighbor is moving and the packing people are there today with a gas powered cube van...they've been over there since 0800 and the van has been idling the whole time while they are inside packing up his stuff...
Here we are and months have passed..

My across the street neighbor is moving and the packing people are there today with a gas powered cube van...they've been over there since 0800 and the van has been idling the whole time while they are inside packing up his stuff...
it must be cold over there in Canada right now... maybe trying to keep insides warm ?

no probably just ignorant, the removals guys obviously don't pay for the gas
Dane Wigington has been on top of this for 24 years.

The amount of data he has collected and the testimony from experts in specific fields is supported by tons of evidence. Its not just the made man causes that are being labeled as entirely responsible for the climate change... its much more than that.

Climate engineering that is jeopardizing humanity is being done intentionally. Some people will say its tin foil hat conspiracy mumbo jumbo... all I can say is check it out.

Look at Lake Shasta California. Go to 12 minutes and discover what was found.
Global Alert News dated 7-2-22 is worth taking a look at. Post 36 above.

Dane Wigington has been on this for a long time and has many supporters backing his operation. Just as our freedoms hang in the balance with an out of control political / media machine that is hell bent on gaining power... our "Climate Change" narrative has a lot missing information that is being suppressed. Regardless as to whatever you happen to believe is true I would take this mans word over almost anything the mass media is putting out.
Dane Wigington has been on top of this for 24 years.

The amount of data he has collected and the testimony from experts in specific fields is supported by tons of evidence. Its not just the made man causes that are being labeled as entirely responsible for the climate change... its much more than that.

Climate engineering that is jeopardizing humanity is being done intentionally. Some people will say its tin foil hat conspiracy mumbo jumbo... all I can say is check it out.

Look at Lake Shasta California. Go to 12 minutes and discover what was found.
why would central US government want to cut off the water supply for California ??????????

from Aluminium cloud seeding ???
why would central US government want to cut off the water supply for California ??????????

from Aluminium cloud seeding ???
A question that brings the point closer to focus might be... what part of the Federal Government would want to cut the water supply to California?

More information from various sources regarding particularized aluminum being sprayed in the skies.
